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  1. Member
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    May 2024
    Leesburg, FL
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    Is there any way to have the Audio tab default to Copy instead of Convert in Xmedia Recode? A setting in the ini file would be fine. Thanks for any help.
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  2. Did you ever solve your problem?
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    May 2024
    Leesburg, FL
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    No, I haven't solved this. Any ideas?
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  4. I was able to change the number of reference frames displayed in the application from 2 to 4. I had to change V11NbRefFrames=2 in the mkv.ini file to V11NbRefFrames=4. Now I don’t have to worry about doing that manually.

    I don’t know what needs to be changed in order to do what you desire. However, convert and copy both appear under Mode: in the application, under the Video and Audio tabs. I did a string search of all the Xmedia Recode ini files looking for the word “mode”. I did two searches, one for “mode” and one for “Mode”. I later found that there is a switch I could have used to find both cases at the same time. I actually liked the separate files. There are quite a few mode entries in both listings.

    My guess is, assuming “mode” is the key word, is that the ini file to change would be under the type of file you selected under the Format tab. In my case it was mkv.ini. There are two “mode” entries in that file and twelve “Mode” listings. My guess is one of those entries is the one you are looking for but it’s just a guess. I haven’t played around with modifying any ini files but it’s easy enough. I always save a copy of the original file even though I’m making a small change. There’s always the possibility that there is a master ini file too.

    I won’t list my finding here but in case your not comfortable with command line syntax I will list what I did. I’m on Windows 10 Pro 64. First open up the command prompt.

    Switch to Xmedia Recode’s Format directory. Your directory path might be different.

    cd\program files\xmedia recode 64bit\format

    Make a listing of lower case “mode” entries. If you want a separate file for uppercase Mode assign a different file name, mode0.txt, mode1.txt.

    Findstr mode *.ini > mode.txt

    Now if you want all cases of mode:

    Findstr /I mode *.ini > mode.txt

    Sorry for the long winded response. Hopefully it helped some.
    Good luck. Be sure to report back what you find if you go this route.
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