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  1. sorry for my bad English,

    it about this :

    for input i use :
    Big Buck Bunny 60fps 4K - Official Blender Foundation Short Film
    h264, 720p, Size on disk : 153 MB (161.193.984 bytes)

    ffmpeg -i "Big Buck Bunny 60fps 4K - Official Blender.mp4" -c:v libx265 -c:a copy libx265.mp4
    ffmpeg -i "Big Buck Bunny 60fps 4K - Official Blender.mp4" -c:v hevc_nvenc -c:a copy hevc_nvenc.mp4
    average ffmpeg speed : 1x
    ffmpeg time spend : 810 seconds 
    CPU temp : 80-85C
    GPU temp : 38C
    Size on disk : 69,2 MB (72.564.736 bytes)
    average ffmpeg speed : 12x
    time spend : 54 seconds
    CPU temp : 65C
    GPU temp : 44C
    Size on disk : 168 MB (176.164.864 bytes)
    my question is : is there a way to put this libx265 to GPU powered but not hevc_nvenc?
    Last edited by kucing; 2nd Feb 2025 at 14:23. Reason: minor typo
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  2. 1. libx265 is a strictly software encoder that uses you CPU to encode videos

    2. hevc_nvenc is a strictly hardware encoder that uses your GPU to encode videos

    3. you can't encode videos with libx265 using your GPU, because it's a strictly software encoder
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  3. i mean, there an alternative beside ffmpeg to use libx265 but use GPU, but not hevc_nvenc?
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  4. I'm not sure if I understand this correctly.
    But what you looking for seems to be a hybrid that uses both. CPU and GPU.
    The only software that crossed my mind is the Mainconcept Hybrid HEVC encoder, which is payware but has a trial version.
    Quote Quote  
  5. Originally Posted by dietboby View Post
    I'm not sure if I understand this correctly.
    But what you looking for seems to be a hybrid that uses both. CPU and GPU.
    The only software that crossed my mind is the Mainconcept Hybrid HEVC encoder, which is payware but has a trial version.
    thank you for the reply,
    i look that page and found this
    Hybrid GPU-accelerated HEVC encoding modes on NVIDIA RTX boards
    my GPU is Low-End GTX
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  6. I did re read and when I scroll down it lists

    Hardware-accelerated encoding powered by AMD AMF, Intel Quick
    Sync Video and NVIDIA NVENC
    I'll give it a test run later
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  7. If it should be x265, then you can use hevc_amf (AMD hardware) or hevc_qsv (Intel hardware) in addition to hevc_nvenc (nVidia hardware), both with or without hardware decoding support.
    Try them with clever FFmpeg-GUI, if the hardware support is missing, you will get an error message.

    [Attachment 85280 - Click to enlarge]
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  8. @dietboby To be honest, I don't understand how this FFmpeg Plugins work,
    usually i download exe(s) and it ready to go,
    i read the manual and see this words : Github, SDKs, Applications, Plugins,
    and this Hybrid HEVC Encoder Plugin for $99, I should give up on this
    Quote Quote  

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