"Fast Video Cataloger 9 is a video file management software (DAM) for 64 bit Windows designed to handle thousands of video files on a standard PC.
The program extracts a wall of thumbnail images representing scenes in each video. This provides a visual search through inside video files instead
of watching the duration of clips. Each thumbnail doubles as a playable bookmark for that scene and can be enriched with keywords for filtering and searching. Thumbnails can easily be added, removed, or annotated with keywords."

New in the 9.x version of Fast Video Cataloger:
- Support for searchable video transcripts in the new transcript window.
- Plugin support, including a plugin to generate transcripts from audio.
- Extended C# script API and hopefully better documentation

What's New: https://videocataloger.com/fast-video-cataloger-9-released/
Download link: https://videocataloger.com/download/
Documentation: https://videocataloger.com/Files/fvc9.pdf