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  1. Originally Posted by JayV2003
    Is it also possible to do this, when you have a divx with ac3 sound? If so, does the svcd also has surround sound?
    Yes if you set the setings in dvd2svcd it well..
    Quote Quote  
  2. Originally Posted by KinJo

    is this guide helpful if i want to add permanent SUBs to a XSVCD or SVCD without losing too much quality?

    if so.......are there any additional software i should download.
    (also i try this I-author guide....but the software isnt free )
    (and theres another soft called maestroSBT i dunno if i need to use that)
    hoping someone replies
    Yes the this guide well by the one to use
    Quote Quote  
  3. Ofcourse you all know about the same thing can be done using vobsub.dll instead of textsub. Easier if you have a .idx and a .sub-file, since you won't have to spend time converting it manually to another format. I'll write a guide if anyone's interested.
    Quote Quote  
  4. Hello,
    I have some problems with these things here.And I want to ask You all if you can hepl me.
    Here is the problem:
    I get this message:
    The resolution of the video is illegal

    And the program writes: Unable to load Plugin...
    And it writes that it can not read line 7 in AviSynth_Script_file.avs
    Line 7 is: LoadPlugin("E:\Program Files\Gabest\DVD2SVCD\textsub.vdf")
    Plus this I can't find anywhere textsub.vdf.
    How can I disolve this problems?
    Here is my .ini file:
    1=ConvertToYUY2().SimpleResize(^TargetWidth,^Targe tHeight)
    !SimpleResize.dll=E:\Program Files\Gabest\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\SimpleResize\SimpleResize.dll

    0=BicubicResize(^TargetWidth,^TargetHeight,^b_valu e,^c_value)


    [AVISYNTH_BiCubicResize With forced subs for avi]
    1=BicubicResize(^TargetWidth,^TargetHeight,^b_valu e,^c_value)
    !SimpleResize.dll=E:\Program Files\Gabest\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\SimpleResize\SimpleResize.dll
    !textsub.vdf=E:\Program Files\Gabest\VobSub\textsub.vdf
    !file.sub=E:\The_Drunken_Master\The Legend Of The Drunken Master.ass

    P.S. I have a newer version of the DVD2SVCD program, it is 1.1.3 Build 2.
    If you can post me the whole ini file so I can copy it from here.
    Thanks in advance!!!
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  5. Hi!

    I' willing to code permanent CVD subtitles from some AVI (divX) and srt files, but it just dont works! With subs from DVD files it's okay.

    I use DVD2SVCD 1.2.1B2 with TMPGEnc 2.5x and VobSub 2.18, to produce NTSC CVD.

    Should I use Bicubic or Simple Resize?

    My AViSynth script:

    LoadPlugin("C:\Arquivos de Programas\VobSub\textsub.vdf")
    textsub("C:\tmp\Kung Pow.ass")

    TMPGEnc shows in the preview area:
    LoadPlugin:Unable to load C:\Arquivos de Programas\VobSub\TextSub.vdf (C:\data\AviSynth_Script_file.avs) and an popup error screen "This window size is not accepted by selected MPEG-2 level"
    At the bottom of TMPGEnc screen: DVD2SVCD (MPEG-2 768x56 23.976fps CQ_VBR 100)

    Strange de resolution 768x56...

    If I change the first line to LoadPlugin("C:\Arquiv~1\VobSub\textsub.vdf"), TMPGEnc displays no popup error window (at the bottom of the screen: DVD2SVCD (MPEG-2 664x56 23.976fps CQ_VBR 100), but the final file has only audio and a tag "LoadPlugin: unable to load 'C:\ARQUIV~1\VobSub\textsub.vdf'..."

    Again a weird resolution: 664x56

    If i choose not to include the subtitles, it works fine.

    The guide is really good, as well as DVD2SVCD. I must be doing something wrong...

    Thanks for any help.
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  6. I can't get this working, either. I'm having the "resolution of the video is illegal" error, and uninstalling/reinstalling vobsub didn't help. In DVD2SVCD, when I try to preview the video (still picture), I get an error message that's cut-off, so I can't even tell what it's complaining about (see picture below).

    Any ideas?

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  7. [/b]Baldrick i do anything that u wrote!
    But on the last step it coming 1 eror!
    The program can't convert it because it's not IFO file!
    Please tell me what to do because i want to make VCD!
    If u want you cant write me at or !
    But please answer me why coming that eror!!
    Pleaseee :P
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  8. G'day,

    I getting this error:

    The resolution of the video is illegal

    This is me script:

    LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\Gabest\VobSub\textsub.vdf")

    What have I done wrong???

    Thanks for your help.

    Quote Quote  

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