If you're using a Macbook as I am, and don't want to spend the 30 bucks to get Mac the Ripper, you may be tempted to try to use DVD Decrypter in a Windows virtual machine. It won't work.

During my many attempts to do so, DVD Decrypter always took quite long. So long in fact, I was (and still am) quite unsure if it would finish in my lifetime, or perhaps even within the lifespan of the universe itself. I spent ages tweaking the settings, trying to think of what was configured incorrectly.

Fast forward a month or two, and I had purchased an old Windows laptop for unrelated reasons; it had absolutely awful specifications, but worked as a webserver. One day, out of mere curiosity, I attempted to use DVD Decrypter on it.

What it took 3 hours to accomplish in the virtual machine (5% of the first file), the laptop accomplished in less than a minute.

(Although I specify DVD Decrypter in the title, I did try other ripping software during the VM testing period, they all had the same problems, which is strange, since VirtualBox is normally quite good at handling DVD drive passthrough)