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  1. Ok I just burned a movie and it came out with 2 black bars at the top and at the bottom. The movie stated it was letterbox so I selected 16:9. I am using DVD2SVCD, and I selected 16:9 why did it come out like that?

    I did a search and read some related posts and it said to select 16:9 but something about another option like keep aspect or full screen and 16:9. My problem is I don't see any other option but 16:9 in DVD2SVCD, what is wrong?
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  2. Член BJ_M's Avatar
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    letterbox means it has a black line top and bottom . either you have to crop the sides (pan and scan) and fill screen to fit it on a 4:3 OR stretch the image (uggh) OR get a wide screen tv ... if this is what your talking about ...
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  3. your does not say 'if letterbox choose 16:9' read again
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