Hi everyone, i have been given the nod to create a new Thread dedicated to all things relating to VideoReDo TVSuite and VideoReDo Professional, for those who might be interested.
This decision came about after 2 other Threads relating to Alternatives for VRD were being over run with posts relating to issues with VRD, and/or people asking VRD specific question that did not really fit into the Topic at hand in both of those Threads, and i was one of those members guilty of being part of all that.
If anyone out there has any Questions to ask, or maybe you need help or advice on how to use VRD, or you wish to contribute any other VRD related comments, then please feel free to ask or contribute, as i have extensive experience with many of the features built into VRD (Pro) and i was a Beta tester for VRD Pro during the implementation of 4k and HEVC Support, so i can help with most of the features of VRD.
I also wish to invite other experienced VRD users to offer help and advice as well.
As some of you might know already, the Non Pro version of VRD used a different Activation System to the one that was used for the Pro version, but why it was done that way i cannot answer that, all i know is that the Non Pro users are able to re-activate their software much easier than us Pro users can, and as far as i know, the Pro activation server is still currently being paid for and maintained by the Family of the late Dan Rosen, if the information given to me is indeed correct.
Should that server ever go offline, then we lose our software completely, unless someone else can offer information to the contrary.
Other members of this Forum, especially the Non Pro users will be able to assist with any information relating to the Non Pro Activation.
More Information will obviously follow in due coarse, and can i please ask everyone to restrict this Thread to discussion relating to VRD only.
For the Latest VideoReDo TVSuite Beta Version, you can find the direct download Link below.
For the Last known VideoReDo Professional version, you can find the direct download Link below.
Baldrick has kindly uploaded a Folder with 112 previous VRD builds/versions for those looking for them, this Folder also has the last build of TV Suite (VRDTVS-6-63-7-836d) and also the last build of VRD Professional (VRDPro-6-93-7-836a) as per above.
VRD TV Suite User Manual can be found here.
[Attachment 85415 - Click to enlarge]
For those who might be interested, below is a Link to the VRD Page on the Reddit Forum
That Page has a link on how to use the Manual Activation, or you can do it directly by clicking the following link.
In Post number 8 below, you will be able to find Demo Videos and Guides that i make for those who might want them, or ask me to create for them, so if you need any help or advice regarding how to use a particular feature on VRD then please let me know and i will try to help you.
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Last edited by Bridgy; 10th Feb 2025 at 23:21.
Thanks! I uploaded a vrd pro here also https://www.videohelp.com/download/VRDPro-6-93-7-836a.exe
The automatic activation should be working again for the non-pro version thanks to Dan Haddix (he acquired the relevant VRD domain name after it expired). However there are some caveats - automatic registration is apparently only working for v.6 and for some people the v.6 auto activation does not work but there is a fix posted by Dan H. which can be found on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/videoredo/ - you can either follow the instructions he gives or download a patch. As for older versions, Dan R changed the activation process with v.5 and again with v.6 and whilst Dan H had the necessary server software to do the v6 activations, the software for previous versions is on a non-functioning computer, so automatic reactivation for those versions is currently in limbo. The manual activation site method however should work for older versions, at least as far back as v.3.
Those with non-pro v.6 licences should be able to do fresh installs and do the automatic update (if it fails check the reddit forum for the fix) and all non-pro users should be able to use the manual activation method, no matter what version they have. An alternative is to image or clone a boot drive with an activated copy of VRD and put that into the new pc. This should also work for all versions of VRD, not just v.6. I successfully managed that with the non-pro version. After installing VRD you must go into the settings and disable "automatically check for updates", if only to avoid getting error messages.
Moving on, for what it's worth, archive.org has the VRD website archived up to 2024 when it went offline. This includes many of the forum posts, up to but not including the last few weeks before the site went dark.
This is the last capture of the site: https://web.archive.org/web/20231203031030/https://www.videoredo.com/en/index.htm
Some but not all of the site was archived, alas.
