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  1. Member
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    First off, what program do you guys recommend to capture HDV 1080i in HD as one complete file, using the firewire port off the Mini DV camera? I dont want a program that will break up the video into scenes and save a seperate file for each.

    Now on to what I really want to know. Since Mini DV camera have both a DV In and DV Out option, I would assume this is possible. First off, I'll see if I can convert my video files from 1080P or higher, back to 1080i. Im not sure there is a squeeze option to do this for HDV? What program would you recommend to convert the file and make sure its in anamorphic 1440x 1080i? I have Premiere Pro.

    Secondly what program would you recommend to save the 1440x1080i file back to Mini DV HDV (via firewire)? I want to have a tape backup of my HD files and I still have plenty of tapes I can use for that. I know this is irregular today, but I still have all my tape collections, and I backup stuff to tape as well as to other hard drives. Its just in case as to why. I need a program that will control the camera as well as send the video file back to the camera itself.
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    Originally Posted by Braxus
    what program do you guys recommend to capture HDV 1080i in HD as one complete file, using the firewire port off the Mini DV camera? I dont want a program that will break up the video into scenes and save a seperate file for each.
    HDVSplit. I have written a guide here. You can deselect scene-splitting.
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  3. Member
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    I've been thinking about your scenario and believe you should consider using bluray disks as a third backup format/system. You'll have the original tapes, the downloaded digital HDV files on HDD and then could put those same files on bluray disks.

    HDDs, as a format. obviously will have an indefinite life (replacing them as necessary) but I wonder about HDV camcorders. My HV20 (HDV) has basically died after 15 years and I think HDV camcorders will have a shorter life than computer bluray drives. One tape will easily fit on a standard 25GB bluray disk.
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    Im a tape guy myself. And I believe tapes last a very long time. Someone somewhere will have something that would play it over time, so although I agree on camcorder longevity, again someone somewhere should be able to play it. I havent had as good a luck with burned discs though, as some have failed just by sitting for some years. And they are more easily damaged, scratched, broken, lost, etc. I already have a stash of Mini DV tapes and they take up less space than some discs. I'll just be adding to my tape collection with these backups, and getting more tapes is easy if needed. Regardless I still want to do it the way I suggest.

    So again can anyone answer my original question?
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    Fair enough, it's your trainset.
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  6. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    i've always been a vegas pro user. it will print back to tape on a camera any HDV compliant video. pp might also, i just don't know.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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