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  1. What the heck do the people on this forum who simply teach the keys enjoy doing?

    I have seen numerous stupid people on this forum.

    It seems to me that such practice only encourages such people. Wouldn't it be far better to provide technical knowledge and improve people's education level?

    At least for me, developing my extensions is a lot of fun.

    This has far improved my coding level and I have learned a lot of things in the process of developing. Unlike a few months ago, I am now developing extensions out of true technical exploration, not for piracy purposes.

    I do not just provide what I have created, but I also write columns in the documentation, such as a brief overview of how Widevine works, in the hope that everyone will improve their knowledge, and I do a lot of refactoring to make the code understandable to many people.

    Not DRM related, but I am currently planning to develop an open source anti-malware app for Android, and for that I have to relearn a lot again.

    Try harder!

    If the owner of this site is seeing this post, please fix the vulnerability!;%3C/script%3E
    Last edited by FoxRefire; 8th Jun 2024 at 16:28.
    Don't be stupid.Use your brain and Google.
    Read the rules and documentation before asking for support about my extension.
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  2. Search, Learn, Download! Karoolus's Avatar
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    A lot of people don't want to be educated but spoonfed. And even though I don't share my own code (as it's .NET and part of a much larger application) I try to help wherever I can.
    I've noticed that, even when I post keys and commands, people still complain and beg for a simple download link. So yeah, I gave up. Those who want to learn, will ask for help and learn. Most of the people here are not that motivated.
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  3. Member DB83's Avatar
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    You will make few friends on here if you call people stupid.

    The forum exists to help and not to teach (unless the reader wishes to learn and often it is a steep learning curve with definitions that fly over the head of many)

    And why are you linking to archived posts when you can simply search the forum and link directly ?
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    You somehow missed Danny-Boi; one belligerent b'stard.
    Originally Posted by FoxRefire View Post
    It seems to me that such practice only encourages such people. Wouldn't it be far better to provide technical knowledge and improve people's education level?
    Well assuming this wasn't just window dressing for a coming-soon-notice and is a serious question, I'll say this:-
    It appears, to me, humanity is comprised of many types, some of whom do not wish to learn in any way, shape or form. 'Give me the keys!; or give me a youtube-video! seems the sum-total of some people's aspirations. Many cop-out, telling themselves they are too-old-a-dog to learn new tricks; others tell themselves they are too busy or are convinced if they study something it won't do any good and they won't understand anyway - so why try?. I've met types who think they are too rich, who employ others to think. But sometimes, someone says I learnt something from you, today; thanks. And I'll take that.

    Yes and some folks here feed the trolls; I railed against the very same things as you in the past but the folks that help, giving keys and such, like to show what they can do, so it all fell on deaf ears. Just as this will.

    You have to realise that it is you and I who are unusual. We enjoy learning new things. Many don't.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download everything DRM.
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  5. Search, Learn, Download! Karoolus's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    You have to realise that it is you and I who are unusual. We enjoy learning new things. The great unwashed don't.
    This right here
    There's only a handful of people who put in the effort and try to learn something. I said it before: give a man a fish vs teach a man how to fish. People just want the fish the easy way.
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  6. I appreciate your attitude @FoxRefire.
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  7. Thank you all for what you do.
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  8. Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    You somehow missed Danny-Boi; one belligerent b'stard.
    Originally Posted by FoxRefire View Post
    It seems to me that such practice only encourages such people. Wouldn't it be far better to provide technical knowledge and improve people's education level?
    Well assuming this wasn't just window dressing for a coming-soon-notice and is a serious question, I'll say this:-
    It appears, to me, humanity is comprised of many types, some of whom do not wish to learn in any way, shape or form. 'Give me the keys!; or give me a youtube-video! seems the sum-total of some people's aspirations. Many cop-out, telling themselves they are too-old-a-dog to learn new tricks; others tell themselves they are too busy or are convinced if they study something it won't do any good and they won't understand anyway - so why try?. I've met types who think they are too rich, who employ others to think. But sometimes, someone says I learnt something from you, today; thanks. And I'll take that.

    Yes and some folks here feed the trolls; I railed against the very same things as you in the past but the folks that help, giving keys and such, like to show what they can do, so it all fell on deaf ears. Just as this will.