Here's the last version around Dan R's death: https://web.archive.org/web/20220921100632/https://www.videoredo.com/en/index.htm -
@ Marayong, thank you for your support and input to this Thread, especially that you are a Non Pro user so you seem to have the required knowledge for the Activation for the Non Pro version.
The more people put this Thread link out there, the better this Thread will be for everyone, and let us try to make this Thread a complete resource for obtaining help and support for VRD. -
If this forum had a thumbsup button, I'd click it.
Many Thanks to you both. -
Hi everyone, ok so this Space here will be set aside for the purposes of posting up Demonstration Videos and Guides for those who might need help with using some of the built in features of VRD (Pro and Non Pro versions)
Demo Video 1: This is a short Demo Video showing how to create a new Export Profile to convert Video Files from their original (non HEVC) Format to HEVC (h265) using the built in "Intelligent Recode" feature in VRD.
In this particular video i have retained all of the attributes of the original file, and just exported the file to HEVC (h265) but you can change other attributes as you need them in the Profile settings box, as seen in the video.
Other video guides might follow further down the road.Last edited by Bridgy; 6th Feb 2025 at 02:12.
Glad that you appreciate the new Thread, i just hope that others can or will benefit from it in some way or another.
On another Note.
As some of you might know, i have never used VRD for any of the features that our late friend Dan Rosen originally designed VRD for (television broadcast i believe) as my use for VRD is mostly for the purposes of editing Video Files recorded with various Video Cameras over the past 25 years or so, including mobile phones, and around 12 months ago i moved over to recording all of my Videos in 4k/60p HEVC format on a permanent basis, something that has been a bit of a challenge for me during this time while using VRD.
I was a Beta Tester for Dan during the VRD transition to include 4K video and HEVC support, but unfortunately some minor bugs remained in the HEVC feature, which i will highlight below.
1: VRD has full support for importing various video format and and exporting to HEVC, as well as being able to import HEVC files to export to other formats, and i use this feature on a very regular basis with my VRD Pro version and it works beautifully, especially if using the "Intelligent Recode" feature, which is unique to VRD, this should be working in the Non Pro version as well.
2: When i am using VRD to Cut and Smart Render my 4k/60p HEVC files, the video file suffers from Lag while using the preview player, and when i try to Seek to my Cut points in the Timeline, that too can be very laggy, and when having to do several cuts in longer files, VRD will simply become impossible to use, so i then need to import these files into LosslessCut to do my Cuts and Smart Rendering instead.
If i do manage to get Cuts done without VRD crashing or Lagging too much, VRD will most often just crash and close when Smart Rendering them anyway, hence why i need to use LosslessCut (been my savior lately)
3: VRD had not completed full support for adding Titles and Credits to HEVC files, it may work with 720p or 1080p files, but with my 4k/60p HEVC files it can be a big challenge, and it can be very frustrating when VRD crashes during the export process, or it throws up the dreaded LargeBufferMalloc: no more memory error which i often get when using my Metabox laptop.
To overcome this frustrating issue, i spent a few days trying to work out my own method for creating Titles in VRD, and i have just recently completed my testing, and i think i now have it all sorted out, the only issue is that i need to create a Blank 4k resolution Canvas using Microsoft Paint (in my case i use black with mostly white or light blue text) and i then create the Text i need onto the black blank in whatever color i need, and i save it to my project folder as a JPEG image file, and i use that graphics image to create my Title instead of creating the Text Title using the usual method.
Anyway, thanks for Reading my Rants, just trying to help the best way that i can.Last edited by Bridgy; 4th Feb 2025 at 09:48.
Hi all. Thanks for starting this thread. I work in broadcast, we use VRD pro a ton and looing at some new render machines, been a struggle to make this work.
The maker of the software, Dan, he was great and very much missed. RIP Dan. The reason, VRD is great, at least for broadcast is that if keeps the closed captions intact after trim edit and transcodes. If doing broadcast in the US, FCC requires 608/ 708 captions for anything over 5 minutes.
