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  1. Here is short (13s and 48MB) sample:

    I have tried my own to fix it, but cant beat it. Maybe someone can help me?
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  2. There also seems to be some chroma shifting. (trying to shift the chroma back, you might want to tweak it)
    Additionally, adding 1x_BleedOut_Compact_300k_net_g.pth and some (a bit too strong) denoising: (script:
    jagabo might have some idea about the halo, iirc. he posted 'workable solution' for such strong halos a while ago.
    Last edited by Selur; 8th Jan 2025 at 13:00.
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  3. Found your suggestion from other thread and used mlrt_ncnn(network_path="1x_BleedOut_Compact_300k_n et_g.onnx") which toned down the chromableed a lot. Chromashifting is indeed also a issue.
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  4. Make sure to first adjust the shift and then adjust BleedOut.
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  5. Something like:

    LWLibavVideoSource("intermediate.demuxed.mpeg")  # or other source filter
    QTGMC() # or other deinterlacer
    MergeChroma(last, BilinearResize(width/2, height).aWarpSharp2(depth=25).nnedi3_rpow2(2, cshift="SPline36Resize", fwidth=width, fheight=height))
    ChromaShiftSP(x=2, y=2)
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  6. ChromaShiftSP is 32bit only?
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  7. No, ChromaShiftSP is just a wrapper script using normal resizing and MergeChroma, so nothing that isn't part of Avisynth core:
    function ChromaShiftSP (clip clp, float "X",float "Y") {
      X = default(X, 0.0) # positive values shift the chroma to left, negative values to right
      Y = default(Y, 0.0) # positive values shift the chroma upwards, negative values downwards
      w = clp.Width()
      h = clp.Height()
      clp.MergeChroma(clp.Spline16Resize(w, h, X, Y, w+X, h+Y))
    Same in the Vapoursynth port.
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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