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  1. I was under the impression that the option "Add files as additional parts" would overlay the files over each other. However, that does not appear to be the case. I am trying to execute a workaround L-cut with the last two Lord of the Rings films. As Disc 1 of each film has audio that should overlap onto the second discs if they were one movie/file. I have all the parts cut up as needed, I just need to overlay the .MKA audio file from the last 5 seconds of disc 1 onto the beginning of disc 2. Then, I can append that file with the edit of disc 1. However, when I use "Add files as additional parts", that segment does not seem to be present in the audio tracks. Wondering if anyone has any advice.
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  2. Okay. I had read that, but I just wasn't sure. Thanks. Guess it's back to Audacity. Unless, someone knows how to do an L-cut with Lossless cut.
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