The only way I have been able to get it going on new hardware was to clone the OS drive, but this only worked for v5 I believe. I need to figure it out for pro v6. I will report back what I get working. Thanks again! -
Asperi - nice to see a new face here. For what it is worth, cloning/imaging does work with the non-pro v.6 and I think Bridgy did some experimenting with imaging the pro version v.6. I'll let him comment on that.
Last edited by Marayong; 4th Feb 2025 at 17:32.
You are welcome to post whatever you can in regards to the VRD Pro version as there seems to be very few of us around, and we face a huge dilema if the Activation server goes off line, we will most likely lose VRD all together because of the way in which Dan set it up, and we are not able to use the same manual activation that the Non Pro users are able to use.
I tested the Windows Clone process a few months ago, imaging my Windows 10 partition from my Metabox laptop onto an SSD and installed that into my Mums older Dell laptop, it booted up and installed the drivers needed for the clone to run, but when i opened VRD on her laptop it required me to put my activation code in, so VRD (at least the Pro version) definitely identifies the change of system or hardware and prevents the software from working until activation is done again.
At that time of doing this, my laptop at home was turned off so it was not dialing back home to VRD (if that is how it works) but in the end i was not prepared to attempt re-activation on the Dell laptop just in case when i got back home my own VRD may not re-activate, even tho i did put the Windows drive back into my Mums Dell laptop.
I can't post up any links from the VRD Alternative thread relating to the method i just mentioned as i removed a heap of my posts because they were off topic, so i would certainly appreciate any other comments from VRD Pro users in regards to re-activation.
Cheers -
I'm probably being dumb and missing something, but how do I request the trial key? I get this error every time I try to and the window where I assume I'd request it is blank
Peanutsoup - new VRD licences are no longer available and the developer died a few years ago. That also includes trial keys. Please advise whether you already have a valid licence key or not. If you do, we can hopefully help you get VRD activated, if you don't I'm afraid you'll have to look for alternative software, the choice of which depends on how computer literate you are and what your video editing needs are. Without knowing any of that, the best options are lossless cut combined with handbrake. The error you are getting is because the VRD you installed it trying to get a trial key from an online server that no longer exists. Bridgy did do a very good study of alternative software so if you don't have a licence, post back here with what you would have wanted to do with VRD and he can suggest an alternative based on that. Different people have different needs and the alternatives he looked at may be suitable for some or even many users.
As for the Pro activation, no-one seems to know how that works and even Dan Haddix, who was a programmer working on VRD, is vague about it. For the record, the non-pro version does a one-time activation when you first install and register VRD. After that it will make random attempts to contact the VRD server, primarily to check for updates. You need to go into settings and disable "check for updates" since this will cause problems since the server is long gone. Since the VRD used your licence when checking the update server, that was a backdoor way of making sure users of the non-pro version were not violating the licence by running VRD on multiple pcs unless they had disabled updates and even then, given how convoluted the registration process was, I'd not be surprised if the non-pro version still randomly checked the VRD server to make sure the licence was valid and not duplicated, even with "updates" turned off. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's the case since after the update server went down I turned off "auto update" and VRD was still occasionally trying to contact the server according to my firewall logs. Fortunately, the demise of the server didn't kill my VRD install. There are indications that the pro version may be less amenable to working whilst being out of touch with the relevant server. Note *may*.
As for Bridgy's attempt to run VRD pro on another pc via an imaged drive and getting a registration request, that didn't happen to me with the non pro version, so the pro version is clearly more insistent on being in touch with the server. I've not tried and I have no intention of trying to run two installs of VRD non-pro on two different machines to see if it would work since I don't want to risk VRD spitting the dummy on both machines. I *need* VRD working after all & I can't contact DRD Systems (the company that produced VRD) to get a voided licence fixed since they no longer exist. In my case I put an image of a boot drive containing an install of VRD (non pro) into a new computer, the old computer being dead as a doornail (the mobo fried itself). -
Oh, I didn't know the developer had died...
