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  1. So I will start of saying that I know very few things about VHS technology, so I apologize if the issue is obvious...

    I have a Panasonic NV-M25EE Camcorder, that can record and playback VHS tapes, and I also recently bought a VHS-DVD combo unit - Panasonic NV-VP21. I bought the NV-VP21 due to the camcorder being old and experiencing weird picture jitter and audio jitter

    The issue i'm having is that the NV-M25EE records strangely, when I playback a tape that was recorded on the NV-M25EE using the NV-VP21, the colors look washed out. But when it is played back using the camcorder itself , the colors look normal, and I only have some weird picture jitter and audio jitter when playing back, probably due to the fact that the camcorder is 30+ years old.

    What is also strange is that if I take a tape that was not recorded using the NV-M25EE, but I play it back using the camcorder, the picture is also washed out. It's kinda like the camcorder records and plays back in some other way that is not a standard

    I know that the NV-VP21 is not the issue, because any other tape is played back flawlessly

    How can I fix this?


    NV-M25EE Recording --> NV-M25EE Playback --> Good picture quality

    NV-M25EE Recording --> NV-VP21 Playback --> Bad colors

    Random Tape Recording --> NV-M25EE Playback --> Bad colors

    Random Tape Recording --> NV-VP21 Playback --> Good picture quality

    I have a video example on my server:
    I also have another test uploaded on youtube:
    Last edited by lukacafuka; 24th Jul 2024 at 18:09. Reason: Uploaded a new example video of the issue im facing
    Quote Quote  

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