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  1. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Do you have avs+ installed, or is it a "portable" version with megui ? That might be why vdub2 doesn't work for you
    I have "portable" version with megui.

    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    What does this do? And to use it - I just Import() it in the script?
    Quote Quote  
  2. Originally Posted by cinephil View Post
    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    What does this do? And to use it - I just Import() it in the script?
    Recall the error message was "I don't know what 'AvsPlusVersionNumber' means"

    There is an AvsPlusVersionNumber function included in Zs_RF_Shared.avsi, and you can Import() or let it autoload if it's in the Plugins directory
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  3. THANKS poisondeathray! Now LSFmod is loading.
    But in older version of MeGUI/AviSynth+ not loading mlrt_ncnn, so I need to use MeGUI-6666.2308_x64 again
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  4. If you want it fixed - someone should report the issue to the megui developers for that branch that AVS error messages are not being conveyed, instead it's just crashing (it shouldn't just crash)
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  5. You should be able to "update" the old Megui version by dropping a newer Avisynth.dll version into the MeGui avs folder. (Make a backup of the old Avisynth.dll first)

    I'm assuming that's why it's not loading mlrt_ncnn ; since mlrt_ncnn has modern requirements including avs version
    Quote Quote  
  6. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    If you want it fixed - someone should report the issue to the megui developers for that branch that AVS error messages are not being conveyed, instead it's just crashing (it shouldn't just crash)
    I sent the report.

    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    You should be able to "update" the old Megui version by dropping a newer Avisynth.dll version into the MeGui avs folder. (Make a backup of the old Avisynth.dll first)
    It works that way, thanks.

    But not gives error messages
    Last edited by cinephil; 14th Sep 2024 at 12:21.
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  7. Sadly with LSFmod I'm not get the look I wanted. So I trying the other way with WarpDeRing. But get this error

    [Attachment 82238 - Click to enlarge]

    #crop(6, 0, -8, 0)
    ColorYUV(gamma_y=-35, cont_y=48, gain_y=-10, off_y=0) #adjust gamma and contrast
    Tweak(bright=16, coring=false)  #adjust brightness
    Tweak(Sat=1.2, startHue=80, endHue=135) # "red" pixels (boost up)
    Tweak(Sat=1.2, startHue=325, endHue=15) # "blue" pixels (boost up)
    FFT3DFilter(bt=-1, sharpen=0.7, interlaced=true)
    #FFT3DFilter(bt=1, sigma=0.3, plane=0, bw=16, bh=16, ow=8, oh=8, ncpu=4, sharpen=0.6, interlaced=true)
    #FFT3DFilter(bt=1, sigma=0.7, plane=3, bw=16, bh=16, ow=8, oh=8, ncpu=4, sharpen=0.9, interlaced=true)
    ConvertToPlanarRGB(matrix="Rec709", interlaced=true)
    ConverttoYv12(matrix="Rec709", interlaced=true)
    # WarpDeRing v1.0 by mirkosp
    # HBD mod 1.1
    # 	Uses aWarpSharp2's flattening to clean out ringing/smaller halos,
    # 	then runs some masks to preserve the edges and avoid the thinning.
    # 	This is nothing really new but it kind of just works, so eh.
    #	Calling the filter more times in a row is probably more effective than toying with the parameters.
    #	Only really tested out with a DVD, probably only works as intended on SD sources.
    #	For HD, it might need some more mt_expand() in the owarp clip (I don't think, though).
    #	Oh, and it's for newer and minor stuff, like downscaled HD sources released only on DVD and so on.
    #	Don't expect this to work on Trigun. Or, well, I guess it could work, but... you know the deal.
    # strength is the warpsharpening depth, so higher values nail more things
    # tmax and tmin work out the hysteresis mask for the final masking pass
    # Requirements:
    # 	awarpsharp2
    # 	mt_masktools
    # 	nnedi3
    # 	fillmargins
    function warpdering(clip c, int "strength", int "tmax", int "tmin") {
    sisavs26 = !(VersionNumber() < 2.60) 
    strength = default(strength,6)
    tmax = default(tmax,10)
    tmin = default(tmin,7)
    warp = awarp4(nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2).nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2),asobel(thresh=255).ablur(),depth=strength)
    owarp = mt_merge(last,warp,sisavs26 ? vsTEdgeMask(threshY=0,threshU=0,threshV=0).mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().blur(1) : tedgemask(valon=-1).mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().blur(1),true,u=3,v=3)
    mt_merge(owarp,last,mt_hysteresis(sisavs26 ? vstedgemask(threshy=tmax) : tedgemask(threshy=tmax),sisavs26 ? vstedgemask(threshy=tmin) : tedgemask(threshy=tmin)).blur(1),true,u=3,v=3)
    function warpdering_faster(clip c, int "strength", int "tmax", int "tmin") {
    sisphbd = AvsPlusVersionNumber > 2294
    sischbd = sisphbd ? c.BitsPerComponent() > 8 : false
    strength = default(strength,6)
    tmax = default(tmax,10)
    tmin = default(tmin,7)
    warp = awarp4(nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2).Spline36Resize(width*4, height*4, 0.25, 0.25),asobel(thresh=255).ablur(),depth=strength, chroma=1)
    owarp = mt_merge(last,warp,sischbd ? vsTEdgeMask(threshY=0,threshU=0,threshV=0, u=1, v=1).mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().blur(1) : TEMmod(threshY=0,chroma=0).mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().mt_expand().blur(1),true,u=1,v=1)
    mt_merge(owarp,last,mt_hysteresis(sischbd ? vstedgemask(threshy=tmax, u=1, v=1) : sischbd ? vstedgemask(threshy=tmax, u=1, v=1) : TEMmod(threshy=tmax,chroma=0),TEMmod(threshy=tmin,chroma=0)).blur(1),true,u=1,v=1)
    Quote Quote  
  8. Do you have new version of FillBorders.dll or old version of FillMargins ?
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  9. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Do you have new version of FillBorders.dll or old version of FillMargins ?
    I got FillBorders-1.4.2.
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  10. Not sure, it works for me