What I was trying to do was cut some MKVs at certain frames that MKVCutter was unable to process. Thankfully what I've exported so far hasn't needed to be longer than 15 minutes so everything's worked out. I had tried losslesscut with them, but it didn't work (likely because of the less than usual codecs.) Anyways, I'll keep looking around for something that can accomplish what I'm trying to do -
Dan Rosen suddenly passed away in 2022 and the business stopped operating at that time, and Dan Haddix, who worked with Dan Rosen as a code writer or programmer for VRD was forced to move on and secured work elsewhere, and he could not take over the business as he had no knowledge of how VRD even worked as far as the business side of the company was concerned, and he took on the Non Pro activation server himself, but he does not know how the Pro activation system worked, so he left all that with Dan Rosen's wife, apparently she still pays for that, and the server is probably still located in their home where Dan originally worked from.
Nobody seems to know any more about it, so the view right now is that because the Pro version activation is very different to the Non Pro activation, if the Pro server is taken off line (not paid for any more) then we Pro users will definitely lose our ability to use VRD on another machine, unless we Clone or current Windows system over to a new computer, which will dork, but i am not sure if the VRD will re-activate even using that method, and i am not prepared to test this out myself because i don't want to lose VRD.
I really wish that someone out there knew something more about the whole VRD saga, and could update the VRD users on exactly what is going on, sadly it has turned out to be a mess.
I am in 2 minds over having someone else buying out VRD from the family of Dan Rosen (assuming that could still happen) because a new owner may not leave VRD as it is and just continue with it's development as it is right now, and not make any drastic changes, although i can't ever see VRD ever waking up and springing back to life.
I would be curious as to why LosslessCut did not work for you with your files, however this thread is not related to other software and their failures and successes, so you would need to post that info over in my other thread, or you can Private Message me instead, maybe i can offer some help privately.
https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/416487-Alternatives-for-VideoReDo-TV-Suite-with-Te...-Results/page8 -
I've read these threads for VRD activation after re-installation and didn't think too hard about it until now because I just got a new Windows 11 Laptop for video and general use. I have VRD Versions 4, 5, and 6 since I did upgrades. I tried installing Ver 4 and it wouldn't accept the key I originally used.
I'm confused about the manual activation website https://www.videoredo.online/ . It asks for User Token and System ID.
My VRD activations from the past consist of my name and a Key. Not sure where to find the User Token and System ID?
EDIT: I got Version 6 installed and activated using the Upgrade Key I had.
Not sure what to do with Ver 4 & 5, as I prefer Ver 4 for editing TS files.
Tried Version 4 again, successful this time.
Not sure if I really need Version 5.Last edited by JoeS99; 6th Feb 2025 at 15:28. Reason: update
JoeS99, Dan Haddix has been working on getting the activation servers back up & running for the non-pro versions. Last I read it was working for v6, so I'm surprised you got v4 working. You shouldn't need to worry about manual acticivation, that was only a temporary thing. Dan H. now has the relevant domain names and the server software so VRD should automatically activate once you input all the relevant keys into your VRD install. For reasons the computer demons only know, it does not work for everyone, but if it fails there may be fixes. Rather than give 3rd or 4th hand details, go to the reddit page linked somewhere above where instructions and patch download links are given. If that fails, you can contact Dan haddix via the reddit forum for specific help.
v6 works fine with ts files (I use it for that). v6 also has better encoders than the older versions. -
Thanks Marayong. I read that Version 4 doesn't use online activation, just Name and Key.
I have found Reddit to be a good source for many tech issues.
EDIT: Just tried Version 5 again, used reg key for the upgrade and got the User Token and System ID prompt.
