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  1. I've ripped a DVD to edit the content later with Resolve. The videos are in MPEG format and I need to convert them to H.264. The MPEG video looks smooth, with no frame skips, but when I deinterlace it with HandBrake to convert it to H.264, it produces a judder effect. I have tried all the deinterlacing settings, but none have worked. Can anyone help me?

    Here is the link to the file:

    Thank you!
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  2. Member
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    Without downloading the file: Search everything written in the last several decades about video basics for "interlacing" or "Telecine"...

    StainlessS translated a German guide by scharfis_brain into English.
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    Last edited by Alwyn; 3rd Feb 2025 at 09:38.
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  4. Member
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    I'm quite sure that the original MPEG-2 video on DVD had an "interlaced" or "Soft Telecine" flag set, so the video decoder knows that it needs to display the decoded result field by field or with IVTC applied.

    The copy in H.264 either did not have it set, so the decoder displays the encoded frames progesssively, causing combing or Telecine micro stutter, or maybe it is also interlaced but with the wrong field order, so the decoder displays a forth-and-back motion.
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  5. Could you also tell me what would be the best HandBrake settings to avoid this issue, please?
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  6. It's a field blended conversion 23.976 to "PAL" 25fps

    You cannot "fix" it with handbrake

    You can improve it using a double rate deinterlacer + srestore in avisynth or vapoursynth

    Beware that there are field order swap in the intro vs. the main segment. The intro and credits are BFF. Main content is TFF. You'd have to treat them differently and splice together . Also, parts of the intro (fades, text fades) and credits (with moving overlaid text) are true interlaced content - they run at 50 samples/sec. The problem is the credits will be "jerky" at 23.976p. And 23.976 is not evenly divisible into 50. I do not know if the credits are important for your project, but you cannot have all of this smooth at 1 constant frame rate. You'd need to use VFR for at least the credit scroll (resolve won't be able to handle it properly) and/or do some resampling/interpolation with something like RIFE to retime the text - but that has potential for generating artifacts
    Last edited by poisondeathray; 3rd Feb 2025 at 10:18.
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  7. I thought it would be something simpler, but I see that it isn't...
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