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  1. I am just putting some feelers out before I do this, as it might take me a lot of time - but would it be beneficial to people here if I wrote a guide on how to properly set up a development environment, including tooling etc. including step-by-step guides on how to install various tools, placements, best practices etc.?

    I see many many many many walls of text full of errors that are simply caused by people scrabbling through and copy and pasting random things to install tools, that could easily be solved by just ensuring you set up your development environment and tooling methodically?

    I also see a lot of people putting out information that, whilst I appreciate that people are helping and getting involved, is technically wrong/problematic and is only going to set you up for failure in the future when your setup is so complicated and you need to debug it.

    I will include explainers on git, python environments, package managers, text editors, so on and so forth.

    Please let me know if this is worthwhile.
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    thanks Breezy,your asistance is much appreciated
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    Writing guides will no doubt help many people and it will not be a waste of time because it will help you personally as a reference in the future.
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    Breezy, your help yesterday was appreciated and very informative. thanks to you, I'm starting to get the hang of this
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  5. Originally Posted by keep_it_breezy View Post
    I am just putting some feelers out before I do this, as it might take me a lot of time - but would it be beneficial to people here if I wrote a guide on how to properly set up a development environment, including tooling etc. including step-by-step guides on how to install various tools, placements, best practices etc.?

    I see many many many many walls of text full of errors that are simply caused by people scrabbling through and copy and pasting random things to install tools, that could easily be solved by just ensuring you set up your development environment and tooling methodically?

    I also see a lot of people putting out information that, whilst I appreciate that people are helping and getting involved, is technically wrong/problematic and is only going to set you up for failure in the future when your setup is so complicated and you need to debug it.

    I will include explainers on git, python environments, package managers, text editors, so on and so forth.

    Please let me know if this is worthwhile.
    That would be very useful for new people and save a lot of time !!!
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  6. Hasn't Angela already done this in the stickied threads?
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  7. Originally Posted by carrion189 View Post
    Hasn't Angela already done this in the stickied threads?
    Not particularly, her guides cover extracting keys from devices etc, and a small bit of environment work.

    I was considering a more comprehensive guide that specifically talks about the correct way to set up local environments for different tooling, concepts of proper path management, deeper git explanations, package management, proper text editing, troubleshooting errors, so on and so forth.

    The idea for this comes from the fact that every single day I see people posting large pages of errors that would easily be rectified / never exist if people learned how to set up a local environment correctly.
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  8. Originally Posted by keep_it_breezy View Post
    Please let me know if this is worthwhile.
    Why not?
    I would also love to contribute if you need any helping hand.
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    Originally Posted by carrion189 View Post
    Hasn't Angela already done this in the stickied threads?
    There is nothing wrong with more people contributing and helping others, the more the merrier !
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  10. Would definitely help noobs like me.
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  11. So far is the rough structure I've designed. Before I start writing, I'd love to get feedback on what you think is missing / what you think I should elaborate further on.

    My intentions are likely to have this in a Gitbook, and probably have it auto-exportable into a PDF.


    ### Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up Local Development Environments
    #### Introduction
    - Purpose of the Guide
    - Who This Guide Is For
    - Overview of Topics Covered
    #### Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Local Environment
    1. **Introduction to Local Development Environments**
       - What is a Local Development Environment?
       - Benefits of Using a Local Development Environment
    2. **Choosing the Right Tools**
       - Overview of Common Tools (IDEs, Text Editors, Terminals)
       - Criteria for Choosing Tools Based on Your Needs
    3. **Installing Basic Tools**
       - Installing a Text Editor (e.g., VSCode, Sublime Text)
       - Installing a Terminal Emulator (e.g., Git Bash, iTerm2)
       - Installing an IDE (e.g., PyCharm, VSCode)
    4. **Configuring Your Development Environment**
       - Basic Configurations for Text Editors and IDEs
       - Customizing Your Terminal
       - Setting Up Environment Variables
    #### Chapter 2: Path Management
    1. **Understanding System Paths**
       - What is a Path?
       - Difference Between Absolute and Relative Paths
    2. **Setting Up and Managing PATH Variable**
       - Viewing and Editing PATH Variable
       - Adding Tools to PATH
       - Common Path Management Issues and Fixes
    3. **Directory Structures and Best Practices**
       - Organizing Your Projects
       - Creating a Consistent Directory Structure
    #### Chapter 3: Git and Version Control
    1. **Introduction to Git**
       - What is Git and Why Use It?
       - Basic Git Terminology
    2. **Installing and Configuring Git**
       - Installing Git on Different Operating Systems
       - Basic Git Configuration (Username, Email, Aliases)
    3. **Using Git for Version Control**
       - Initializing a Repository
       - Basic Git Commands (clone, add, commit, push, pull)
       - Branching and Merging
       - Resolving Merge Conflicts
    #### Chapter 4: Package Management
    1. **Introduction to Package Managers**
       - What is a Package Manager?
       - Overview of Popular Package Managers (pip, poetry, conda, npm, etc.)
    2. **Python Package Management with pip and virtualenv**
       - Installing and Using pip
       - Creating and Managing Virtual Environments with virtualenv
       - Making life easier with Virtualenvwrapper
    #### Chapter 5: Text Editing and Code Formatting
    1. **Choosing a Text Editor**
       - Overview of Popular Text Editors
       - Key Features to Look For
    2. **Configuring Your Text Editor**
       - Installing and Managing Extensions
       - Customizing Settings and Keybindings
       - Setting Up Linters and Formatters
    #### Chapter 6: Installing Common Tooling from Videohelp 
    1. **Devine**
       - Installing correctly and comprehensively
       - Using Error Messages to Troubleshoot Issues
    2. **Other Tooling** (Not sure what else to add here right now, suggestions?)
    #### Chapter 7: Best Practices and Advanced Topics
    1. **Best Practices for Local Development**
       - Keeping Your Environment Up-to-Date
       - Regularly Backing Up Your Work
       - Security Considerations
    2. **Keeping Up with the Community**
       - Contributing to Open Source Projects
       - Staying Current with New Tools and Technologies
    #### Conclusion
    - Summary of Key Points
    - Final Tips and Resources
    - Encouragement for Continued Learning
    #### Appendices
    - Appendix A: Common Commands Cheat Sheet
    - Appendix B: Useful Resources and Further Reading
    - Appendix C: Sample Configuration Files
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  12. This is a nice and useful endeavour and I am sure many people will appreciate your efforts. Thank you in advance from myself and I am sure many others.
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  13. The repo is public (and in very early stages).

    Please contribute if you can! I will be pottering away at this over the coming days/weeks.
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  14. Great idea, but keep it short. The problem really isn't that there aren't any guides, but that people are just too lazy to read and follow instructions. Ironically, the longer and more detailed you make it, the less effective it will be.

    Or maybe turn the book into a series of tiktok videos.
    Last edited by achilles; 9th Jun 2024 at 14:45.
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  15. Great initiative. Would prove immensely useful to newbies especially who are unfamilar with technicalities and find complex guides difficult to follow. Only my opinion though.
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  16. Originally Posted by achilles View Post
    Great idea, but keep it short. The problem really isn't that there aren't any guides, but that people are just too lazy to read and follow instructions. Ironically, the longer and more detailed you make it, the less effective it will be.

    Or maybe turn the book into a series of tiktok videos.
    I'm going to try and make it easily "referenceable", so can say to folks "have you read chapter 4 of the book?".

    As for tiktok videos, dear lord...
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    thanks for your advice , Breezy
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  18. Originally Posted by achilles View Post
    The problem really isn't that there aren't any guides, but that people are just too lazy to read and follow instructions.
    I agree with you on the above

    Prime example of it is ....... how do I download a series with Devine?

