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  1. Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    ..... Where's that tutorial, Selur?
    Maybe your tutorial will make it some day to here
    Or people motivate Selur to write his own by frequently making use of the Donate button .
    (we seem to be supporting a commercial case here as the OP charges for his service).
    Last edited by Sharc; 15th Aug 2024 at 02:28.
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  2. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    Has she known you are throwing half of the chroma information by using S-Video instead of component (Y, Pb, Pr) which is the native recording scheme of Betacam she wouldn't probably care about lossless since it was lost already. Not trying to rain in your parade just bringing your attention to doing the job the right way.

    Now back to your lossless AVI situation, Actually giving the customer the original files is better because it saves time from not processing the files, you just need a larger HDD and when the customer receives the files you can clear them from your HDD. But if you use a lossless compression codec like HuffYUV you would save about 30-40% of file size, The jagginess can be removed by inverse telecine see davexnet post.
    Last edited by dellsam34; 15th Aug 2024 at 02:23.
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  3. Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    Has she known you are throwing half of the chroma information by using S-Video instead of component (Y, Pb, Pr) which is the native recording scheme of Betacam she wouldn't probably care about lossless since it was lost already.
    Good note. Thanks for pointing it out.
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    Originally Posted by Sharc
    we seem to be supporting a commercial case here as the OP charges for his service
    Tangent for a bit... I see a Donate button; no charge to use Hybrid that I can see.
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    Davexnet, are you using Reduce Framerate or Decomb only?
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  6. @Alwyn:
    Your Hybrid tutorial of post#29 is for QTGMC bob-deinterlacing IMO (unless I missed something). This particular clean telecined source should better be IVTCed instead, rather than bob-deinterlaced.
    Last edited by Sharc; 15th Aug 2024 at 06:03.
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    Your Hybrid tutorial is for QTGMC bob-deinterlacing IMO (unless I missed something). This particular clean telecined source should be IVTCed instead, rather than bob-deinterlaced.
    You don't say.
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  8. Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Your Hybrid tutorial is for QTGMC bob-deinterlacing IMO (unless I missed something). This particular clean telecined source should be IVTCed instead, rather than bob-deinterlaced.
    You don't say.
    Well, you seem to not fully understand how to properly IVTC with Avisynth, Hybrid or Vdub2, right?

    Reduce frame rate acts like TDecimate() in Avisynth's IVTC which is TFM().TDecimate() to return the 23.976 fps progressive film frames.
    Without it you would get a pattern with progressive frame repetitions like abcddefghh..... @29.97fps.
    [Attachment 81470 - Click to enlarge]

    (Bob-deinterlace (QTGMC) of telecined material as per your tutorial may sometimes be the last resort for weird sources with broken patterns. Here it just leaves you with a jerky (judder) 2-3 progressive pattern at 59.94fps though, like aabbbccdddeefff....... TVs normally do the same).
    Last edited by Sharc; 15th Aug 2024 at 08:33.
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  9. Member The_Doman's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Sharc View Post
    Keep in mind that deinterlacing inevitably introduces artifacts, even the great QTGMC. So if archiving is the purpose, I would suggest to either
    - keep it in the original format (interlaced/telecined), and deinterlace/IVTC at playback time only, see @thecoalman's post#13
    Keeping it "original" and de-interlace during playback would be the most logic option indeed.
    You could do it with VLC for example.
    Interestingly it seems to default to bottom field first with undefined field order files which should work correctly for the video's from the DV camera.
    There is still no option to define the field order manually?

    Google: VLC deinterlace define field order

    [Attachment 81477 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by The_Doman; 15th Aug 2024 at 09:28.
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  10. Here 3 ffmpeg commandlines which IVTC and encode lossless to huffyuv, utvideo or ffv1 respectively.
    Note that ffv1 compresses the most in this case (source is 328M).
    ffv1 is widely used for archiving AFAIK.
    One could use different containers than .avi, if supported.

    REM 1) Huffyuv:
    ffmpeg -i "2024-08-14_180028_478.avi" -c:a copy -c:v ffvhuff -coder 0 -context 0 -non_deterministic true -vf fps=30000/1001,fieldmatch=order=bff:combmatch=sc,yadif=deint=interlaced,decimate,setdar=4/3 "huffy.avi"
    REM 2) utvideo:
    ffmpeg -i "2024-08-14_180028_478.avi" -c:a copy -c:v utvideo -pix_fmt yuv422p -vf fps=30000/1001,fieldmatch=order=bff:combmatch=sc,yadif=deint=interlaced,decimate,setdar=4/3 "utvideo.avi"
    REM 3) ffv1:
    ffmpeg.exe -i "2024-08-14_180028_478.avi" -c:a copy -c:v ffv1 -level 1 -g 5 -flags +ilme+ildct -vf fps=30000/1001,fieldmatch=order=bff:combmatch=sc,yadif=deint=interlaced,decimate,setdar=4/3 "ffv1.avi"
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    Last edited by Sharc; 15th Aug 2024 at 11:08.
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    Alwyn. Thanks. I'm downloading the software now. One question can I do batch processing like I can do in virtualdub? I have to convert 33 files that add up to 21 hours of video.
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  12. Originally Posted by The_Doman View Post
    Originally Posted by Sharc View Post
    Keep in mind that deinterlacing inevitably introduces artifacts, even the great QTGMC. So if archiving is the purpose, I would suggest to either
    - keep it in the original format (interlaced/telecined), and deinterlace/IVTC at playback time only, see @thecoalman's post#13
    Keeping it "original" and de-interlace during playback would be the most logic option indeed.
    You could do it with VLC for example.
    Yes, but you should select Deinterlace mode -> Film NTSC (IVTC). It's actually not 'deinterlacing' but Inverse Telecining (IVTC) which gives correct results (means 23.976fps progresive film frames) for this telecined source.
    (This whole 'deinterlacing/QTGMC' discussion has been pretty misleading, actually, for this source.)
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  13. Wanted to play around with DeOldify a bit (, TIVTC+DPIRdenoise+SpotLess+NNEDI3 + DeOldify, then I noticed I need to go to bed,.. So no playing around, just a quick test.

