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  1. hi guys,I have some questions about subtitles.
    I'm watching a movie on a website, but I found that the website has subtitles in languages ​​other than English. When I clicked on the additional menu, I found that there were subtitles in other languages.Image
    [Attachment 84098 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 84099 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 84100 - Click to enlarge]
    I want to download them, but every time I download the subtitle file, it only has English subtitles. Why? Can someone tell me how to download subtitles in other languages? For example, here are the Chinese subtitles

    Here is the URL of the video
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  2. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    I don't know if this is helpful, but at you can search for subtitle in several languages. You do have to know what the movie title is.
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  3. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by pipaguo View Post
    Here are your 3 subtitles, en, vt, ch

    In case you want the video from that page as well, here it is

    decrypted using key
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~~~~~~~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  4. Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    Originally Posted by pipaguo View Post
    Here are your 3 subtitles, en, vt, ch

    In case you want the video from that page as well, here it is

    decrypted using key
    Thank you, may I know how to get these? What kind of software is used to get these? Or something else? I also need to download other videos and their non-English subtitle files, not just this one video and other subtitles. Thank you very much. I am a novice.
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  5. Originally Posted by Ennio View Post
    I don't know if this is helpful, but at you can search for subtitle in several languages. You do have to know what the movie title is.
    It's useless. I know this website, but it doesn't have what I need.
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  6. Excuse me,I need a way to get subtitles in other languages. I'm a beginner, hope someone can give me some help, thank you!
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  7. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by pipaguo View Post
    Thank you, may I know how to get these? What kind of software is used to get these? Or something else? I also need to download other videos and their non-English subtitle files, not just this one video and other subtitles. Thank you very much. I am a novice.
    For subtitles, use firefox + this addon
    Load the video and right click -> inspect network requests. Then change language to what you want and filter for subs.vtt
    When you find that request, don't bother copying the URL since it's a one time request so it fails. Simply copy the subtitle from the response tab and paste it in a text file locally.

    [Attachment 84121 - Click to enlarge]

    For video use[Release]
    If you're a novice read the creator's tutorial.
    Last edited by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi; 14th Dec 2024 at 03:28.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~~~~~~~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  8. Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    Originally Posted by pipaguo View Post
    Thank you, may I know how to get these? What kind of software is used to get these? Or something else? I also need to download other videos and their non-English subtitle files, not just this one video and other subtitles. Thank you very much. I am a novice.
    For subtitles, use firefox + this addon
    Load the video and right click -> inspect network requests. Then change language to what you want and filter for subs.vtt
    When you find that request, don't bother copying the URL since it's a one time request so it fails. Simply copy the subtitle from the response tab and paste it in a text file locally.

    [Attachment 84121 - Click to enlarge]

    For video use[Release]
    If you're a novice read the creator's tutorial.
    Thank you, according to your method, I successfully got the subtitle file I wanted. I also downloaded the relevant expansion files from the post address you provided. After I get the URL, Key, CMD and other codes, I don't know how to use them? Should I download other software to use these codes? What should I do next? Is there any relevant usage instructions for this forum?
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  9. Image
    [Attachment 84191 - Click to enlarge]

    I get this page, but what do I do next? I don't know. Do I need to download other software or files? Please tell me what files I need to download? Are there any relevant instructions? Thanks
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  10. Originally Posted by Aloysius View Post
    I too had this question and it is solved now!
    How did you download the video?If you have a good method, can you teach it?
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  11. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by pipaguo View Post
    I get this page, but what do I do next? I don't know. Do I need to download other software or files?
    If you click on the "Cmd" text highlighted from the addon window, you'll copy to clipboard a download command that uses the N_m3u8DL-RE program. Then you open cmd in whatever folder you want and paste that command to download the video. To open cmd in a specific folder, open file explorer and type cmd in the address path bar or type in cmd: cd "full path"

    N_m3u8DL-re can be found here
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~~~~~~~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  12. Hi,
    Sorry to hijack your helpful thread but I have a similar problem, but on a different site. I'm wanting to get the subtitles for a film here:

