I bought this to rip dvd's.
ROOFULL External CD/DVD Drive USB 3.0 Portable
It had really good reviews. I am not that happy with it. I finally was able to rip a dvd but the playback quality was not so good on my windows 11 computer. Thinking of returning it and getting another one. maybe this time a blu ray burner ripper instead. anyone use the roofull usb 3.0? Do you find it any good or should i get a different one? any advice on which reader writer to get reasonably priced? DVD and blu ray. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Another thing. I ripped a dvd but in playback it said there was no sound because it was a ac3 format. Does this mean the saved file saved as a ac3 or was my original ripped dvd a ac3? Hoe do i fix this and get a ripped dvd with sound?
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Last edited by zipsick; 18th Feb 2025 at 13:22.
Ripping just means to put the DVD onto your hard drive with the copy protection removed. Outside of that, it will be identical to what's on the DVD disk. What did you use to do that, to transfer the DVD to the hard drive?
It sounds to me like you might have converted it to something else. After the ripping did you get IFO, BUP and VOB files, or something else, an MP4 or AVI, perhaps?
I doubt your DVD player is responsible for any degradation of the DVD. It can only play them. -
I'm not a DVDFab fan but you can download their trial version for free.
In 30 days it become the free version called HD Decrypter.
It is limited in some functions.
Mainly there is a 60 to 90 day delay on newly released movies.
DVDFab Passkey Lite will also rip a DVD but only to full size.
If you need to compress you can try DVDShrink with Passkey Lite as the decrypter.
Or rip the DVD with Passkey Lite & compress those files with DVDShrink.
Then MakeMKV will rip & convert to a .mkv file.
Those are the best free softwares I know of. -
Hello. Thanks for helping. I bought this player /burner / writer and trying to figures things out. I want to take my dvd’s and make copies of them. The Roofull device should do all of this.
Roofull Customer Support sent me some programs for ripping the dvd’s. Lots of problems using them. They are all free apps. I tried VLV and Handbrake. I was able to figure out how to get 2 copies of 2 of my dvd’s to make a file for me on my computer. But when I play them the quality is terrible. Also both recordings were only 5 minutes long. Do you know of any good free programs to get my DVD’s from my device to a full good quality file? Or should I invest in paid software? If I should do you have anyone to recommend? Also I have tried playing the dvd files on different players. I tried media player. I came with my new windows 11 computer. Bad quality playback. Also used KMPPlayer and another program I dont remember the name but both bad quality playback which make me think if it plays back on 3 different programs it must be the recordings. Another thought. Could it be my computer? It’s a new good computer with a good graphics card. Do graphic cards have anything to do with quality of playback? What is required on your computer to get quality dvd playback? I recorded in mo4.
Any other info that will help you help me let me know. Appruour help! -
As manono stated, per the original defiintion, RIPPING/RIP* is copying the original file(s) bit for bit, optionally without the copy protection if present.
*RIPPING/RIP has been bastardized today to refer to reencodes, which programs like Handbrake do and will always objectively result in a lower quality file. You state you recorded in MP4. Which implies that you reencoded your video, objectively losing quality.
MakeMKV is free while in Beta, which the developer has said will remain free as long it's in Beta, which it has been for over a decade. You just need to download the new license key or version every few months. You can also pay for it (which I highly recommend doing to support the developer) for a forever license.
MakeMKV can now RIP DVDs, but not Blu-Rays/UHDs to an ISO, which is specialized container that can contain an image of the folder/file structure of the disc which you can mount and play or modify just as you would the original disc.
It can also RIP and REMUX (place your files into an MKV container) Blu-Rays, UHDs as well as DVDs to individual .MKV files. For Blu-Rays and UHDs to their folder/file structure, which you can convert to an ISO with Imageburn.
Since RIPPING and/or REMUXING with MakeMKV is a bit for bit lossless process, if your videos are still poor quality, there's either something wrong with your optical drive (very unlikely, MakeMKV will show errors if the transfer has errors) or your original files are poor quality.
