I am using the latest build of MPC-BE x64, for which I use the MPC Video Renderer, which I have set up to output to HDR10 for watching my Blu-Rays, that I format-shift to my HDD the instant I buy them, with MakeMKV, so the movie is lossless, and in a single file so that I can interpolate the frame rate with Smooth Video Project 4 Pro.

The results are astounding since I have set up Super-Resolution in MPCVR, in addition to, Catmull-Rom for Chroma Upscaling, Jinc2m for Upscaling, and Lanczos for Downscaling. I have the RTX HDR box unchecked, as I am using RTX HDR, from the Nvidia app, which I can customize, and unlike using RTX GDR from the NCP, my screen doesn't go blank for 5 seconds, at the start and end of every video.

The problem is regardless of every setting in NCP and MPC-BE I set Full RGB output (0-255), when MPCVR is the video renderer, all video files being played have Limited RGB Output (16-235). This affects the quality of blacks, and in the interim, I have had to enable the "16-236 to 0-255" shader, to compensate.

Is there ANY way to force MPCVR to output all video files to Full 0-255 RGB output?

If you need more info, please don't hesitate to ask, in a reply.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.