Pasted it into the activation website and got a new token that activated it. Great!Last edited by JoeS99; 6th Feb 2025 at 17:32. Reason: update
There is a reddit forum set up by Dan Haddix, he was a programmer who worked on VRD: https://www.reddit.com/r/videoredo/
If v4 doesn't need online activation, that answers what you've found (v4 and v6 yes, v5 no). Online activation was introduced with v5 and Dan H has been unable to access the server software for v5. He has it, but it is on a non-functional pc. Depending on where it is on the hard drive he may be able to access it by pulling out the drive and accessing it on another pc, but that's iffy especially if it's only there as an installed program. It's been months since he reported being unable to boot that pc, so I suspect there's no good news with v5.
However, check the reddit forum ... there's a downloadable patch that can fix registration issues for some users. Alternatively, there are instructions to fiddle in the VRD program files folder to get it working. All of these fixes presume you of course have valid user keys.
If you really want v5 working, then all I can suggest is to contact Dan H. via the reddit forum and see if he has any more recent news on v5. He did say any v5 users should contact him directly via PM on reddit. If you are successful, please do drop a note back here in case someone else shows up with the same question.
I'm happy with v6, but knowing online activation isn't needed for v4 means there's a possible lifeline if v6 stops working .. I've still got all my keys back to v2.The downside is that I'm pretty sure v4 doesn't have H264/H265 encoders but uses the inferior mainconcept encoders.
I did manage to get Version 5 going (added an edit to message #19).
I used one of the upgrade keys for Ver 5 and got the User Token and System ID which I copied to the activation website https://www.videoredo.online/.
That gave new a new activation token which worked. So, is that Manual Activation?
Just trying to understand the terminology....but all three versions appear to work now though I haven't taken them for a test drive yet!
I originally got the program to edit video captures from the Hauppauge PVR2, and the Fast File Copy doesn't re-encode the bulk of the files.
I have used Ver 6 for tasks that require re-encoding. -
Yes, that's manual activation. Automatic activation (which should be working for most users with v6) is where you put your upgrade or licence key into VRD in the activate or register option (can't remember what it's called & I'm not at home so I can't check) and then click 'activate online' (or register online?). VRD then generates the user & machine ID codes, sends them to the server and if they are correct, it replies with the final activation code. All done automatically and transparently to the user. For manual activation, you note down the user & machine ID codes, enter them onto the manual activation site, generate the final code which you manually add into VRD, as you presumably did.
Dan Haddix set up the manual activation site because the automatic activation website had stopped working. He was eventually able to secure the domain name for the activation website and set the server back up again. The manual acti8vation site is still online for those for whom the automatic site is not working. Dan must have fixed the manual site to get it working for v5, but didn't post a notice about it to the reddit forum.
if you are using the Hauppauge PVR2, which software are you using to record the video? I have a Hauppauge pcie card and I use Hauppauge Capture to record video and the resulting videos are 100% compatible with VRD v.6. I checked and it looks like your device works with Hauppauge Capture which IMO is heaps better than the bundled TVSuite, which is more a media centre than a recorder.Last edited by Marayong; 6th Feb 2025 at 19:27.
I had been using the ArcSoft "ShowBiz" TVSuite capture software that came with the Hauppauge in 2013. I have used the Hauppauge Capture too. With the new computer I have installed the latest Hauppauge Capture. I see there are other options and plan to check them out.
I'm also updating TS-Doctor which "cleans" the ts files.
I have had glitches in some captures that VRD Quickstream Fix got stuck on. -
Hauupage Capture will save as either ts or mp4. I originally set it up to use ts on a previous pc since that meant less processing during the recording. Not an issue now, but I've never bothered to change it. In that time I've never had VRD have trouble with a recorded video. Sometimes it picks up & fixes issues in the recording ... if there are more than a few I re-record the video. Glitchy recordings are so rare that a 2nd attempt is bound to give a clean video. One thing that can generate glitches is leaving the video quality setting on the default maximum. The maximum is far, far higher than almost any video feed you may be recording, so I'd recommend dropping the quality down to something a bit more than the source. The higher the quality, the more demand on your hardware & software during the recording and the more change of glitches appearing. I looked at but as far as I can remember, I didn't make any changes in the advanced settings.
