Hi all,
First time poster, longtime reader of many a threads. I've captured several VHS tapes successfully using the following workflow: JVC HR-S3900U > Panasonic DMR-ES15 > Pinnacle 710 USB > Win10 64-bit using VirtualDub1.9.
However, entering the editing / restoration phase has not been easy. I successfully downloaded AviSynth+ and am using VirtualDub2 to run scripts. I'm still having trouble understanding the entire process, but I'm making some headway. For example, it took me several hours over two days to get TemporalDegrain2 to work. (The fix ended up being to download the 64-bit libffw3f-3.dll file - duplicate it (as was done for the original AviSynth+ install), again rename one of the duplicate files to FFTW3.dll, and add the two files to the System32 folder. After that, TemporalDegrain2 worked).
Having said that, I cannot get LSFMod or MCTemporalDenoise to load. The error I've received for days now is: "There is no function named MCTemporalDenoise / LSFMod..."
I have all the required files for LSFMod in my Plugins64+ folder, but regarding MCTemporalDenoise, the only file I don't have from the requirements list is Sangnom. I cannot find a Sangnom.dll file for a 64-bit OS. Every Sangnom.dll file I've downloaded and placed in the Plugins folder has led to a script error saying the dll file is for 32-bit, not x64.
First, could someone confirm whether LSFMod and MCTemporalDenoise can be used on a 64-bit Win OS? If so, any suggestions to what I could be doing wrong with these two specific items?
I will note that some avsi files in my Plugins64+ folder show up as "File Type: AviSynth+ Autoload Script (.avsi)" while others, including LSFMod and MCTemporalDenoise, show up as "File Type: Text Document". The file names for LSFMod and MC both end with .avsi (visible in the Plugins folder), while others, specifically those that reflect File Type: AviSynth+ Auto Script such as TemporalDegrain-v2.6.6 and GradFun2DBmod.v1.5, don't explicitly show .avsi at the end of the file name (though under properties, it shows they are also avsi files). I hope this makes sense? I tried my best to explain this thinking this could be a possible issue given TemporalDegrain2 does work now.
I really appreciate your time - I'd be very grateful for any help / guidance...
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Do you have Windows set up to show file name extensions?
On the view tab, uncheck "hide extensions for known file types"
For now, just load them using import, then there is no ambiguiity. eg.
import("i:\plugins\MCTemporalDenoise.v1.4.20.avsi" )Last edited by davexnet; 22nd Dec 2024 at 19:28.
LSFMod is Win 64 OK.
My lsfmod.avsi is 32768 bytes and shows up as an "AVSI file". -
Thank you both for responding, much appreciated.
File Name Extensions is not checkmarked. I turned it on to see the file names, then turned it back off.
The "import" method is failing me as well, although I finally think I've found the problem. A message window popped up (until now, I have not seen this box before, and I've saved failing scripts dozens of times in recent days) - it says Error (Erno) 13: Permission Denied: u'C:\\...
Searching online, it seems I'll have to use command prompts using the keyword Sudo? Again, first time I'm seeing this error message box, if this is the issue at least I'm glad to have found out what the problem has been...will continue researching to see how to fix and will report back.
My lsfmod.avsi file is also 32768 bytes, glad to rule out wrong/outdated file. Thank you both! -
And MCTemporalDenoise is working OK on Win 64 also.
regarding MCTemporalDenoise, the only file I don't have from the requirements list is Sangnom. I cannot find a Sangnom.dll file for a 64-bit OS.
I'd just blow up your AVISynth installation and start again. It's hard enough as it is without having to use a command prompt to load each plugin. -
Well, scratch that. My AVSPmod suddenly became glitchy and now crashes each time I open one particular script. Opened a new script, and now AVSPmod is working again.
So, the 'Permissions Denied' issue is Not the issue. I tried using the "import" method, and am getting the error: Couldn't Import: C:\Users\srvalen1\AviSynth+\plugins64+ > LSFmod.v1.9.avsi"
I've gotten this error message when trying to import both LSFmod and MCTemp
Here is the copy of my script, if anyone sees an error I made, could you please let me know? Thanks so much.