    You have to realise that it is you and I who are unusual. We enjoy learning new things. Many don't.
    Yeah I see.

    Originally Posted by DB83 View Post
    You will make few friends on here if you call people stupid.

    The forum exists to help and not to teach (unless the reader wishes to learn and often it is a steep learning curve with definitions that fly over the head of many)

    And why are you linking to archived posts when you can simply search the forum and link directly ?
    I understand that.

    But do we need to promote resellers like @dhudz(414654) or people like @kindaf7ck(414859 and 414874) who call people who are trying to help himself the "dumbest person"?

    I would never want to do that, but I am not trying to stop others from giving keys themselves.
    I just want to know what rewards there are in the act.
    Also, those who cannot get the keys themselves and ask for help should realize they are ignorant and should be humble.
    And I just don't want more people to be stupid enough to call those who try to help them dumb and tell the big lie that they work in the field of computer security without realizing that they themselves are ignorant.
    Don't be stupid.Use your brain and Google.
    Read the rules and documentation before asking for support about my extension.
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    Originally Posted by FoxRefire View Post

    I would never want to do that, but I am not trying to stop others from giving keys themselves.
    I just want to know what rewards there are in the act.
    Also, those who cannot get the keys themselves and ask for help should realize they are ignorant and should be humble.
    And I just don't want more people to be stupid enough to call those who try to help them dumb and tell the big lie that they work in the field of computer security without realizing that they themselves are ignorant.
    You have to accept that moderation on the site is poor to non-existent. That is just the way it is. Page impressions means money. More page impressions mean more money. I cannot imagine the site owner cares if 'stupid' (to use your word) people click on the site or not. And the guy's not making much money out of it anyway. vBulletin - the software that runs the board is 10 years old. So he'll take 'devil worship' as a topic if brings in dosh.

    "I just want to know what rewards there are in the act." Have you considered it improves their (the key giver's) perception of their own self-worth?

    "Also, those who cannot get the keys themselves and ask for help should realize they are ignorant and should be humble."
    'shoulds' and 'oughts' are easy to throw around at others but have you thought you too might have deficiencies? Many of your words suggest to me you could usefully look here and run the test. You might learn something of yourself. All humans are flawed; being prejudicial against those who cannot change what they are is unkind.
    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 9th Jun 2024 at 04:43.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download everything DRM.
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  10. Member DB83's Avatar
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    ^^ Actually, I doubt if Baldrick would accept Devil Worship as a topic. There are forum rules you know. And dissing him would not make you popular either.

    And do not fool yourself about the apparent non-existance of moderation. People do give up their time for this. And if people break the rules then they deserve all they get.
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    Originally Posted by DB83 View Post
    ^^ Actually, I doubt if Baldrick would accept Devil Worship as a topic. There are forum rules you know. And dissing him would not make you popular either.

    And do not fool yourself about the apparent non-existance of moderation. People do give up their time for this. And if people break the rules then they deserve all they get.
    Not 'dissing' him in any way shape of form. How on earth did you arrive at that conclusion? I imagine the guy is busy - runs a site that barely pays its way and has a few over-stretched flunkeys who help for free. So much garbage passes through here which is ignored. The same old question gets posted as a new topic each time a new user pops up. That is the kind of moderation I'm talking about. You close threads if there is a commercial threat to the existence of VH, otherwise not much else happens AFAICT. You really cannot claim it is a well run site; but it suffices,
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download everything DRM.
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  12. You really need to tone down the attitude, FoxRefire. It seems like every other post from you involves calling people stupid. And now, someone has given you a taste of your own medicine and it apparently isn't going down very well. Maybe something worth reflecting on? You learned how to code and released a tool for free - which is great! But it doesn't make you special. And it certainly doesn't make anyone without the same level of interest stupid.

    Most new faces come here through Google looking for quick answers to specific problems, not a lesson in programming. Trying to teach someone who isn't looking to be taught is the biggest time waste of all. And if a few people like providing keys or links and then disappear into the mist like a nerdy superhero, who cares? I don't like the IPTV rats either, but they're pretty few and far between. Most people just want to download a couple of videos and move on.