    I downloaded and installed the Firefox addon you suggested, but when inspecting the network I see nothing like your picture. It's out of copyright and there's no DRM. I got the film easily, but am completely stumped how to get the subs. Can you help?
    Thank you.
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  13. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by manono View Post
    am completely stumped how to get the subs. Can you help?
    Your subtitle:
    Check and see if it's properly synced with the full video.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~~~~~~~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  14. Hello again.
    I don't worry much about synch as I retime them all anyway, after slowing them to film speed. This is a PAL source. I did have a problem converting them to the ASS I usually work with as conversions in both Subtitle Edit and Subtitle Workshop didn't produce anything Aegisub (or even Substation Alpha) would accept. But I got it sorted out and am now on my merry way. And thank you so much for doing that. But, as they say:

    "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."

    [SS]Vegata showed me how once before using HAR and JSON files. It worked once on a different film from that same site, but I couldn't make it work this time. Did you use the Anti Anti Debug Firefox add on, the method I (sort of) just described, or something else?

    Thanks again. It saves me many hours of drudge work.
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  15. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by manono View Post
    I did have a problem converting them to the ASS I usually work with as conversions in both Subtitle Edit and Subtitle Workshop didn't produce anything Aegisub (or even Substation Alpha) would accept.
    You can use Aegisub directly, import the srt, and export it to ssa.

    Originally Posted by manono View Post
    Did you use the Anti Anti Debug Firefox add on, the method I (sort of) just described, or something else?
    You shouldn't expect one method that worked for one site, to work for another. It's true that stream detector is enough for most sites but when a dev bothers a little bit more in hiding the subs, you're gonna need a custom solution each time. As for how to get subs from

    - Inspect network requests, filter for "/api/", refresh page, load video and skip to the first subtitle line to make sure subs got loaded
    - You're gonna get a lot of requests that match the search. To find the right one, go to the "request" tab for each result (in raw form) and search in it the word "layers". When you find it appearing, that means you found the right request.
    - For the found request, go to the response tab and copy the entire response in raw text form. Create on desktop an empty folder, in it create the file "input.txt" and drop in it the raw text you previously copied

    [Attachment 84238 - Click to enlarge]

    - If you don't have python, install from and make sure you enable check the pip installation option
    - In the previous folder you made, create the file "" , make sure it's actually called and not, you have to see the real file extension on file explorer. In the file drop this script
    import json
    import math
    INPUT_FILE = "input.txt"
    def get_time(seconds):
        hs = math.floor(seconds // 3600)
        mn = math.floor((seconds % 3600) // 60)
        sc = math.floor(seconds % 60)
        ms = round((seconds % 1) * 10000)
        ms = str(ms)[0:3]
        return f"{hs:02}:{mn:02}:{sc:02},{ms}"
    def generate_srt(input_content):
        input_content = input_content["data"]["layers"]["subtitles"]
        out_path = ""
        srt_content = ""
        line_index = 0
        for line_content in input_content:
            line_index += 1
            line_start = get_time(line_content["in"])
            line_end = get_time(line_content["out"])
            line_text = line_content["value"]
            srt_content += f"{line_index}\n{line_start} --> {line_end}\n{line_text}\n\n"
        with open(out_path, "w") as o:
        return out_path
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        with open(INPUT_FILE, 'r') as f:
            s = json.loads(
        output_path = generate_srt(s)
        print(f'Saved srt to {output_path}')
    - The folder is gonna have 2 files now: and input.txt. Open cmd in it, either by typing cmd in the file explorer path address, or opening it and typing: cd "full_folder_path", or whatever else and type this command
    - The command will convert the input to srt and tell you where it saved it in the same folder.

    This method should work, regardless of indiancine video
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~~~~~~~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  16. You can use Aegisub directly, import the srt, and export it to ssa.
    That's just it, I can't. I try to open the SRT in Aegisub and it says, "One or more characters in the input string were not valid characters in the given input encoding". But, as I said, I managed to solve that particular problem.

    I've copied down the instructions for when I try to get subs from there in the future. Just creating those instructions must have taken you some time and it also says you spent serious time getting those SRTs to begin with. I'm very grateful.

    But in case I don't have any luck in the future (having never worked with Python), you might see me back here whining for help again.
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