If VRD is having trouble, maybe drop the video quality .. and make sure it is set as variable, not constant in Capture.
Edit: The "quality" setting in Capture is actually the video bitrate. Broadcast video, be it tv, cable, satellite etc is typically under 2mbps, whilst the default up well above 10mbps. -
I capture as ts. I was never able to capture 5.1 audio in mp4 format. The glitches I encountered were from the (Cable TV) signal and were rare. I have used 8 to 10K bit/sec bitrate. On the old PC this worked pretty smoothly. Will have to test the limits on the new PC.
It's painful getting everything set up again on a new machine! -
Sorry that i can't help with any of this Non Pro (TV Suite) activation stuff as i always had the Professional version from the start, it all seems very confusing to me, but at least you Non Pro users have a fix for getting your VRD onto another computer.
For us Pro users it is a different story, if the activation server goes down or is not paid for by Dan's family, we will lose it.
@ Marayong........i am going to put a link to the VRD Reddit Forum in the Opening Post of this Thread.
The following note refer to VRD Professional Users.
People talk about Pro users being able to Clone their current windows drive with their VRD Pro installed, then moving that over to a new machine and VRD will still work once the new machine has completed setting up the drivers for the Cloned windows.
The cloning part does work in most situations, i cloned my 5 year old metabox laptop windows drive (M.2 SSD) over to a normal 2.5" SSD and i put that in my mums old 2008 Dell Studio laptop, and in one of the other VRD threads in this forum i confirmed that the cloned drive definitely worked in her laptop and we got the laptop running as far as windows goes.
Unfortunately my VRD Pro would not work because it required activation on that laptop, so i decided not to go thru with this process just in case i lost my Pro activation on my Metabox laptop at home, and the reason why i decided not to attempt it is as follows.
In 2013 i bought VRD Pro (v5) and i used that until 2019 when i upgraded to Version 6, and Dan Rosen had to send me a new Activation code as the v5 code could not be used on a newer version, then in Sept 2020 i bought my Metabox laptop and activation failed using the key that i already had, so Dan gave me a new key for the new laptop, and i recall him telling me that a new key was required when changing to a new computer, it had something to do with the Computers unique hardware ID, similar to how it worked with windows many years ago.
Personally, if the information that i just explained above is still applicable now, which i personally think it is, then i don't believe that VRD Pro can be re-activated on a another computer that has been Cloned from a previous computer, just as you could not do an automatic re-activation on a brand new computer using your existing Code, the activation system was not set up to work like that.
If Dan did change the way that activation was done then it had to have been after Sept 2020, but if it was changed to allow re-activation on a different computer without issuing a new Code for the new computer, then the Clone version would definitely work too.
To kill my Curiosity again, last night i went to my Mums place and i turned her Dell laptop on with her own Windows 10 Pro drive still installed, i installed my VRD Pro and when i tried to activate it with my Key and it failed, obviously because it dialed back to the activation server to do a unique hardware ID check, and found that it was still activated on another machine, even tho my own laptop was turned off at that time.
The only way to resolve this Cloning activation is to find someone who has done it, and if it did work, then very clearly their VRD Pro activation on their original computer would have been de-activated, as you can only use it on one computer t a time.
Maybe Dan issued a new Key for activating Pro on a new computer so that he was guaranteed that his software was only being used on 1 computer at a time.Last edited by Bridgy; 6th Feb 2025 at 21:45.
According to the VRD Reddit Page, this is a list of current TV Suite installers (3, 4, 5, 6) and one for 636a Pro, but the Dropbox links do not work, so does anyone have a download link to these versions.
Why has this been allowed to happen in that Reddit Page when it seems to be an on going Topic, can someone from here log into that Page and ask them to fix it.