DVD-VIDEO can only be either MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 (https://www.videohelp.com/dvd) that's easily played with any hardware after the mid-90's/early Pentiums.
is free while in Beta, which it has been for over a decade.
https://www.videohelp.com/dvd -
lingyi gave a good review of MakeMKV.
Your optical drive is an external slimline drive.
I do not believe anyone would recommend this setup for ripping a DVD.
If you must use an external optical drive then you should do this with a good half height optical drive.
Even with this setup you may not get the same quality with an external optical drive.
If you buy a good enclosure you may get as good of quality as an internal optical drive.
I also caught that you converted to an .mp4 which would be a reencode.
This is where you likely lost some of the quality.
An actual DVD rip will be to a DVD9 size & will have a an AUDIO_TS & VIDEO_TS folders.
In the VIDEO_TS folder there will be .bup , .ifo , & .vob files.
So give the DVDFab software a try.
Especially Passkey Lite.
I like to use this with DVDShrink to DVD9.
DVDShrink can also compress to DVD5.
Last are the DVDs you are trying to rip Commercial DVDs that are encrypted ? -
hi. appreciate your feedback.
why is a slimline drive bad? i believe i am going to return this one and get a better one. this time with blu ray capabilities.
Any suggested burner recommendations?
You say recording in mp4 will loose some quality. i am confused here. i read on how to best save ripped dvd's. it said mp4.
if mp4 is not good what is the best way to save them to work on computers and standard dvd players?
i tried to download dvdfab. the trial is $50. i don't want to buy a trial before trying it out first. any other ripping free software you can recommend? thanks so much -
You don't buy trial runs,the trial is meant to test it before buying.
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
An actual DVD rip will be to a DVD9 size...
From What is DVD:
DVD Sizes
The DVD sizes can be a bit confusing. There are basicly 4 different DVD Sizes,
DVD-5, holds around 4 700 000 000 bytes and that is 4.37 GiB where 1 kbyte is 1024 bytes* . DVD+R/DVD+RW and DVD-R/DVD-RW supports this format. Also called Single Sided Single Layered. This is the most common DVD Media, often called 4.7 GB Media.
DVD-10, holds around 9 400 000 000 bytes and that is 8.75 GiB. DVD+R/DVD+RW and DVD-R/DVD-RW supports this format. Also called Double Sided Single Layered.
DVD-9, holds around 8 540 000 000 bytes and that is 7.95 GiB. DVD+R supports this format. Also called Single Sided Dual Layered. This media is called DVD-R9, DVD-R DL, DVD+R9, DVD+R DL or 8.5 GB Media.
DVD-18, holds around 17 080 000 000 bytes and that is 15.9 GiB. DVD+R supports this format. Also called Double Sided Dual Layered.
* GiB = In the computer world is 1 KB data = 1024 bytes so 4 700 000 000 bytes / 1024 = 4 589 843KB / 1024 = 4482MB / 1024 = 4.37GB. See section 3.3 in the DVDDemystified FAQ here.
I've never seen a DVD-10 and highly suspect if it exists it's only available on pressed discs.
Just because a disc is larger than DVD-5 doesn't mean all the available space is used. I've seen commercial DVD-9 that just over the max capacity of a DVD-5.
DVDShrink can also compress to DVD5.
And lose quality. The transcoding in DVDShrink (MPEG-1/MPEG-2 to MPEG-1/MPEG-2) was considered very good at the time, but if you're going to reencode to reduce size, modern codecs like H.264 will do a better job.
why is a slimline drive bad?
There's nothing intrinsically wrong with slimline drives other low priced ones may not be as high quality as non-portable ones. Optical discs are digital and the only thing that could affect the rip quality* would be if there are errors during the transfer, but these would show up in the log.
*Errors would appear as artifacts or skips.
...this time with blu ray capabilities.
While this may get you a higher quality drive because of the additional cost, having Blu-Ray capability isn't a guarantee of quality. -
Thank you for all the information.
I don’t need to resize the DVD’s.so if I don’t have to resize can you tell me the best format to rip the DVD’s in? I want them to play well in regular, blu ray players and on computers?
