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  1. Member VinzOP's Avatar
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    Hi guys

    I've recently payed for an HLS video, and I need to download it.
    I've tried several codes using ffmpeg and N_m3u8DL-RE, but I figured that the problem is that the video is AES-128 encrypted, and I can't really find a master.m3u8 using dev tools.

    What I have found are the next URLs:
    If I download the 1080.m3u8 file I'm getting the next info
    HTML Code:
    Read many threads about this kind of encryption, but I can't find the right way to get things done.
    I'm using a mac running OS Sonoma by the way.

    Deep thanks!
    Quote Quote  
  2. Originally Posted by VinzOP View Post
    Hi guys

    Read many threads about this kind of encryption, but I can't find the right way to get things done.
    Read Here:

    Edit - Oops! It looks like I mistakenly pasted the wrong key. Thanks to @shellcmd for bringing this to my attention.

    P.S. @VinzOP If you are still not able to decrypt it please post the actual video URL
    Last edited by LittleSoldier; 20th Jun 2024 at 05:12. Reason: corrected key
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  3. Originally Posted by LittleSoldier View Post
    Originally Posted by VinzOP View Post
    Hi guys

    Read many threads about this kind of encryption, but I can't find the right way to get things done.
    Read Here :

    how to do this when we cant login the website(even dont know which the site it is) with firefox? i only have one idea is make a get request to the key link, and then encode the response to base64, convert to hex. but the value not same to yours, can you give some tips?

    i got base64 and hex:
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  4. Originally Posted by shellcmd View Post
    how to do this when we cant login the website(even dont know which the site it is) with firefox? i only have one idea is make a get request to the key link, and then encode the response to base64, convert to hex. but the value not same to yours, can you give some tips?

    My Bad.. I accidentally pasted the wrong conversion of base64 to hex by my oversight

    I've used the same workaround in Firefox to get that key.

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  5. ok, thanks. now i know how to handle this in firefox.
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  6. Member VinzOP's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the answers.

    Read the thread posted by dronem, where he explains how to download AES-128 encrypted HLS with hlsdl (not available for mac).
    As I'm still trying to figure out how to download this video, I will provide all the details I can.

    This is the site from where I payed for the stream.
    As it's a rental, to watch the stream I need to be logged in. If this would be as easy as it is in Vimeo for example... where I can be logged in and find the video's URL encrypted in HTLM code using dev tools, copy-pasting it to the browser and downloading it as easy as right clicking and saving.

    When I get access to the full video, what I'm getting now in dev tools is the next:

    - index.m3u8
    What I tried to do with it was to apply the next code found in other thread, and see what happens:
    N_m3u8DL-RE "index URL" --custom-hls-method AES_128 --custom-hls-key KEY -M format=mkv -mt --save-name "NAME"
    Terminal gives me this:
    13:17:02.116 INFO : Content Matched: HTTP Live Streaming
    13:17:02.116 INFO : Parsing streams...
    13:17:02.116 WARN : Master List detected, try parse all streams
    13:17:02.120 WARN : Writing meta json
    13:17:02.120 INFO : Extracted, there are 5 streams, with 5 basic streams, 0 audio streams, 0 subtitle streams
    13:17:02.121 INFO : Vid 1920x1080 | 3226 Kbps | avc1.42e00a,mp4a.40.2
    13:17:02.121 INFO : Vid 1280x720 | 1785 Kbps | avc1.42e00a,mp4a.40.2
    13:17:02.121 INFO : Vid 852x480 | 933 Kbps | avc1.42e00a,mp4a.40.2
    13:17:02.121 INFO : Vid 640x360 | 808 Kbps | avc1.42e00a,mp4a.40.2
    13:17:02.121 INFO : Vid 426x240 | 433 Kbps | avc1.42e00a,mp4a.40.2
    13:17:12.776 INFO : Parsing streams...
    13:17:12.904 WARN : Live stream found
    13:17:12.905 INFO : Selected streams:
    13:17:12.905 INFO : Vid 1920x1080 | 3226 Kbps | avc1.42e00a,mp4a.40.2 | | 
    13:17:12.905 WARN : Writing meta json
    13:17:12.906 INFO : Save Name: video
    13:17:12.906 WARN : MuxAfterDone is detected, binary merging is automatically 
    13:17:12.907 WARN : set refresh interval to 1 seconds
    Vid 1920x1080 | 3226 Kbps 00m00s/00m00s 0/0 Waiting     0% -
    In this case, I can select the 1080 stream in the Index, and it creates the "NAME" folder but it doesn't download any real content, and stays processing at 0% until I quit terminal. Well, I also notice that it finds video streams without audio, but lets pass that for now.

    - 1080.m3u8
    If I use the same code that for index.m3u8, it gives me the next:
    13:29:17.379 INFO : Content Matched: HTTP Live Streaming
    13:29:17.379 INFO : Parsing streams...
    13:29:17.380 WARN : METHOD changed from AES-128 to AES_128
    13:29:17.385 WARN : Writing meta json
    13:29:17.385 INFO : Extracted, there are 1 streams, with 1 basic streams, 0 audio streams, 0 subtitle streams
    13:29:17.385 INFO : Vid *AES_128 Kbps | 488 Segments | ~01h21m11s
    13:29:17.386 INFO : Selected streams:
    13:29:17.386 INFO : Vid *AES_128 Kbps | 488 Segments | ~01h21m11s
    13:29:17.386 WARN : Writing meta json
    13:29:17.386 INFO : Save Name: video
    13:29:17.386 WARN : MuxAfterDone is detected, binary merging is automatically 
    13:29:17.387 INFO : Start downloading...Vid Kbps
    13:29:20.490 WARN : Response status code does not indicate success: 403       
    (Forbidden).━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   0% - 0.00Bps(3) --:--:-- ⢿
    13:29:20.494 ERROR: Download first segment failed!
    - segment.ts
    If I try to download a single segment, and I apply the same code than for the last two operations, it actually download a 5Mb chunk. But the content is 00m00s, so I don't really understand.