    How about simple colorbars with warpdering ? Do you get same error ?

    Quote Quote  
  11. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Not sure, it works for me

    How about simple colorbars with warpdering ? Do you get same error ?
    Yes. The same error.
    Quote Quote  
  12. Try explicitly filling in the values, such as fillmargins(clip=c, left=4, top=4, right=4, bottom=4)
    Quote Quote  
  13. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Try explicitly filling in the values, such as fillmargins(clip=c, left=4, top=4, right=4, bottom=4)
    If I use it like this in the script:
    warpdering(fillmargins(clip=c, left=4, top=4, right=4, bottom=4))
    then get the error:
    [Attachment 82242 - Click to enlarge]

    If like this:
    warpdering(fillmargins(left=4, top=4, right=4, bottom=4))
    The error is the same as was before.
    Quote Quote  
  14. I meant edit line 31 in warpdering.avsi to say fillmargins(clip=c, left=4, top=4, right=4, bottom=4) , save it

    In the script you still call with warpdering()

    What avs version are you using ? If you don't know


    Do you have a clean plugins folder ? could there be conflicting functions or plugins with same name that autoloaded ? If so , clean out the plugins folder
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  15. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Do you have a clean plugins folder ? could there be conflicting functions or plugins with same name that autoloaded ? If so , clean out the plugins folder
    I cleaned the folders (leaving archived plugins inside) and after loading MeGUI - it auto-downloaded plugins and wiped out archives, that was left in folders
    So I returned the needed plugins.

    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    What avs version are you using ?
    The one that able to give error messages:
    [Attachment 82243 - Click to enlarge]

    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    I meant edit line 31 in warpdering.avsi to say fillmargins(clip=c, left=4, top=4, right=4, bottom=4) , save it

    In the script you still call with warpdering()
    New error is:
    [Attachment 82244 - Click to enlarge]
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  16. fillmargins has an argument named clip, so I don't know what that error message is about, but try omitting the clip argument, just explicitly enter the left,top,right,bottom , save it

    fillmargins(left=4, top=4, right=4, bottom=4)

    FillMargins (clip, int "left", int "top", int "right", int "bottom", int "y", int "u", int "v")

    Also update your avs+ version, avs+ 3.5 r3106 is a few years old and incompatible with things like avs-mlrt . Hundreds of bug fixes since then
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  17. Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    fillmargins has an argument named clip, so I don't know what that error message is about, but try omitting the clip argument, just explicitly enter the left,top,right,bottom , save it

    fillmargins(left=4, top=4, right=4, bottom=4)
    The error the same
    [Attachment 82245 - Click to enlarge]

    Originally Posted by poisondeathray View Post
    Also update your avs+ version, avs+ 3.5 r3106 is a few years old and incompatible with things like avs-mlrt . Hundreds of bug fixes since then
    If I replace it with the new one (avs+ 3.7.3 r4003) - it crashing on the loading script attempt and not give error messages.

    Guess I'm not in luck with the fight against halos and ghosts
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  18. No idea, might be a megui issue. I can't reproduce the error with avs+ only

    Not sure if it will make a difference, but I'm using r4066 from here
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  19. Guess I need take a break and wait for new MeGUI releases.
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