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  1. I am using a cad cam drawing software and use tutorials, this tutorials i run in Potplayer.
    My question is:

    Can i repeat playback after pause x seconds rewind.
    I mean when i continue a video after a pause i would like if the video starts back a x seconds.

    Thank you,
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  2. Not directly within PotPlayer, so I would just write a simple autohotkey script. As an example:

    Send, {Left}
    Sleep, 50
    Send, {Space}
    This will bind "Ctrl P" to the sequence:
    Press Left Arrow
    Wait 50ms
    Press Spacebar

    So, within PotPlayer just make sure your left arrow key is bound to your desired Playback > Jumpto(X seconds)Backwards and Spacebar is bound to pause/play. Then just pause with Spacebar and resume with Ctrl P (or another less annoying key combination of your choosing)
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