Simple, about the same burriness as _Al_:
Adjust saturation and contrast too if you want.Code:BilinearResize(24, 12) Blur(1.0) Spline36Resize(1920,1080)
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I was about to suggest something similar to jagabo, but as he beat me to it I thought I'd just add....
If you want the background more symmetrical, which might be less distracting, try flipping the video over and blending it into itself first.
Just a frame from a video I happen to have open.
BilinearResize(24, 12)
[Attachment 84962 - Click to enlarge]
V = last
Overlay(V, FlipHorizontal(V), Opacity=0.5)
BilinearResize(24, 12)
[Attachment 84963 - Click to enlarge]Avisynth functions Resize8 Mod - Audio Speed/Meter/Wave - -
Avisynth/VapourSynth functions CropResize - FrostyBorders - CPreview (Cropping Preview) -
mm I think have some different versions
[Attachment 84968 - Click to enlarge]
however it seems works well -
so finally
this is me
[Attachment 84969 - Click to enlarge]
Code:LoadPlugin("v:\automazioneclip\AviSynth\LSMASH_AGO_2023\x64\LSMASHSource.dll") LWLibavVideoSource("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Nuova cartella (6)\catLearn.jpg") function QGaussBlur(clip C, float radx, float rady) { return C.BilinearResize( \ Max(16, _mod(2, Float(C.Width)/radx)), \ Max(16, _mod(2, FLoat(C.Height)/rady))) \ .GaussResize( \ C.Width, C.Height, p=19) } function _mod(int m, float f) { x = (m>0) ? -1 : 1 m = Max(1, Abs(m)) sg = Sign(f) i = Round(Abs(f)) return sg * Max(0, i + x * (i % m)) } function f2c(float f) { return Round((f - 1.0) * 256.0) } #LoadPlugin("C:\ ... path ... \AddGrain.dll") #LWLibavVideoSource("catLearn.jpg") GaussResize(1920, 1080, p=19) blur = 100 gain = 0.9 blue = 0.2 noise = 3 sat = 0.5 QGaussBlur(blur, blur).QGaussBlur(blur, blur) ColorYUV(gain_y=f2c(gain), off_u=blue, cont_u=f2c(sat), cont_v=f2c(sat)) AddGrain(Float(noise), 0.22, 0.22, constant=1>0)
[Attachment 84970 - Click to enlarge]
Code:LoadPlugin("v:\automazioneclip\AviSynth\LSMASH_AGO_2023\x64\LSMASHSource.dll") LWLibavVideoSource("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Nuova cartella (6)\catLearn.jpg") crop(0,height/4, 0, -height/4) bicubicresize(24,12) bicubicresize(1920,1080)
[Attachment 84971 - Click to enlarge]
Code:LoadPlugin("v:\automazioneclip\AviSynth\LSMASH_AGO_2023\x64\LSMASHSource.dll") LWLibavVideoSource("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Nuova cartella (6)\catLearn.jpg") V = last Overlay(V, FlipHorizontal(V), Opacity=0.5) BilinearResize(24, 12) Blur(1.0) Spline36Resize(1920,1080)
[Attachment 84972 - Click to enlarge]
the cat thanks everything and asks: considering that this should be the background to "animate" a possible photo of the cat in the center of the screen could there be a better alternative? otherwise it seems to me that in some way these results could also be fine -
Oh, yes, thanks for that correction, I did not notice that "C" at the end and also I put it into plugins+ folder, not plugins64+, now it is working
I do not know what you mean,
but btw. that script using "FuzzyBorders" could be used like that, just importing all functions needed by importing that FuzzyBorders.avsi:
Code:import("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+\FuzzyBorders.avsi") blur = 100 gain = 0.9 blue = 0.2 noise = 3 sat = 0.5 LWLibavVideoSource("catLearn.jpg") GaussResize(1920, 1080, p=19) QGaussBlur(blur, blur).QGaussBlur(blur, blur) ColorYUV(gain_y=f2c(gain), off_u=blue, cont_u=f2c(sat), cont_v=f2c(sat)) AddGrain(Float(noise), 0.22, 0.22, constant=1>0)
Last edited by _Al_; 18th Jan 2025 at 17:22.
