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  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to mux into a full event MKV video saved by a Tuya Cloud Camera on a SDCard unencrypted .media fragments of a (sample) friend's static room video with music, but only raw H264 video can be identified and muxed with no NHNT encoded audio heard. The same folder/file sample collection plays fine from the card with audio in Android Tuya Camera app, since it gets audio codec info from extra files present in the attached folder structure.

    Any help or ideas, if any Windows Video Editor & Muxer or Surveilance package can do that? Tuya asks hefty fees to store and download full cam videos from cloud storage, while Tuya Android app only allows to download to a phone storage small chunks of a motion video from the SDCard, and there is no Tuya Windows app or similar able to decode embedded NHNT audio and mux the .media fragments together.

    Tuya offers a Windows Terminal, which plays the SDCard footage fine with audio, but doesn't allow to save it on a PC as an event video file - to force paid cloud use. I'm looking for a solution to mux camera surveylance .media footage into full motion event MKV videos on a Windows PC from a mounted camera SDCard to avoid cloud storage fees. Numerous users of cheap cloud cams with no ONVIF support ask on the web how to do that.
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by zamar27; 4th Feb 2025 at 15:47.
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  2. Chinese programmers won't let you do that. You thought you could outwit them? Ha! They have been programming since the age of 5 and there are millions of them! China will prosper!
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