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  1. I recently started getting a black screen with no audio when trying to use my (hard disc drive) DVD recorder. Changing the cable did not help. A representative from Magnavox thinks the HDMI port on my recorder is the problem. My DVD recorder is about 10 years old, Magnavox MDR533H/F7.

    I was thinking of trying a RCA to HDMI converter. Does that sound like it might be the solution? The ABLEWE RCA to HDMI converter has gotten some good reviews.
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  2. Have you tried using RCA(composite) strait to whatever device that plays the audio ?
    Meaning amp or TV.
    If you have audio that way it must be in the HDMI.
    Before trying an adapter try a new top quality HDMI cable.
    Do you have another TV etc with HDMI you can test your DVR with ?
    To make sure that the problem is your DVR?

    I have 4 HW2160MW9 DVRs & I have never had a HDMI problem.
    A bit older than your DVR.Visually they look the same.
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  3. I think I need a adapter for an RCA cable. My TV does not have RCA ports. I only see HDMI ports and a USB port.

    I tried using the HDMI cable that I use for Roku on my DVD recorder. It did not work.

    My PC monitor just has a VGI port. I don't have another TV.
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