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  1. What about this tuner?:
    TBS products are high quality. I use two it tuners but in Europe.
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    Originally Posted by noemi7 View Post
    What about this tuner?:
    TBS products are high quality. I use two it tuners but in Europe.
    Isn't that just a PC TV tuner? A PC will be needed to record anything from it.

    dr.technical wants a self-contained unit that can be used to schedule, record, store, and play recordings.

    The only things mentioned that I know for sure can do all that are the Magnavox HDD/DVD recorders, Tablo recorders, the Homeworks ATSC "converter box", and the similar Mediasonic ATSC "converter box".

    I am not entirely sure about the HDHomeRun Flex being able to function as a stand-alone recorder if a storage device is attached to it and the HDHomeRun DVR software is used. Running the DVR software could require a PC.
    Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329
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  3. Originally Posted by noemi7 View Post
    What about this tuner?:
    TBS products are high quality. I use two it tuners but in Europe.
    The description says "plug into your PC". Can it be connected to a TV? How do you record on it? Do you need a hard drive?
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  4. Originally Posted by dr.technical View Post
    Can it be connected to a TV? How do you record on it? Do you need a hard drive?
    No, as it says: you need to connect to it antena cable, and plug the tuner via USB to PC. It records a TV program onto a PC hard drive. To watch TV on a TV set, the PC need to be connected to it via HDMI.

    Seems that HDHomeRun Flex mentioned earlier is a cable TV only (DVB-C). TBS tuner handles both: terrestrial television (DVB-T), and DVB-C.
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    Originally Posted by noemi7 View Post
    Seems that HDHomeRun Flex mentioned earlier is a cable TV only (DVB-C). TBS tuner handles both: terrestrial television (DVB-T), and DVB-C.
    dr.technical is in the USA. The HDHomeRun Flex products sold in the USA have ATSC 1.0 tuners or both ATSC 1.0 and ATSC 3.0 tuners, (depending on the model) for tuning over-the-air TV broadcasts. The various HDHomeRun Flex boxes don't work for US cable TV because all digital cable channels are encrypted by the service provider these days.

    The HDHomeRun Prime is the only digital cable TV tuner made by HDHomeRun for the US market, but requires a type of smart card from the cable TV provider to remove encryption.
    Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329
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    Originally Posted by usually_quiet View Post
    I am not entirely sure about the HDHomeRun Flex being able to function as a stand-alone recorder if a storage device is attached to it and the HDHomeRun DVR software is used. Running the DVR software could require a PC.
    I figured it out... I confused the HDHomeRun FLEX product line with the now-discontinued HDHomeRun SCRIBE product line.

    The devices in the SCRIBE product line could run HDHomeRun DVR software and record without a PC. Various streaming boxes could be used to watch its recordings. It might have been discontinued on account of having become incompatible with more recent streaming boxes.

    The HDHomeRun Flex product line definitely requires a computer running DVR software (either HDHomeRun's DVR software or third party DVR software) to record anything.
    Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329
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  7. Originally Posted by usually_quiet View Post
    Originally Posted by usually_quiet View Post
    I am not entirely sure about the HDHomeRun Flex being able to function as a stand-alone recorder if a storage device is attached to it and the HDHomeRun DVR software is used. Running the DVR software could require a PC.
    I figured it out... I confused the HDHomeRun FLEX product line with the now-discontinued HDHomeRun SCRIBE product line.

    The devices in the SCRIBE product line could run HDHomeRun DVR software and record without a PC. Various streaming boxes could be used to watch its recordings. It might have been discontinued on account of having become incompatible with more recent streaming boxes.

    The HDHomeRun Flex product line definitely requires a computer running DVR software (either HDHomeRun's DVR software or third party DVR software) to record anything.
    So, if I have this right, of all the suggestions on this threat, the only ones that will actually allow me to record OTA TV is a Tablo DVR, a cheap converter box from Mediasonic or Homeworx, or a used DVD recorder, correct?
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    Originally Posted by dr.technical View Post
    So, if I have this right, of all the suggestions on this threat, the only ones that will actually allow me to record OTA TV is a Tablo DVR, a cheap converter box from Mediasonic or Homeworx, or a used DVD recorder, correct?
    That's right. Those are the only stand-alone recording devices (no PC needed) that were mentioned in this thread

    I decided to look at Channel Master's website since they used to make a proprietary stand-alone device for recording from an antenna. They are now selling a TiVo with guide service included, which is a stand-alone device but not cheap.
    Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329
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  9. Originally Posted by usually_quiet View Post
    Originally Posted by dr.technical View Post
    So, if I have this right, of all the suggestions on this threat, the only ones that will actually allow me to record OTA TV is a Tablo DVR, a cheap converter box from Mediasonic or Homeworx, or a used DVD recorder, correct?
    That's right. Those are the only stand-alone recording devices (no PC needed) that were mentioned in this thread

    I decided to look at Channel Master's website since they used to make a proprietary stand-alone device for recording from an antenna. They are now selling a TiVo with guide service included, which is a stand-alone device but not cheap.
    Thanks, again!
    I may look at Channel Master.
    I am going to look at the Toshiba DR430 DVD Recorder. New models are apparently available. Not sure if it has a hard drive or tuner.
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  10. This is some information on the Toshiba DR430:

    If the information is correct it is not what you want.

    This converter should do what you want with an USB external HDD.
    It does not look as user friendly as a Magnavox but should work.
    For the price it would be worth a try.
    It is a Mediasonic Homeworx as suggested earlier

    The Channel Master also looked good but as posted not cheap.
    Last edited by cholla; 30th Jan 2025 at 12:33.
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  11. Originally Posted by cholla View Post
    This is some information on the Toshiba DR430:

    If the information is correct it is not what you want.

    This converter should do what you want with an USB external HDD.
    It does not look as user friendly as a Magnavox but should work.
    For the price it would be worth a try.
    It is a Mediasonic Homeworx as suggested earlier

    The Channel Master also looked good but as posted not cheap.
    Thank you for your numerous replies.
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