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  1. My Lite-On iHAS122-14 FU (actually firmware EL06) DVD drive no longer recognizes M-Disc DVD media. A few years ago I burned some M-Disc DVDs to this drive. My other ASUS 24x Drw-24f1mt drive can read and burn them normally.

    Is there any new custom firmware available for the Lite-On iHAS122 F to restore M-Disc DVD support?
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    Originally Posted by patrion87 View Post
    My Lite-On iHAS122-14 FU (actually firmware EL06) DVD drive no longer recognizes M-Disc DVD media. A few years ago I burned some M-Disc DVDs to this drive. My other ASUS 24x Drw-24f1mt drive can read and burn them normally.

    Is there any new custom firmware available for the Lite-On iHAS122 F to restore M-Disc DVD support?
    Are all the M-Discs finalized?
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  3. yes, i burned in ASUS 24x Drw-24f1mt drive
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    Perhaps you don't need a new firmware to sort this out. Even if you find a new firmware, there is no guarantee that this will solve the issue.
    Do you know when did you notice that the Lite-On DVD drive wouldn't recognize the M-Discs?
    Was it a something recent after installing some software?
    What I would do is enter BIOS and reset everything to default values. Then check.
    In addition you can uninstall the Lite-On drive from the Device Manager, reboot and check.
    Are the two DVD drives on the same PC or different and what is your operating system?
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  5. 1) Using cdburnerxp I burned a DVD mdisc on a Lite-On iHAS122-14 FU drive (currently firmware EL06) that previously burned and read DVD mdiscs. After burning, the burning test (if the burning was completed successfully) failed. Now, on that same drive, if I put the disc in, nothing appears. I put the disc in an old ASUS drive of my friend and it loaded without any files. I put the disc in my ASUS 24x Drw-24f1mt drive and the files appeared, but only some of them could be extracted because during the extraction it crashes. Is this behavior normal for a poorly burned DVD mdisc? It is very strange that cdburnerxp shows recording completed, fails the test after recording and the files do not appear on some drives.

    2) All my other recordings with other mdisc DVDs and the test after burning were completed well but using the ASUS 24x Drw-24f1mt drive.

    3) The disc was recorded as CDFS. Is this format compatible for reading and copying files universal to SATA drives?
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  6. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    only some ihas122 drives have mdisc compatibility. you seem to have flashed the drive to a different firmware than it came with. that most likely removed it's mdisc ability. there's no going back gamemaniaco.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  7. No i not update firmware

    All my other recordings with other mdisc DVDs and the test after burning were completed well but using the ASUS 24x Drw-24f1mt drive.

    2) The disc was recorded as CDFS. Is this format compatible for reading and copying files universal to SATA drives?

    3)When the recording is completed or there is an error during the recording of the mdisc DVD and after that the liteon drive does not recognize the disc, another asus drive recognizes the disc as empty and another more modern asus drive shows the files that were partially recorded, what does this mean?
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