    13:33:11.945 INFO : Content Matched: HTTP Live MPEG2-TS
    13:33:11.947 INFO : Parsing streams...
    13:33:11.958 WARN : Writing meta json
    13:33:11.958 INFO : Extracted, there are 1 streams, with 1 basic streams, 0 audio streams, 0 subtitle streams
    13:33:11.959 INFO : Vid Kbps | <RE_LIVE_TS> | | ~00m00s
    13:33:11.959 INFO : Selected streams:
    13:33:11.959 INFO : Vid Kbps | <RE_LIVE_TS> | | ~00m00s
    13:33:11.959 WARN : Writing meta json
    13:33:11.960 INFO : Save Name: video
    13:33:11.960 WARN : MuxAfterDone is detected, binary merging is automatically 
    13:33:12.776 INFO : File Size: 5.04MB                    
    13:33:12.780 INFO : Done
    So, maybe I'm not using the right code, or the right tool to put all together as it should.
    What is weird is that when I used both keys provided by LittleSoldier and shellcmd, the results were the same.
    Related to that, and still don't really understand how to convert a the 1080.key file to hex the right way. When I open the file in text reader, I see:
    so I used ChatGPT with the promt to convert it to hex, and after encoding with utf-8 it gave me the following
    Can that be right?

    Hope this gives more context.
    Quote Quote  
  7. yes can't download first segment. I think there should be some authorization data in m3u8 link's headers. try to add them to command use -H "key: value", you can use this for many times. the key: value part maybe cookie, authorization, token, refere or user-agent
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  8. Member VinzOP's Avatar
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    What I see in headers are:

    Response Headers
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
    Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, HEAD
    Age: 76886
    Cache-Control: max-age=31536000
    Content-Length: 16271
    Content-Type: application/x-mpegURL
    Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 01:06:59 GMT
    Etag: "340f6367458d4d4ad3508a62c99df920"
    Last-Modified: Sat, 02 Apr 2022 00:54:21 GMT
    Server: AmazonS3
    Vary: Origin,Access-Control-Request-Headers,Access-Control-Request-Method
    Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
    X-Amz-Cf-Id: mNRqd5204Q3y_XvPjWqt8nYsUHGG36W2HvlSAS6M8Bs3vOB48bxPow==
    X-Amz-Cf-Pop: SCL51-P3
    X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront
    Request Headers
    :method: GET
    :path: /c9a8ce796e95905e51bfb56668dec3de/c5336e6679d7b2316c858bd7089c6e55/video/1080.m3u8?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9obHMyLnZpZGVvcy5zcHJvdXR2aWRlby5jb20vYzlhOGNlNzk2ZTk1OTA1ZTUxYmZiNTY2NjhkZWMzZGUvYzUzMzZlNjY3OWQ3YjIzMTZjODU4YmQ3MDg5YzZlNTUvKi5tM3U4P3Nlc3Npb25JRD0yYjU4MTM4Ny05ZjkzLTQ1ODEtOWIwZi0yYjVmZjcwZDdhMGQiLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE3MTg5NDQxMDR9fX1dfQ__&Signature=X66C~LSyVXbnGhlBCW2LvpEh0MfG1SQb2-18Gmlh1~MtujrQ21Qm2rMsZSf1iM5cOJYpHFs9wX-ef734~ZgW~6Ujw9O64PTsUYEYRrpa-L-GA1yZY~cHl6EN-m1z5MzPJy8bUcY~BtB3Lj6KZcYfL2Un1maar~Y5UBvQlrrllLk7bCDQ75rT0VmNrGoWLv2t76sfMROxQhpS4mJY2xcp74X5R49kTAGU6rV1B2waW0k7~ypuEsostE49t2RronPE~9WNTCRTr91Kbzjr9jRSQ-pcr~Dy6cCsSGpQVpW2C1EAchcXWZso0l8fHpo5W~2-f9FThk2BvVPQ6o7RM7gpkg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIB5DGCGAQJ4GGIUQ&sessionID=2b581387-9f93-4581-9b0f-2b5ff70d7a0d
    :scheme: https
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd
    Accept-Language: fr,es;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7
    Dnt: 1
    Priority: u=1, i
    Sec-Ch-Ua: "Google Chrome";v="125", "Chromium";v="125", "Not.A/Brand";v="24"
    Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile: ?0
    Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform: "macOS"
    Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
    Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
    Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
    As this is a video that activates in its full version only when I log in, I now understand that it changes some values in its URL each time, so I have to grab new m3u8 urls to try to download it...

    Applied some -h to my commands but still unsuccessful.
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  9. Member VinzOP's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by LZAA View Post
    Need access.
    This is the current valid URL
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  10. nxhda
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    不和谐 nxhda#0
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