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  1. Hi there,
    In order to get one key, I go at this adress, I just saw this :

    [Attachment 79517 - Click to enlarge]

    Does anyone understand how it works for a simple request please ? (PSSH + lic URL = token) ?

    like for this example please : (may need canadian IP)

    MPD :
    PSSH :
    LIC URL :
    HEADER with token :
    POST /Widevine/?KID=8dbaa5b7-71b9-4ed7-bf05-768bad4a872c HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0
    Accept: */*
    Accept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd
    Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1cm46bWljcm9zb2Z0OmF6dXJlOm1lZGlhc2VydmljZXM6Y29udGVudGtleWlkZW50aWZpZXIiOiI4ZGJhYTViNy03MWI5LTRlZDctYmYwNS03NjhiYWQ0YTg3MmMiLCJuYmYiOjE3MTcxNjczMTQsImV4cCI6MTcxNzE2NzYyOSwiaWF0IjoxNzE3MTY3NjE0LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3NlcnZpY2VzLnJhZGlvLWNhbmFkYS5jYS8iLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0LyJ9.NgGjFJal_QJZxRVcBgevkJvXGzwzzpR98DrKy5KA_wM
    Content-Length: 2
    DNT: 1
    Sec-GPC: 1
    Connection: keep-alive
    Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
    Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
    Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site
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  2. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by abacaxi View Post
    Does anyone understand how it works for a simple request please ? (PSSH + lic URL = token) ?
    Here is a video provided by the dev :
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  3. Originally Posted by aqzs View Post
    Here is a video provided by the dev :
    thanks !
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    Originally Posted by aqzs View Post
    Originally Posted by abacaxi View Post
    Does anyone understand how it works for a simple request please ? (PSSH + lic URL = token) ?
    Here is a video provided by the dev :
    Thanks!!! Spend hours the past couple days trying to figure this out and all it takes is a couple minutes once you understand it.
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  5. Member MaxRenn1983's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm trying with kanopy website.

    Do you know if the data must be copied from other elements?
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    Weird. I ran into the same confusion trying to get Hoopla to work tonight. Similar site.
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  7. Originally Posted by MaxRenn1983 View Post
    Hi, I'm trying with kanopy website. Do you know if the data must be copied from other elements?
    kanopy required custom script. if you need key only, share video link
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  8. Member MaxRenn1983's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxRenn1983 View Post
    Hi, I'm trying with kanopy website. Do you know if the data must be copied from other elements?
    kanopy required custom script. if you need key only, share video link
    custom script or custom data ?

    I want to learn how to get the keys by myself. I thought that's what cdrm is for.
    Quote Quote  
  9. maybe i'm wrong. kanopy it's easy to do, i thing
    yes i have one custom script for kanopy, but now i can't remember how kanopy work

    share video link and i try to see how it work. and write here, PM is useless
    Quote Quote  
  10. no kanopy it's easy to do. no need extra custom script

    for the first link i get:
    {"httpCode":401,"requestId":"Root=1-66d59034-1fd194ac489fc44f1883939b","status_code":401,"error_type":"unknown","error_msg":"Sorry","error_msg_long":"Unknown error"}
    but on second link work fine FoxRefire guesser. here your key
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  11. Member MaxRenn1983's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    no kanopy it's easy to do. no need extra custom script

    for the first link i get:
    {"httpCode":401,"requestId":"Root=1-66d59034-1fd194ac489fc44f1883939b","status_code":401,"error_type":"unknown","error_msg":"Sorry","error_msg_long":"Unknown error"}
    but on second link work fine FoxRefire guesser. here your key
    But I don't understand how to get the CDRM keys (thanks for the keys).

    PSSH:AAAAV3Bzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADcIA RIQT+8WRTEaRRasQV40N8CbtxoLYnV5ZHJta2V5b3MiEIbl4b+ D9E2QrjyOWcMPeYwqAkhE
    License: ?
    or ?
    Cookies: I guess the curl bash > curlconverter > copy cookies from there
    Headers and JSON like cookies?