You are so knowledgeable and burning I would like to know if you would recommend some blu ray burner writer players.
I found a couple I like but have no clue if they as good as they say they are? What features are important to get on one?
ASUS Powerful Blu-ray Drive with 16x Writing Speed and USB 3.0 for Both Mac/PC Optical Drive BW-16D1X-U
Pioneer External Blu-ray Drive BDR-XS07UHD@6X Slot Loading Portable with a Matte-Black Body USB 3.2 Gen1(3.0) BD/DVD/CD Writer. Firmware 2023 (Version: 1.03 and up). Cyberlink Software Included -
As stated above, by strict definition when you RIP you're making a 1:1 bit for bit copy of the original in the original video format. For DVD-VIDEO it's either MPEG-1 or MPEG-2. For Blu-Ray it can be MPEG-2, H.264/AVCHD, MPEG-4 (not MP4 which is a video container) or VC-1. For UHD, it's H.265.
The above are all VIDEO discs which must adhere to the strict requirements as listed in the What is DVD and What is Blu-Ray/UHD links I provided. If your discs are data, then they can contain any video format, but since don't follow the strict requirements of a video disc format may not playback in standalone players.
Objectively, a RIP is the highest quality you can get from a disc.
Many, but not all standalone Blu-Ray players will play DVD and Blu-Ray compliant format videos in an MKV container. MKV (container) can only contain a single video, so a multi-video disc will have to be split into multiple separate videos and you'll lose the menu.
Few software and hardware media players will play Blu-Ray and UHD ISOs because to do so, they require a license from the Blu-Ray Association/UHD Alliance and they're usually only issued for standalone players and strictly regulated.
As for hardware. As I stated, in theory, higher priced, brand name drives like what you asked about should provide a better quality build. But unless the build is seriously poor and out of spec and causes transfer errors, there's no difference in the RIP quality.
Region Free (for DVD) and Area Free (for Blu-Ray/UHD) capability is a feature to look for. Read and ask in the reviews for this. -
It is hard to recommend an optical drive.
Myself I have all the optical drives I will ever need both internal & external.
These days many seem to like Pioneer drives but I do not have one.
I guess my best external is in a Vantec Nexstar half height enclosure.
The optical drive in it is a LG WH16NS40 with the firmware flashed to version 1.02 so it can read & write to UHD bluray.
My main DVD ripping drive is an IDE Sony that is really a rebadged Benq.1640.
For my comment of .mp4 quality.It can be good or bad depending how it was done.
It seems you are getting bad results.
Give MakeMKV a try if you want a single file.
It will be a .mkv file. If burned as a data DVD it should be playable in a PD Media player & most set top players.
My se ttpp bluray player plays .mkv or .mp4 from a flash drive or HDD.
I usually so this instead of using a DVD.
@ johns0 I get good results with DVDShrink with DVD9 or compressing to DVD5.
The DVD 5 size DVDShrink usually has is 4.35 GB.
I also use the full analyze feature. -
I am trying makemkv now. They just let you rip : times then you have to buy it. I font mind paying for a ripping software. I just want to make sure it works for me first. I only have 1 free rio left. If it turns out ok I could buy it.
The one burner I think In might buy comes with cyberlink media suite 10. I have heard some bad things about it. Do you have any opinion on it? It says if ever uninstall it you loose all your saved projects and can never get them back. As k s I I don’t know what this means but it says this: none of the modules support DirectShow filters, so you can't play anything that Media Suite 10's applications don't natively support. Sounds important to me. Is this bad? Any thoughts on cyberlink media suite 10 appreciated. Thanks so much for all your help!!!! -
The one burner I think In might buy comes with cyberlink media suite 10. I have heard some bad things about it.
Where did you read that MakeMKV has a limit & then you have to buy it?
I have never read this or had it warn me of any limit on number of rips.
Did you download it from the official MakeMKV web site ?
https://www.makemkv.com/ -
No not many setup options. The few are in preferences.
Then you can uncheck any Titles you do not want. I usually select only the large size one.