I would be happy to put links to all known versions in my own IceDrive Professional Cloud Storage Account for others to download, and i can post them on Page 1 of this Thread.
On another Note, is it possible for someone to Post up a Link to this Thread in the VRD Reddit Forum Page, as i noticed a lot of activity over there, but it seems to be a bit hit and miss, so maybe a Link to this thread might help, as i have just placed a link to that VRD Reddit Page in my Opening Post of this thread.
Got to share the Love as they say, and share resources as well.Last edited by Bridgy; 6th Feb 2025 at 22:06.
Joe .. find out what the bitrate for your cable service is and drop the Capture rate to a bit above that. That information should be online somewhere. That's what I did. And if I get a glitchy video, I just re-record it onto the pc and given how rare the glitches are, the 2nd recording will be clean. I know all about the pain of a new machine. My last one died last year and I had to break a new one in. I cheated and had a clone of the old boot drive imaged and that image used to build the boot drive in the new system. Lots of issues but I eventually got all the buggers nailed down. VRD worked straight off in the new machine as if nothing had happened.
Bridgy wrote: "Dan gave me a new key for the new laptop, and i recall him telling me that a new key was required when changing to a new computer, it had something to do with the Computers unique hardware ID, similar to how it worked with windows many years ago."
The non-pro version has something similar. When you install VRD and input your licence key VRD then generates two new keys, one is a personal key based on the purchased licence key and the other is a machine ID key. Both keys are needed to obtain the activation key which does the final unlock. The activation key can be obtained either manually via the manual site or automatically now that Dan H has set up the activation server again using the original VRD domain name. The difference between the pro & non-pro versions seems to be that the non-pro version only does this once, when you first install & activate, whilst the pro version continues to do it, possibly every time you run VRD. Can you run VRD pro on your pc with the internet disabled?
The unique hardware ID is also part of the non-pro activation process and I suspect there is some ongoing enforcement to stop users installing VRD non pro on multiple computers. 'Suspect' because the licence is for one pc and given the convoluted process users had to go through to activate (most software requires the purchased key and nothing more), I can't see Dan R leaving the barn door open to allow people to install VRD on as many pcs as they could with the one licence! VRD non-pro does periodically try to do something online (as per the firewall log), even with update checking turned off, so I'm guessing it was also set up that if someone installed VRD on 2 or more pcs and tried to use VRD on both, something somewhere online would be notified and that something would then presumably send a "licence revoke" command to one or more of the VRD copies. I got away with cloning VRD simply because I never used VRD simultaneously on two pcs and there was over a month between using it on the old pc and next using it on the new one. -
Bridgy, the reddit page seems pretty quiet lately apart from a few unanswered pleas for help and DanH has not posted there since octoberish last year. Not sure what's happening about that.
I can have a look tonight ... not home ATM. I've got a bunch of installers, so I can pass them on to put up somewhere. Of course, if you ditch your IceDrive account, they'll vanish too ... perhaps something similar happened to the ones linked on reddit? Alternatively, VideoHelp has the option of including older versions of hosted software, so maybe a senior moderator could put the older installers up there? https://www.videohelp.com/software/VideoReDo/old-versions
Hello Baldrick? -
Browsing the reddit forum and a post from Dan states that only v5 & v6 need online activation. Older versions (4 and below) just need the purchased key.
I tried the reddit links for the installers which are on dropbox and the links all worked for me. Upon opening the dropbox page you get a message "cant load this file type" and below it a download link. Click that and select "Or continue with download only". Another online source for older installers is:
That has dozens of different versions.
Advert for this forum has been posted on the reddit forum.Last edited by Marayong; 7th Feb 2025 at 02:02.
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By nicksteel in forum EditingReplies: 19Last Post: 5th Jun 2024, 12:13 -
Alternative to VideoReDo TvSuite V5?
By The_Sociopath in forum Newbie / General discussionsReplies: 7Last Post: 19th Apr 2020, 03:23