    I don't understand where to put:

    {"httpCode":401,"requestId":"Root=1-66d59034-1fd194ac489fc44f1883939b","status_code":401,"error _type":"unknown","error_msg":"Sorry","error_msg_lo ng":"Unknown error"}

    I'm using Windows 10, Chrome or Firefox.
    I'm asking how to use CDRM for kanopy. Does it work ?
    I cannot ask for every pair of keys of every movie.
    Last edited by MaxRenn1983; 2nd Sep 2024 at 22:43.
    Quote Quote  
  12. there is nothing to understand. simply use FoxRefire guesser and it finds key automatically. easy[Release]-Widevine-L3-Guesser-Extension-Wor...-Chrome-All-OS
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    Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    there is nothing to understand. simply use FoxRefire guesser and it finds key automatically. easy[Release]-Widevine-L3-Guesser-Extension-Wor...-Chrome-All-OS
    Doesn't that require you dump a CDM key to use it? Not exactly the same as using CDRM-Project.
    Someone needs to write a script that works with that site.
    Quote Quote  
  14. yes the guesser need android cdm with the usual two files (like old wks tool required)

    but guesser is not the same as cdrm site, guesser is fully automated process. play only the video and get the key

    and no script is needed for this site: as i said before gesser is more than enough
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    I'd honestly like to learn how to do this manually. If I wanted it automatic I'd use streamfab.
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  16. Member
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    Originally Posted by MaxRenn1983 View Post
    Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    no kanopy it's easy to do. no need extra custom script

    for the first link i get:
    {"httpCode":401,"requestId":"Root=1-66d59034-1fd194ac489fc44f1883939b","status_code":401,"error_type":"unknown","error_msg":"Sorry","error_msg_long":"Unknown error"}
    but on second link work fine FoxRefire guesser. here your key
    But I don't understand how to get the CDRM keys (thanks for the keys).

    PSSH:AAAAV3Bzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADcIA RIQT+8WRTEaRRasQV40N8CbtxoLYnV5ZHJta2V5b3MiEIbl4b+ D9E2QrjyOWcMPeYwqAkhE
    License: ?
    or ?
    Cookies: I guess the curl bash > curlconverter > copy cookies from there
    Headers and JSON like cookies?

    I don't understand where to put:

    {"httpCode":401,"requestId":"Root=1-66d59034-1fd194ac489fc44f1883939b","status_code":401,"error _type":"unknown","error_msg":"Sorry","error_msg_lo ng":"Unknown error"}

    I'm using Windows 10, Chrome or Firefox.
    I'm asking how to use CDRM for kanopy. Does it work ?
    I cannot ask for every pair of keys of every movie.
    While I still haven't figured out Hoopla, I signed up with Kanopy tonight and found StreamFab doesn't support it. Ripped a video manually in no time at all.

    I use TamperMonkey to get the PSSH and it looks like you grabbed that okay.
    The license URL is some numbers here).
    I copied cURL (Bash) from that link and pasted it in
    So for cdrm-project you can paste the pssh, the license url, and the headers {...} and cookies {...} and you get the key.
    The .mpd file is easy enough to find:
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  17. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by doctorm View Post
    So for cdrm-project you can paste the pssh, the license url, and the headers {...} and cookies {...} and you get the key.
    As mentioned earlier you need a custom script for kanopy, cdrm-project will not be enough. I can help you if you provide me access to the content.
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  18. Member
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    Originally Posted by aqzs View Post
    Originally Posted by doctorm View Post
    So for cdrm-project you can paste the pssh, the license url, and the headers {...} and cookies {...} and you get the key.
    As mentioned earlier you need a custom script for kanopy, cdrm-project will not be enough. I can help you if you provide me access to the content.
    Huh? I didn't use a script. It was a piece of cake to download from.
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