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  1. I purchased a music dvd disc with a number of music video files. When I use this disc in my dvd player, the video starts playing. When the first video is finished, it goes to a menu so that I can highlight the next video and play the second video, etc. I don't want to do this. I simply want to play the video and have the music video files play continuously one after the other. How can I play this video with out the menu coming up. I don't want to have to advance to the last video to put it in a loop. Is there an easier way of doing this without going or viewing the last video to loop these video files so that they play continuously? I want to be able to have both options of my choice either using the menu or playing them continuously. Please Help!
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    You'll have to re-author the assets. It's possible PGCEdit could do it, but it will take some research
    or find somebody who knows it well enough.
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    Originally Posted by JMP View Post
    I purchased a music dvd disc with a number of music video files. When I use this disc in my dvd player, the video starts playing. When the first video is finished, it goes to a menu so that I can highlight the next video and play the second video, etc. I don't want to do this. I simply want to play the video and have the music video files play continuously one after the other. How can I play this video with out the menu coming up. I don't want to have to advance to the last video to put it in a loop. Is there an easier way of doing this without going or viewing the last video to loop these video files so that they play continuously? I want to be able to have both options of my choice either using the menu or playing them continuously. Please Help!
    Do you play from a DVD mechanism or have you copied DVDs onto your computer? If copied, what structure do you have on HDD?

    You can convert each chapter in DVD to single video file also as I do. There is a plenty of free tools.
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  4. Member DB83's Avatar
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    ^^ You quote the OP and then ask a Q. that has already been answered.

    True that if you have ripped the disk to your HDD you can inspect it. Not all such disks have chapters to match the individual music videos. And, typically, chapters flow each thereafter so playback is continous without resort to a menu.

    Even with tools such as IFOedit and PGCEdit it would be no easy matter. All end-of-video calls back to the menu would have to be removed and new calls made to continue playback at the next video. In that scenario it is one or another option but not both.

    As mentioned, the simpler way is to rip the disk into seperate video files and use a program such as DVDStyler to create a new dvd that has both a 'play all' and individual videos menu options.
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