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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    Search Comp PM
    Yes, I have joined and have nothing to contribute. So, my apologies in advance.
    The question I have is about creating a video loop with the 1 videos. The first (the original) starts at its start and finishes at its end. The second is a mirror of the first but played from the end to the start. The second video is not so much played in reverse, it just now starts at the end and finish now at the start. What this would do is have the second video start where the first finished, creating perfect loop, hence the original video could be played in the third frame for it would have started where the second video had finished and so on.
    The best example I can give is a ball starting at the top of a hill and rolling to the bottom. How do I "inverse" this so the second video is of the ball rolling up the hill. It's just the original video "reversed" so that it starts where the first video stopped.
    How do I mirror, reverse, inverse the original video? Hope that makes sense.
    The short video is on a iPhone.
    Last edited by Stephen1; 13th Nov 2024 at 23:35.
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States
    Search Comp PM
    Your description of what you want is somewhat painful,
    do you mean something like this?
    Image Attached Files
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