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  1. Hello everyone, I am kindly asking for help with a problem in copying DV cassettes.
    I am using a Sony VX2000 with firewire output to a PC Windows 8.1 and WinDV for direct copy to PC.
    For a few days now, some noise has appeared on the acquired videos, noise that was never present before - in the video file that I enclose you can see on the left the acquisition as it was before and on the right as it appears now: you can see some flickering lines in the coloured bands...
    I also tried with other capture software ( ScenalYzer live, VLC, QuickTime,etc ) , I tried with various firewire cables and finally I tried with the capture on OSX : no result.
    Could it be the firewire converter in the camcorder ..??
    Thank you for your attention.
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  2. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    I'm puzzled to why you are getting chroma interference in a 100% digital workflow, This is usually a symptom of analog video capture over composite, Are you sure you have the original DV tapes not some dubbed copies and no analog is involved? and why the sample is WMV? Can you post few seconds of the original DV dump?
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  3. Hello dellsam34 and many thanks for Your help: indeed, the problem was caused by the recording on THAT DV cassette ,which was made with an analogue ( Y/C ) device resulting in noise on the video signal. In fact we tested it on another equipment and it gave the same defect.
    Fortunately it does not depend on the camcorder!
    Again thank you for your support and many greetings
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  4. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Ok, That explained it.
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