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  1. Member
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    It does work, except that DVD Decrypter's burn process won't work on my XP Pro OS. Ripping it the exact same way and then using Ulead or Nero to burn the ISO to DVD works perfectly.
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  2. Originally Posted by Nathan
    How do we know if it's single or double layer? Does it say so on the package of the DVD?
    did you ever get an answer to your question? I thought it was a good one.

    Does this program also copy 5.1 channels of the DVD ?

    I thank everyone who answers...
    Almost HUMAN
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  3. no it will not tell you if it's single or double, but if it lacks special features than chances are it's might be single layer. If you ripp 100% of all the files and burn back ( assuming all of them totla less than 4.3Gb ) and it's 5.1 encoded, yes it will play back as all you are really doing is a 1:1 copy.
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  4. Originally Posted by mikerios
    no it will not tell you if it's single or double, but if it lacks special features than chances are it's might be single layer. If you ripp 100% of all the files and burn back ( assuming all of them totla less than 4.3Gb ) and it's 5.1 encoded, yes it will play back as all you are really doing is a 1:1 copy.
    thanks for your promt reply...
    Tell me if this is right?
    As long as i only rip "4.3GB of less" from any DVD to a DVD-R, that the DVD-R disk will work with most players?

    Please tell me that the all Dolby channles on DVD are accesible to copy & burn to a DVD-R?

    Thanks again
    Almost HUMAN
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  5. if you rip it 1:1 ( and it's under 4.3 Gb ) and it's Dobly encoded 5.1, then yes eveying plays back as orginal, as for playback on all dvd player, so far of the 4 units we have in my house hold, my dvd-r plays back on 2 sonys, 1 pioneer and 1 toshiba.
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  6. Nathan,
    i believe that single layer dvds are silver and dual layer dvds are gold
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  7. To those people who can't tell if the DVD is single or dual layer, use some common sense and explore the dvd with your computer and check out the data size! Under 4.7 = single and Over 4.7 = dual!

    Or just look on the DVD and sometimes it says!
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  8. Let me just tell you.....This is AWESOME!!! You know what you are talking about!!!!! I copied a DVD in no time flat. Total movie length was 2 hours 20 minutes (on one DVD-R disc). Works perfectly on my home DVD player. I will always use this program for my DVD Burning. Thanks for all your help...Definetely beats "ALL" DVD burning software out there to date!
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  9. Member
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    I dunno...Maybe im a little late on this thread, but i did everything correctly and in the end....I have a picture of a CD with a music note on it,labled as "DVD_VIDEO".(it says it's only 1kb?) Also, in the same folder WinRar made an archive and when i open it, the VIDEO_TS folder is there and when i click on this, a bunch of files are in there.

    So what exactly am i burning here? Sorry...Im a Newb
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  10. Member
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    Hello again

    O-K, i just set WinRar so that it's not my default for opening ISO files. Now instead of having a WinRar archive with VIDEO_TS inside and a bunch of files inside of that. I now have 1 large ISO file in place of it. The ISO file is exactly 4.00GB. But when i try to play the file back in my PowerDVD it wont work??

    So am i only burning this image in Nero?? Someone please give me the 411 on this???
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  11. IremainAMisterE

    Power DVD cannot open IS0 files, only VOBs or MPG files ( and I think AVI files as well ). If you made the file with Smartripper or DVd Decryptor, you can burn it in NERO, undr FILE------BURN IMAGE -- and load the iso. ( you need a DVD-r or DVD+r for this ). Or you can extract the ISO with CDMage and extract to the AUDIO_TS VIDEO_TS directories and then burn in Nero as DVD UDF / ISO or DVD Movie. I am not sure how you are getting the DVD Rip to an ISO format so all I can guess is that's it's via DVD Decryptor or Smart Ripper.

    WinRAR should never be used for any DVd ripping as it's a archival compression program and does not have function related to DVd ripping / Copying.

    So to copy a 4.3 Gb ( or less ) single layer DVD, is one of 2 ways...

    Run DVD Decryptor / Smart Ripper and extract to a folder on the hardrive, then run Nero and drag n drop the VOB, IFO and BUP files to the VIDEO_TS folder ( leaving the AUDIO_TS folder empty but included on the burn for compatibility sake )..

    or Run DVD Decryptor / Smart Ripper and rip to a single ISO file to the hardrive and burn the ISO in Nero.

    Both of the methods are covered in the guides here and at

    -= Peace Out =-
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  12. its just as easy to make an image of the dvd with nero and burning that
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  13. Nero does not DeCSS ( decrypt ), so that will not work, and unless you are ripping a Porn DVD then that will work, but then you can simple copy it, no image necessary.
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  14. are you insinuating i rip porn videos? i just explained a method of copying dvd,s that works for me thats all
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  15. no, I was just merely pointing out the fact that unless the dvd is not encrypted ( and few movie ones are, but porn dvds are unencrypted for some reason and are regionless to boot ), Nero will not make an image correclty of the DVD ( as it does not decrypt the streams much less copy the encryption over) and thus will not make a proper copy of a encrypted dvd, it works only on unecrypted dvds ( and I have rarely run into a few of those that are movies and not porn dvds ).
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  16. Originally Posted by mikerios
    no it will not tell you if it's single or double...
    When in ISO mode if you look to your right under "Physical Information:"
    it clearly states "Number of Layers:"
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  17. The_Flash,

    mikerios wrote:
    no it will not tell you if it's single or double...