for example: the script simply has to output the blurred image without anything else. Subsequently I could, with some good video editing program, generate a video using only the background image and moving only the photo
import("v:\automazioneclip\AviSynth\plugins\FuzzyBorders.avsi") LoadPlugin("v:\automazioneclip\AviSynth\LSMASH_AGO_2023\x64\LSMASHSource.dll") LWLibavVideoSource("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Nuova cartella (6)\catLearn.jpg") blur = 100 gain = 0.9 blue = 0.2 noise = 3 sat = 0.5 GaussResize(1920, 1080, p=19) QGaussBlur(blur, blur).QGaussBlur(blur, blur) ColorYUV(gain_y=f2c(gain), off_u=blue, cont_u=f2c(sat), cont_v=f2c(sat)) AddGrain(Float(noise), 0.22, 0.22, constant=1>0)
[Attachment 84977 - Click to enlarge]
it seems beauty, or not?
there a little "noise" (a little "dithering"?)which I don't know if it can be removed or improved, but perhaps it can also be accepted as it is -
addgrainC.dll file
and fuzzyborders.avsi that I use is this -
Oh Ken Burns effects?
I start to understand more (again late) your intentions. In avisynth? There is this one avisynth Ken_Burns_Effect. Not sure how well it works.
Not using NLE, you need an algorithm, that crops automatically, in certain speed, to a given starting coordinate. Interestingly enough, I made that algorithm myself, but in python, not avisynth, for zooming in on a current mouse cursor, using a mouse scroll button for opencv previewer. The tricky part is not to allow zooming to wiggle too much. For this precise effect, not sure. I used it in comparator app, before posted somewhere, times ago. -
There are some flickering artifacts on the left edge of "catMovingPicture.mp4". Almost as if 2 layers of the moving cat were used, but with 1 offset incorrectly. Or maybe your editor has some layer/alpha channel interpretation problems with odd width ?
When using lower quality / small dimension assets - you should upscale separately outside of the editor - because you can usually get better quality with more advanced external upscaling algorithms, producing fewer aliasing artifacts. -
oh my
Code:ffmpegOCT2024.exe -sn -an -hide_banner -v 32 -stats -y -i "%%a" -vf zscale=w=-2:h=6000:f=spline36:r=full:d=ordered -pix_fmt bgra -frames:v 1 -f image2 -update 1 -c:v targa -rle 0 "%OUTDIR1%\%%~na.tga" edited by marcorocchini; 23rd Jan 2025 at 10:01.
Ken Burns was a guy who got famous making American history documentaries. There is no video or film footage's available of course for those times. So his videos consists mostly on presenting a photographs with a narrative. But those were not static or just simply zoomed in. He was animating or making camera move, not sure what, but he could start zoomed in on a detail and sloooowly zooming out, or maybe vice versa, or just panning over those photograph and perhaps zooming at the same time. Those moves were very slow and not intrusive, almost like a video footage revealing a scenes.
So that filter is most likely using a zoom in or zoom out, not sure about pans, but perhaps yes, because for an algorithm it is all the same.
It has nothing to do with blur background. That my response was reacting on your video when zooming in on a cat. -
[Attachment 85401 - Click to enlarge]
if someone can help a cat
Code:import("v:\FuzzyBorders.avsi") LoadPlugin("V:\BestSource.dll") BSVideoSource("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\me\me.jpg") blur = 100 gain = 0.9 blue = 0.2 noise = 3 sat = 0.5 GaussResize(1920, 1080, p=19) QGaussBlur(blur, blur).QGaussBlur(blur, blur) ConvertToYUY2(interlaced=false) #converting RGB to YUV ColorYUV(f2c=true, gain_y=gain, off_u=blue, cont_u=sat, cont_v=sat) AddGrain(Float(noise), 0.22, 0.22, constant=1>0)
[Attachment 85402 - Click to enlarge]
my target is to get the blurry background only, HD resolution 16:9. So I wonder: it looking good, but is there a way to have a little more quality? (I :mean a little less dithering, or a improve of quality?)
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