    The answer is in the second command that ANYone should be exploring after it installed Devine :

    devine -?
    devine dl -?
    -w, --wanted EP_RANGE

    Wanted episodes, e.g. `S01-S05,S07`, `S01E01-S02E03`, `S02-S02E03`, e.t.c, defaults to all.

    But "@keep_it_breezy" idea is great, looks great instead of YT videos, it "can" encourage people
    to read it and those that want to learn and gain new knowledge will benefit
    those that do not want to learn will still be asking the same questions here over and over again
    until certain rules are adopted to deal with it .....
    If I was in politics I make sure you drink plenty of beer
    and watch plenty of TV to keep you busy. | Data is the new oil.
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    Originally Posted by keep_it_breezy View Post
    The repo is public (and in very early stages).

    Please contribute if you can! I will be pottering away at this over the coming days/weeks.
    In my weary experience, people who start with lots of puff, sadly, often run out of it. Mind how you go.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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    Quite a big project and could become rather verbose which could put folks off. But, good on you for giving it a go.

    Don't forget to include Jupyter Lab. A superb tool for trying out bits of code 'on the fly'. Also, a mention of free AI coding aids like Codeium, Blackbox and even Perplexity AI.
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    Breezy - THANK YOU so much for help with my download directories issue
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    Run out of puff already?
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  23. Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Run out of puff already?
    I work 12 hour days regularly so time is limited
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  24. Originally Posted by keep_it_breezy View Post
    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Run out of puff already?
    I work 12 hour days regularly so time is limited
    An endeavor as this would prove useful to many. The curious ones, even more.

    People(newbies mostly) are given instructions "Download this" "Install that" "Run that script"... and so on, and folks blindly follow them without a quaint knowledge of why they are doing it and what they do. This, would help fill those gaps in their knowledge. Im praying you are able to finish this as I undertand this can get daunting.
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  25. Originally Posted by Karn View Post
    An endeavor as this would prove useful to many. The curious ones, even more.

    People(newbies mostly) are given instructions "Download this" "Install that" "Run that script"... and so on, and folks blindly follow them without a quaint knowledge of why they are doing it and what they do. This, would help fill those gaps in their knowledge. Im praying you are able to finish this as I understand this can get daunting.
    The problem is that MAJORITY of people blindly follow ......

    And my understanding is (please correct me if I am wrong)
    that is why some companies "apple"
    are so successful, people do not want to read manuals
    as they have no time (as time = money) but easy to use
    without having to use "brain" devices, processes .......
    (YT Video over Book/Manual.........)

    There has been ton of research done on this,
    in all fields of life and used to "master" consumer "behavior"- "patterns"...

    So, as someone mentioned it here (was it Angela again?),
    long comprehensive manuals only benefit MINORITY, who enjoy them
    (and I definitely will as well
    If I was in politics I make sure you drink plenty of beer
    and watch plenty of TV to keep you busy. | Data is the new oil.
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    This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  27. Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!
    huh? Is that rhetorical relative to this enterprise? or did you catch some news from somewhere? I hope its the former.
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    Originally Posted by Karn View Post
    huh? Is that rhetorical relative to this enterprise? or did you catch some news from somewhere? I hope its the former.
    Gosh! Where have you been? i was alluding to this dead-as-a-dodo-enterprise with a reference I thought everyone knew - - but apparently not everyone!
    Thanks for your help with the guy confusing mpd for license by the way; I don't do well answering those sorts of questions.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  29. Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by Karn View Post
    huh? Is that rhetorical relative to this enterprise? or did you catch some news from somewhere? I hope its the former.
    Gosh! Where have you been? i was alluding to this dead-as-a-dodo-enterprise with a reference I thought everyone knew - - but apparently not everyone!
    Thanks for your help with the guy confusing mpd for license by the way; I don't do well answering those sorts of questions.

    Oh . Anyways happy 2 help however I can.
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