I've come across a strange issue when downloading videos from a video streaming site. I currently use 'The Stream Detector' on Firefox and this gives me the .mpd url which I use to download videos via Angela's AllHell. On some videos when they have adverts online half way through the video, the audio becomes unsynced at that point once the video has been downloaded. Yesterday instead of the usual .mpd file that appears e.g. "f7e0f9b8-5f3b-57fb-ae80-67cfa9c4910c.mpd" another one appeared named "master.mpd". When I used this instead to download a video, the usual unsynced audio was not there and the audio was synced perfectly.
I've tried refreshing the page/stream on other videos hoping this "master.mpd" would appear again but all attempts have been unsuccessful so far. Has anyone come across this before or can someone help show me how to find the "master.mpd" everytime on any video?
Any help is appreciated.
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Video URL?
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
The video is here https://www.discoveryplus.com/gb/video/adam-richman-eats-britain/yorkshire-pudding
The above video is free to watch if you sign up for a free account with Discovery+. It is not a paid service.
I'm not asking for someone to get me the master.mpd file for the above video as I've already downloaded it yesterday. I'm hoping someone might be able to help me figure out how to get the master.mpd file for any video I come across instead of the very very long .mpd file I keep getting?
DM me for further info if you think you can help.Last edited by darkell; 4th Dec 2024 at 07:59.
use https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/416316-%5BRelease%5D-WidevineProxy2-Extension-Bypa...s-Lic-wrapping
remember to choose correct video and audio
Code:N_m3u8DL-RE "https://dplus-uk.media-edge.prod-vod.h264.io/s/eu-west-1/v1/playlist/dash/c48895f7-7072-4661-864a-747bc701c9ba/edge-cache-token=Expires=1733411526&KeyName=media-edge-key-prod-eu-661a302&Signature=AFHymm5ogsJD26ylAqLOXkdKZPXExRnlM92214Mh5MDLXZym4GYyJYRT3dyA9B5fjnqLenqLj7Xpf09WwCgGBw/869647d0-bdcc-5b80-9b6a-3a3681918536.mpd?ctx=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&ps=CAQSATEaE21zLlZvZFBsYXliYWNrU3RhdGUinAUotS_9YDMFlRQAFq2RPEBr1AaIuiwNw0zoqrs0AX8V4b3Fkk8ymvW3GdlcOYYNwbAwDizOipK_ihoOksjeXNltFwNsb3Qnv3ZoBIEAlgB_AJJ878lmYX2loUQTC89vPiD-TPXKkY8G0tFlIJCf7LNr7Hcgm4uti0PZSKTCokCgTIAMBeynovh6tkBvWc72E2L7k2-qUxXXV1h1KjBhqQ6kepDlnUhTnYsZWf9q5JyN92hCbzUfmIzlNlK7vk8GpbPmdjm51dosGbXMmrNbXzuQCBeiDY4CDl8QGDRIICXL5aLiRhTKIslPKpuNxFhEFwgZH7MjY1OhklhkhygS6kPxcDziw4HIlOCSnkpDI1PbfEAvHIyJ6eYSOThwEmE4Dvkh4cUJowhWldGxwOOSuNGrvLsqSghmUJ4OSqJAciYMHnxFUioVJBua6TIZTRzF4qsL5J5Jw2HAsectxtFv2OI7bhm9AwPQtbN2ZfCZhg31QfcNtmTMWVLpbC9rtlC6HL1VClkEhIUBAkK4CAqLBSnS29btf4TsL05-_c0xNshOapJL2hBITBMRIThQOIHKn1NbwqaN_r3SM3SUspWwud4q-Uq1JdsoAonMRIQHF7mQUMB8zNCCR2nr8RQmugfR1zA8PJzGRAUAKvxN2dVZ9uZjqSvlBqVmG-tlyb4HIbTXhfiu7aXwnT4_-Sa7ns1UuozfSvQ5NjF0oBZK207_RsYtUspsvmYr3_kbzvpuZSxaCF-80zL2Oikz_-Zv07Fl7Omk9i-00SWMLjGmjUnctzbP180BGQAEgA-eWDEJ5B0SLSaB9DgAfRyAHhDwCOTBAuhrqSfbIJUzAhGAXDRiagEdwWTCNjFWkLXY2QozEwQM29LCshYZuawMQIylpA==" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0" -H "Accept: */*" -H "Origin: https://www.discoveryplus.com" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Sec-GPC: 1" -H "Proxy-Authorization: Basic cjZqUlAxaU1FNEpYQk5jWVppOXFiU1g2OjhQQm5VWVN5R0xXbXhHY29QZ1NWREJZbQ==" -H "Referer: https://www.discoveryplus.com/" --key 6635ade36a744189b82b78964ea61e35:1a85ae12c2e42a37a59978d212cbcf33 -M format=mkv
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