Once the rip is started it shows the Output File as .mkv
I'm not an expert in using MakeMkv & I use the other programs I suggested the majority of the time. -
There's no video 'format' to set in MakeMKV because as I stated above, your options are to RIP and REMUX the original video bit for bit in the video format its in, into an MKV container. Or for DVDs, RIP to the folder/file structure or ISO, which is a container that contains the disc structure and folders/files.
It's not [only] the main movie that can be saved into an MKV container, but all videos on the disc, including trailers and extras. Any video less than 10s will be skipped.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_video_container_formatsLast edited by lingyi; 18th Feb 2025 at 23:50.
It seems so simple. I just got an offer from Ashampoo for their software upgrade from the free version to their Ashampoo 26 for $20 for lifetime subscription? Check it out. Is their $20 software worth it?
Another thing. I ripped a dvd but in playback it said there was no sound because it was a ac3 format. Does this mean the saved file saved as a ac3 or was my original ripped dvd a ac3? Hoe do i fix this and get a ripped dvd with sound?
Thank you for all the info you have given me. You are so informed on all these things that have me wondering. Thanks so much! -
The audio on your DVD is AC3. What are you using to playback your video? Very odd that AC3 audio isn't supported as it's part of the DVD-VIDEO specs: MP1, MP2, AC3, DTS, PCM.
https://www.videohelp.com/dvd -
With the possible exception of DVDFab,* there is no paid software that will do a better job of RIPPING than MakeMKV.
*Paying for DVDFab MAY be worthwhile IF you're constantly ripping new release discs and don't want to wait until the free trial is updated, which could be months later. This is because the paid version is updated more frequently to deal with new copy protection schemes. MakeMKV is much slower in updates** because it's free and done by a single person. There's no difference between the free version and paid version other than not having to download the new Beta key every few months and the knowledge you're supporting the work of such a great developer!
**Every once in a while, I'll see reports here that a certain new release can't be ripped with the current version of MakeMKV, but could be ripped with the current version of DVDFab. But AFAIK, eventually, sometimes months later, MakeMKV is always updated to handle troublesome copy protection schemes.
Edit: Also on the nothing better than free front, if you're on Windows, there's no better disc burning software than ImgBurn. It hasn't been updated since 2013, but 8 out of 10 times, when someone has burn issues with other software including AShampoo, it's solved by using ImgBurn. The other 2 out of 10 burn issues are usually because of bad 2nd or 3rd tier discs.Last edited by lingyi; 19th Feb 2025 at 02:39.
@ lingyi
How do you "for DVDs, RIP to the folder/file structure" using Make MKV ?
I know how to RIP to an .ISO with MakeMKV & then mount the .ISO in a virtual drive.
Than works with the DVD ripping software I have like DVDShrink .
Where I can remove audio tracks or subtitles or movie trailers or director's commentary I do not want.
Then write(burn) with ImgBurn. -
Ahhh...sorry. I'm wrong, you can only RIP Blu-Ray and possiblely UHD to folders/files. I haven't used MakeMKV to rip DVDs to ISO for a long time since Asian releases almost never have copy protection. I use just DVDShrink.
You don't need to mount your ISO to use DVDShrink. You can just open the ISO directly. -
I probably knew this at one time.
I usually rip DVDs to folders/files with DVDShrink or other software.
I seldom work with an .ISO.
DVDShrink has some ability to remove some of the very old encryption.
I used PGCEdit many years ago for a project I wanted to see if I could do.
I split a commercial DVD9 into two DVD5's with DVDFab's split function as a Full Movie with all menus.
First I tried to merge the two DVD5's back into one using DVDFab's Merge function.
The DVDFab Merge function could NOT do this.
At first I thought I did not need PGCEdit for this but as the experiment went on I did.
There were mistakes along the way but in the end the DVD worked.
Unfortunately using PGCEdit for this is specific to this DVD.
If working with a different DVD the menu button locations would need to be located for it.
This was a difficult DVD with different angle scenes & other special features in the original menu.
These required several programs to get back to the original.
This is a PDF from the forum I posted this on:
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