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  1. Greetings,
    I have some miniDv recordings and my camrecorder IS broken
    I found someone selling this Panasonic nv-gs35
    It has the dv port for firewire and an usb2.0 high speed
    M'y question is, Can i make high quality vidéo transferts with the usb2.0? I dont have a firewire port on m'y laptop.
    These are precious recordings and im Desperate for solutions
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Australia-PAL Land
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    I have written some information on DV over USB direct from the camcorder here (down a bit).

    The process works well.

    I have a NV-GS25GN and it transfers DV over the USB cable. Looking at the manual, it seems that the only difference between the 25 and the 35 is that the 35 has an LED light.

    Also note ConsumerDV's YT, which lists other camcorders that will do this.

    The decision to buy is ultimately yours, but from my angle, you're good to go with the 35.
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