    When in ISO mode if you look to your right under "Physical Information:"
    it clearly states "Number of Layers:"

    thanks for clearing up my error about dvd decryptor, I stand corrected.
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  18. to

    hi i followed your steps created a iso file the problem is when i click on iso write i get a spti command error can any one help me or direct me to any forum or sites explaninng this .

    running on winxp + sp1 using ricoh 5125a

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  19. Member
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    Thanks for posting this easy-to-use guide. I'm running a Pentium 475 in Windows 98. I can do the read part of the process fine but my PC locks up everytime I try the write part.

    Does this only work in Windows 2000 due to larger file sizes of that OS?


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  20. Member
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    Question: For this method does it need to be under 4.7 or 4.3 to fit properly. I just did one that was 4.63 and it burned great but it gets choppy at the end to where it is unwatchable. It is a RW so no big deal but should I start over and try it again or is the file just too big?
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  21. First time visiting this forum. This program works great for me only when using a DVD+RW (TDK) . I always get a coaster when using a DVD+R (TDK), tried burning at 1 and 2x. I use DVD-Decrypter for burning. I tried burning with Nero (latest upgrade) but I only have the ISO and a MDS??? file that I can drag into the Video_TS file (make DVD-Video selected in Nero). Are there any setup options that need to be addressed with Decrypter or Nero in order for me to get a successful DVD+R burn? Any input on how I may be able to solve some of these issues would be greatly appreciated. I’m running XP home on a dedicated Pentium 4 2.4gHz system with a Philips DVDRW228 burner. All in all, DVD-Decrypter is a great program, (for DVD+RW that is) Have a Great Day!!!
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  22. Originally Posted by axlish
    Question: For this method does it need to be under 4.7 or 4.3 to fit properly. I just did one that was 4.63 and it burned great but it gets choppy at the end to where it is unwatchable. It is a RW so no big deal but should I start over and try it again or is the file just too big?
    Probably due to cheap media, sometimes get a little flakey at the edge
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  23. burning dvds this works for me 100% on all single layer if i could just figure out dual layer dvds any one want to give me some live tech support over instant messenger or know any irc channels i can get some help?

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  24. When performing step 2 can I create a folder to temp. store the ISO Image and when I try to write the ISO image to my DVD-R step 3 the icons shade to a gray color does this mean that I am on the right track or that I have screwed up. Does DVD Decrypter work with all DVD-R and DVD-RW drives. Thank you in advance from a newbie
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  25. hey guys, need your help

    i followed this guide
    burn it without any problem, playing it though is another

    i tried it out on 2 seperate dvds, both have the same problem

    after burning everything (ripping the ISO from the dvd using dvd decryptor and burning using the same program)

    everything run smoothly

    problem is, my movie dvd-rs, they only play till half the dvd, anythign beyond the half, it gives me an error..

    i can even put the disk in a dvd player without any problems during the first half of the movie, the second half is the problem though.. it just gives me an error and saying some corrupted files in there.

    will nero solve this?

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  26. once you copy the iso image to you hard drive using DVD Decrypter. you then burn the iso image to a blank dvd using DVD Decrypter in the mode ISO then click on write.
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  27. aye i tried that.. but it's giving me problems,

    just an undate, i tried with nero in burning it also. but it won't work, same problem

    if i click on any spot after half of the seek bar, it tells me that my dvd is corrupted

    here's the exact error message : The DVD disc might have been damaged so as to inhibit playback operation.

    any way to solve this?

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  28. Member
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    I downloaded the DVD Decrypter and it read and decrypted fine, but when I tried to write or burn it didnt do anything, no errors no nothing...what did I do wrong or didnt do?
    I am using a DVD burner and trying to burn to DVD-R
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  29. hmm i'm not sure sure about your case DazzledAndDazzed

    but i figured out mine

    found out about the DVD-9 and such , silly me..

    the dvd i was trying to burn was 7.6gb, obviously it won't fit on a 4.38 gb dvd-r

    i split the dvd by using dvd decrypter, dvdsplit and dvd burn,
    it works nicely, dvd split and dvd burn is a worth purchasing program, only cost 25 bucks,
    i spent few hours trying to figure out infoedit and still can't get it right, used dvdsplit, and bam! it worked just nicely, all i had to do is make sure both dvds are less then 4.38gb in size, everything works nicely , and it even plays on my dvd player (not the pc)

    hope this helps
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  30. Sylpheed

    Where can I buy this dvdsplit and dvd burn?
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