AVISource("C:\Users\srvalen1\Documents\VHS\Sample Clip 3.avi")
plugins_dir="<C:\Users\srvalen1\AviSynth+\plugins6 4+>"
Import(plugins_dir + "LSFmod.v1.9.avsi")
QTGMC(preset="fast",SourceMatch=3,Lossless=2,Match Enhance=0.75,TR2=1,Sharpness=0.1)
Spline64Resize(720,540) -
Interesting, Alwyn. Do you have Sangnom.dll in your Plugins folder? Thanks
Do you have Sangnom.dll in your Plugins folder?
plugins6 4+ -
My apologies for the space between 6 & 4 - that was my re-typing the file path. There's no space there in the actual script.
I copied my AviSynth+ folder to Program Files (x86) but still getting the same message regardless of which file path I choose to import from (Program Files (x86) or Docs).
I'm stumped at this point, but will keep trying different things and hope I can get them to work like I did with TemporalDegrain2.
I will add that something went wacky with my AviSynth+ after it worked for a day, so I uninstalled and reinstalled, and it's been working again since. I've gotten the same error messages with lsfmod and MCTemp on both installs.
Thank you Alwyn... -
Have a crack at the info tool-might reveal what's going on with your install:
https://www.videohelp.com/software/Avisynth-Info-Tool -
No issues found with info tools :/
Is your lsfmod file a text file like mine? It ends in avsi but I guess mine ends with .avs.txt. I tried opening the script for TemporalDegrain2 (which opens in a-pod, copying the lsfmod script over and 'save as' to turn it into a script, same error. When I doubleclick my original lsfmod.avsi it opens in notepad. Do you know if that's how it should be? Thanks again. -
Yep, lsfmod.avsi is an avsi.
".avs.txt" will be your issue.
Yes, DC an AVS or AVSI opens them in Notepad here. -
Thanks Alwyn - I finally got it working! By downloading the 'raw file' from github for both LSFmod and MCTemporalDenoise, the file extensions dropped the .txt that followed the .avsi. I was unable to change it myself (or didn't do it right), but downloading directly from github as opposed to Wiki has got both working...
With one minor caveat...
MCTemporalDenoise showed a new error after the download from github. "There is no function named gradfun2db3." I did some more online searching and found a post way down in a Doom9 thread where someone mentioned a similar problem and found a fix (copying and pasting their verbage here):
"Solved adding: fixband=false
But still can't use multi-threading."
This indeed worked for me. By changing the script line to MCTemporalDenoise(fixband=false) - the script finally loaded successfully. (I'm stunned...)
Having said that, is it ok to just have 'fixband=false' in the parenthesis? Will MCTemp run with default settings otherwise? I still have to fully understand the inputs I see most scripts have within the parenthesis after a given function...
I really do appreciate you responding to me throughout the evening...you helped me tremendously, thanks so much, Alwyn -
My pleasure.
FYI, I try to get the plugins from the official AVISynth page. I searched for "AVISynth gradfun2db" and this came up:
I used the X64 version (download links top right) and it worked.
On rare occasions you have to head off to Doom9 or elsewhere.
Having said that, is it ok to just have 'fixband=false' in the parenthesis? Will MCTemp run with default settings otherwise? I still have to fully understand the inputs I see most scripts have within the parenthesis after a given function...
The empty brackets () after a filter/function simply means "apply the defaults", which will be noted on the AVISynth wiki for the filter/function.Last edited by Alwyn; 27th Dec 2024 at 07:01. Reason: "Empty" bracket note amended.
By downloading the 'raw file' from github for both LSFmod and MCTemporalDenoise, the file extensions dropped the .txt that followed the .avsi. I was unable to change it myself (or didn't do it right), but downloading directly from github as opposed to Wiki has got both working...
Some nice person has done all the hard work for you and done that, then put the AVSI on Github.
I think Microsoft enabled hiding of file extensions because they aren't cool and Apple doesn't do it.
If you had the extensions hidden, you would have seen "LSFmod.avsi" but of course, it's not an AVSI at all.
The first thing I do on a new install is enable extensions. I could not live without them.Last edited by Alwyn; 26th Dec 2024 at 17:43.
### +--------------+
### +--------------+
### -> MaskTools2 (v2.2.30 or up)
### -> RgTools (v1.2 or up)
### -> ExTools (v10.2 or up)
### -> ResizersPack (v12.0 or up) <-- nmod()
### -> SMDegrain (v4.5.0 or up) [for preblur="ON"]
### -> MVTools (v2.7.45 or up) [for preblur="ON" or Lmode=6]
### -> SharpenersPack (v5.2 or up) [for Smode=1, Smode=2 and Smode=3]
### -> CAS (v1.0.1 or up) [for Smode=6]
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