    Cu Selur
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    @Movieman, this video shouldn't be deinterlaced; it should be de-telecined (IVTC). You can use the IVTC filter in VDub as described above.
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  15. .... and if your ignorant customer stubbornly INSISTS on seeing 29.97fps in MediaInfo, tick the 'Decomb frames only' in post#38. Such incomplete IVTC does not make sense as it will repeat every 4th frame (like abcddefghhijkllmnopp....) which your customer might however not notice, but when she inspects the video with MediaInfo she will see 29.97fps for the frame rate. Oh well ....
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  16. Or finally, to satisfy the 29.97fps "requirement" without frame repeats here the avisynth script and lossless encoded example of the IVTCed (23.976fps) and motion interpolated variant (-> 29.97fps progressive).
    v_RGB=z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="RGBPS", colorspace_op="709:709:709:l=>rgb:709:709:f") 
    v_RIFE=v_RGB.RIFE(gpu_thread=1, model=25, fps_num=30000, fps_den=1001, sc=true, sc_threshold=0.3) # motion interpolate to 29.97 fps
    v_YV16=v_RIFE.z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="YUV422P8", colorspace_op="rgb:709:709:f=>709:709:709:l")
    return v_YV16
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    Originally Posted by movieman444 View Post
    themaster1, I agree with you 100% that uncompressed AVI is overkill and oversize but this is what my client wants and unless I can either convince her to drop it (which I have been trying) or provide uncompressed files of her videotapes

    Just capture in DV format, then decompress it. You can gave him both versions, the client will be happy.
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  18. Member The_Doman's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by rgr View Post
    Just capture in DV format, then decompress it. You can gave him both versions, the client will be happy.
    With the advantage that most good videoplayers will recognize the DV video interlace flag correctly and should de-interlace automatically during playback.
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    I basically took my original capture that I shared here and used virtualdub to deinterlace. She's coming today at 11 am to review. Let's hope she's happy and this order is finally done. ��
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    With the advantage that most good videoplayers will recognize the DV video interlace flag correctly and should de-interlace automatically during playback.
    With the disadvantage that my late model LG TV will not even display DV through my Serviio server.

    The only way I can view DV on my TV is through an AppleTV box.

    13GB per hour is not a viable way of viewing SD video. Double rate deinterlacing is markedly improves smoothness as well.
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  21. Originally Posted by movieman444 View Post
    I basically took my original capture that I shared here and used virtualdub to deinterlace. She's coming today at 11 am to review. Let's hope she's happy and this order is finally done. ��
    Out of interest: Deinterlace or IVTC (Inverse Telecine)?
    Anyway, good luck.
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  22. Member The_Doman's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    With the advantage that most good videoplayers will recognize the DV video interlace flag correctly and should de-interlace automatically during playback.
    With the disadvantage that my late model LG TV will not even display DV through my Serviio server.

    The only way I can view DV on my TV is through an AppleTV box.

    13GB per hour is not a viable way of viewing SD video. Double rate deinterlacing is markedly improves smoothness as well.
    Sure, but the alternative uncompressed de-interlaced/IVTC video files are also not so much playback friendly.
    But then, this is quite an unusual situation and workflow.
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    Sure, but the alternative uncompressed de-interlaced/IVTC video files are also not so much playback friendly.
    There's been no indication from the OP that his client is intending to use the AVIs for general playback, which obviously would be silly, and which also don't play on my TV.
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    Correct. This client just wanted to mainly archive all these videotapes and in the future if she decided to reuse some of the footage but when she looked at my original capture which was interlaced that's what freaked her out when she saw the interlaced combing effect. Once I deinterlaced the files and showed it to her today she was more than satisfied. Thanks again for everyone's help. The great thing is now if I get a similar customer I know exactly what to do.
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    Originally Posted by movieman444 View Post
    Correct. This client just wanted to mainly archive all these videotapes and in the future if she decided to reuse some of the footage but when she looked at my original capture which was interlaced that's what freaked her out when she saw the interlaced combing effect. Once I deinterlaced the files and showed it to her today she was more than satisfied. Thanks again for everyone's help. The great thing is now if I get a similar customer I know exactly what to do.
    You should have enabled deinterlace in the player
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    Too complicated for her. . Just the way it is
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    she was more than satisfied
    Excellent news!

    if I get a similar customer I know exactly what to do.
    IVTC it.
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