I appologize I don't know the full specs of the computer my group is using but it is running the latest Microsoft. We are trying to live stream 6 EMEET StreamCam ones into EMEET’s software. The problem is that the cameras show up as 6 independent cameras in their software. You then have to manually switch between them. Ideally they would like to live stream from EMEET’s software to someone elses program called Vmix. We are trying to figure out the best way to wrangle all 6 camera feeds and send them live to someone else. Especially without overloading a single laptop.

They would like either multiple feeds that are easy to switch between or one feed with all 6 cameras but switchable. These cameras use RIST protocol (apparently a very robust protocol). However not many other things use RIST. The only programs they have found that can read and or decode this protocol are really expensive (I.E. like $500). Is there an inexpensive way to handle all 6 camera feeds. Can we send them to someone else while they are live without spending a fortune. The best option we have found so far is to use 6 separate laptops which seems cumbersome. I figure there is a better way.

Thanks in advance for any and all help.