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  1. Member
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    Apr 2017
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    Anyone else trying Olive 0.2?

    I am using Olive 0.2.0-617ff876 on MXLinux Xfce and I like it, it seems pretty reliable too.

    It crashed a couple of times when first installed, mainly due to me trying to do things it didn't like, but since it then has been solid. There's not a great deal of documentation available, not too many tutorials around either and those that are are mostly for Olive 0.1, which works differently and is no longer supported, but having figured out how things work best for me it does a better job more easily than my old NLE. I shoot 10-bit video which gives problems if put through an 8-bit NLE, so the previous options were Cinelerra-GG, or more recently Shotcut in GPU mode.

    So far I have got it to colour correct (including log footage), white balance, add animated titles with or without drop shadows, add coloured titles and scrolling credits, add and mix music and record voice. Rendering is easy and quite quick as it uses the GPU.

    It would be interesting to know if anyone else here is using it and maybe swap notes.
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  2. Member ricardouk's Avatar
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    Hi DeJay

    From a non expert/pro point of view i found olive 0.1 better, the node flow on 0.2 is not my "cup of tea" altough "everyone" says its the future etc, on linux i use kdenlive for some quick edits without elaborate effects etc, for something more refined i use davinci resolve free and its more than enough for my uses, its node based but you can do a lot without using nodes, kdenlive accepts mp4, in resolve you need to convert it to prores or similar before...not a big problem.
    I love it when a plan comes together!
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  3. Member
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    Thanks for replying ricardouk.

    I tried Olive 0.1 a few years ago, even added the community effects, but it didn't excite me at the time although I felt it had potential, so I stuck with Cinelerra-GG. I first became intimidated by node editing when I tried Blender and it was one of the reasons I didn't continue with it. As Olive 0.2 has full colour control and works in 32-bit I decided to try it despite node editing. After struggling with it for a couple of hours I found a tutorial on its node editor, after that I found it relatively easy, finding I prefer it to layer editing.

    I need an NLE that is 10-bit end to end and as a long-term Linux user the only option used to be Cinelerra-GG, then Shotcut became 10-bit, albeit with a reduced filter set in GPU mode. Then a few days ago I checked Olive's progress, it looked good so I tried it. Now three open source options. Despite Kdenlive now having the capability to handle 10-bit, its effects are still only 8-bit so that doesn't work for me.

    I'm still hoping someone else here is trying Olive 0.2 and we can compare notes.
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