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  1. Hi, I have recently acquired an anime Blu-Ray which is interlaced. When using standard deinterlacing I get blended frames such as this.

    [Attachment 83343 - Click to enlarge]

    Digging deeper and looking at the individual interlace fields I can see that the chroma bleed/ghosting is present in each field.

    [Attachment 83344 - Click to enlarge]

    Is there a script/tool/plugin which can detect these "bad" frames and replace them with good ones?
    I already tried multiple filters in Vapoursynth/Avisynth but didn't get any good results.
    Thank you in advance for your help!

    Sample file:
    Quote Quote  
  2. see this post from feisty2

    luma = tfm(pp=0, slow=2)
    chroma = vinverse().Srestore(omode="PP3", cache=10)
    #manual sync: figure out which frame (previous,current aka p,c) of 'chroma' clip is most similar to current frame of 'luma' clip
    # 46*log(|x-y|+1) uses the full [0,255]-range and scales little differences better than |x-y|*2
    diffp = mt_lutxy(luma,chroma.selectevery(1,-1),"x y - abs 1 + log 46 *")
    diffc = mt_lutxy(luma,chroma, "x y - abs 1 + log 46 *")
    # average difference between compared frames
    mp = mt_lutf(diffp,diffp,"avg",expr="x")
    mc = mt_lutf(diffc,diffc,"avg",expr="x")
    # build conditional masks based on the caculated comparisons
    maskp = mt_lutxy(mp,mc,"x y < 255 0 ?")
    # finally merge the luma of the tfm with the chroma of the srestore clip accordingly to the binary mask
    Image Attached Files
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  3. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    see this post from feisty2

    luma = tfm(pp=0, slow=2)
    chroma = vinverse().Srestore(omode="PP3", cache=10)
    #manual sync: figure out which frame (previous,current aka p,c) of 'chroma' clip is most similar to current frame of 'luma' clip
    # 46*log(|x-y|+1) uses the full [0,255]-range and scales little differences better than |x-y|*2
    diffp = mt_lutxy(luma,chroma.selectevery(1,-1),"x y - abs 1 + log 46 *")
    diffc = mt_lutxy(luma,chroma, "x y - abs 1 + log 46 *")
    # average difference between compared frames
    mp = mt_lutf(diffp,diffp,"avg",expr="x")
    mc = mt_lutf(diffc,diffc,"avg",expr="x")
    # build conditional masks based on the caculated comparisons
    maskp = mt_lutxy(mp,mc,"x y < 255 0 ?")
    # finally merge the luma of the tfm with the chroma of the srestore clip accordingly to the binary mask
    Thank you for sharing your code. The video you sent looks perfect!
    I got hung up on Srestore error: "I don't know what AvsPlusVersionNumber means."
    I downloaded this Universal Pack which thankfully worked flawlessly and fixed the issue!
    Thank you once again!
    Last edited by Maguku1738; 6th Nov 2024 at 08:50. Reason: Found solution for problem I was having.
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