    I know the frustration that comes from providing extensive support and documentation to seemingly deaf ears, but there's nothing to be gained by acting like an angry toddler about it. If you want to educate people, the best way to do so is by continue to post your stuff online and let anyone actually interested learn from it.
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  13. Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    You have to realise that it is you and I who are unusual. We enjoy learning new things. Many don't.
    That is a nice angle to see things.
    It could be a struggle to just simply ... not answer. If for a personal reasons, weakness, being irritated, happens all the time. Only strong ninjas pass it silently . Of course there is always others that will answer if you pass. That is just fine.
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  14. Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Many of your words suggest to me you could usefully look here and run the test.
    You might learn something of yourself. All humans are flawed; being prejudicial against those who cannot change what they are is unkind.
    There was no need for this Angela.

    Sigmund Freud coined many things about human behavior!
    We all know that apart from all having 4 limbs and walking upright, we are all different!

    Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal confirmed that many
    just walk in the footsteps of sheep helped by the technology.
    Using Sat Nav makes people ...?

    How many people do you know would read a manual for what ever it might be?
    Or is searching for "QUICK" answer on YT preferred method now?
    This Pavlovian conditioning is so prevalent everywhere you look!

    I totally agree with "FoxRefire"

    After writing numerous guides here, producing Video guides I still
    receive messages while all the information is already there ........

    Yes Angela, we are all different, I have asked a questions here without
    scrutinizing what I am doing more, so I am guilty of this as well
    before you jump for kill

    Perhaps like it is in the community of FOSS to include more details/all
    about the problem, this forum should adopt similar (and credit to @FoxRefire
    he did so in his project). No more it's clear that many now understand
    that without MPD/LServer/PSSH and some extras, they would not get the KID:KEY
    so having to do some work, but it's become acceptable for others to just register
    and without reading/searching ask a questions straight away that has already been answered.......
    while there are forums out there that this is just not how it works.
    If I was in politics I make sure you drink plenty of beer
    and watch plenty of TV to keep you busy.
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    Originally Posted by pssh View Post
    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Many of your words suggest to me you could usefully look here and run the test.
    You might learn something of yourself. All humans are flawed; being prejudicial against those who cannot change what they are is unkind.
    There was no need for this Angela.
    That's a little unfair. The skills a coder needs are attention to detail, readiness to learn, ability to spot patterns, ability to concentrate on one thing and not be distracted. These are all positives characteristics to have but are also autistic qualities. So is lack of empathy. I thought the guy might usefully learn something of himself.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download everything DRM.
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  16. Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by pssh View Post
    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Many of your words suggest to me you could usefully look here and run the test.
    You might learn something of yourself. All humans are flawed; being prejudicial against those who cannot change what they are is unkind.
    There was no need for this Angela.
    That's a little unfair. The skills a coder needs are attention to detail, readiness to learn, ability to spot patterns, ability to concentrate on one thing and not be distracted. These are all positives characteristics to have but are also autistic qualities. So is lack of empathy. I thought the guy might usefully learn something of himself.
    Would private message suffice?
    If I was in politics I make sure you drink plenty of beer
    and watch plenty of TV to keep you busy.
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    Originally Posted by pssh View Post

    Would private message suffice?
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download everything DRM.
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  18. I think I understand the overall sentiment of @Foxrefire. Looking at various threads, people asking same question repeatedly that has been answered many times.

    But from a learning perspective, there are things to account. Imagine someone who only knows 3 letters D R M. He decides to learn drm for the first time. If he has a coding background, that would help. But what if this is the second time he has heard of python? The first being when his computer prompted him to install it to run his favorite app?

    An introduction to basics of ffmpeg, yt-dlp or even cli from scratch may be an ordeal to such. Then comes the understanding of how these function and to use these tools to get what he needs independently... by the time he has even the simplest grasp of things, he is still miles behind everybody else.

    Coding, scripting and developing, I wouldnt even get there.

    P.S. Not tying to offend anybody, only sharing what I think.
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    OK; a solution maybe?? I've posted a noobs starter pack to the bottom of this post It contains
    [Attachment 79924 - Click to enlarge]

    Notably and a working cdm taken from one of the Karoolus' offerings - thanks karoolus.
    There is a help guide with pictures in the zip.
    The zip is also here

    So instead of all you lovely people giving keys you could just say your starter is here
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download everything DRM.
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