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  1. Hello everyone, I'm new to this great forum and I'm desperately trying to download the 2 episodes of this series :

    I couldn't do it, so I'm asking for your help!

    Best regards

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  2. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Hey :

    --key e54f42e03d6e43baaf751312de227cf1:aef41b75528a1ef2651ee765e9c5f248
    --key 7af5140a53334ecf9175774c28fbc6a4:d253c9a9e3f65657b3fcec57e427cc2b
    N_m3u8DL-RE '' --key 7af5140a53334ecf9175774c28fbc6a4:d253c9a9e3f65657b3fcec57e427cc2b -M format=mkv --save-name Broceliande.E01.1080p.WEB-DL
    N_m3u8DL-RE '' --key e54f42e03d6e43baaf751312de227cf1:aef41b75528a1ef2651ee765e9c5f248 -M format=mkv --save-name Broceliande.E02.1080p.WEB-DL
    Broceliande.E01.1080p.WEB-DL.mkv :
    Broceliande.E02.1080p.WEB-DL.mkv :

    Or transfernow which seems faster (upload is fast on buzzheavier but download is lagging for some reason)
    Last edited by aqzs; 23rd May 2024 at 03:52. Reason: added buzzheavier download links
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  3. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    This should be automated. Looks fun. The manifest mpd doesn't even have tokens in it.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  4. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    This should be automated. Looks fun. The manifest mpd doesn't even have tokens in it.
    Already got it automated for series :
    import requests
    from pprint import pprint
    import json
    import re
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    from pywidevine.cdm import Cdm
    from pywidevine.device import Device
    from pywidevine.pssh import PSSH
    from dotenv import load_dotenv
    import os
    # programId = 19251
    season = 4
    SHOWURL = ''
    SHOWURL = ''
    programId = SHOWURL.split('-')[-1]
    cmd = []
    def getpssh(mpd_url):
        response = requests.get(mpd_url)
        root = ET.fromstring(response.content)
            return root[0][1][3][0].text
            return 'pssh not found'
    def dlpic(preview_url, name, workingdir):
        response = requests.get(preview_url)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            with open(f"{workingdir}/{name}.jpg", "wb") as f:
            print("L'image a été téléchargée avec succès.")
            print("Échec du téléchargement de l'image. Statut de la requête :", response.status_code)
    r = requests.get(SHOWURL)
    match ='"initialState":(.*?)}}}",', r.text)
    if match:
        content = json.loads(json.loads( + '}}}"'))
        TOKEN = f"Bearer {content['auth']['rtbfTokens']['access_token']}"
        headers = {'accept': '*/*', 'accept-language': 'fr-FR,fr;q=0.8', 'authorization': TOKEN, 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'origin': '', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'priority': 'u=1, i', 'referer': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="124", "Brave";v="124", "Not-A.Brand";v="99"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site', 'sec-gpc': '1', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'x-forwarded-for': '', 'x-rtbf-redbee': 'Bearer ses_546803bb-0064-4047-9354-831c116c8731p|acc_71ab1a75882d4ee683bba6b12e2252b9_6BA97Bb|usr_71ab1a75882d4ee683bba6b12e2252b9_6BA97Bb|null|1713811838679|2013811838642|false|ea5e2785-3e79-4d87-b4e6-db734c88e321|WEB||RTBFAuvio||/eQvhu/uI+60MbfgYmfysncXAM/kav2o1gn/DeTVyds=',}
        params = (
            ('context[programId]', f'{programId}'),
            ('context[season]', f'{season}'),
        data = json.loads(requests.get('', headers=headers, params=params).text)
        if data['status'] != 401:
            for ct in data['data']['content']:
                titel = ct['subtitle']
                asset_id = ct['assetId']
                img_url = ct['illustration']['xl']
                # dlpic(img_url, titel, '/Users/noham/Downloads/temp/Capitaine.Marleau')
                headers = {'accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'accept-language': 'fr-FR,fr;q=0.8','cache-control': 'no-cache', 'origin': '', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'priority': 'u=1, i', 'referer': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="124", "Brave";v="124", "Not-A.Brand";v="99"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'cross-site',  'sec-gpc': '1', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'x-forwarded-for': '',
                    'authorization': 'Bearer ses_546803bb-0064-4047-9354-831c116c8731p|acc_71ab1a75882d4ee683bba6b12e2252b9_6BA97Bb|usr_71ab1a75882d4ee683bba6b12e2252b9_6BA97Bb|null|1713811838679|2013811838642|false|ea5e2785-3e79-4d87-b4e6-db734c88e321|WEB||RTBFAuvio||/eQvhu/uI+60MbfgYmfysncXAM/kav2o1gn/DeTVyds=',}
                data = json.loads(requests.get(f'{asset_id}/play', headers=headers, params=(('supportedDrms', 'widevine'),)).text)
                lic_url = data['formats'][0]['drm']['com.widevine.alpha']['licenseServerUrl']
                mpd_url = data['formats'][0]['mediaLocator']
                pssh = getpssh(mpd_url)
                headers = {'accept': '*/*','accept-language': 'fr-FR,fr;q=0.8','cache-control': 'no-cache', 'origin': '', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'priority': 'u=1, i', 'referer': '', 'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="124", "Brave";v="124", "Not-A.Brand";v="99"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'cross-site', 'sec-gpc': '1', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'x-forwarded-for': ''}
                pssh = PSSH(pssh)
                device = Device.load(os.getenv('DEVICEPATH'))
                cdm = Cdm.from_device(device)
                session_id =
                challenge = cdm.get_license_challenge(session_id, pssh)
                licence =, headers=headers, data=challenge)
                cdm.parse_license(session_id, licence.content)
                keys = []
                for key in cdm.get_keys(session_id):
                    if key.type=='CONTENT':
                cmd.append(f"""N_m3u8DL-RE '{mpd_url}' --key {keys[0]} --save-name "{titel}"  -mt --select-video best --select-audio all  --select-subtitle all  -M format=mkv""")
            print(" && ".join(cmd))
        print("Content not found.")
    (Sorry for french logging )
    (I'm using os.getenv('DEVICEPATH') for the path of the device.wvd but you can paste the direct path, it's easier to work with when making a lot of script)
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  5. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by aqzs View Post
    Already got it automated for series
    Well done, bravo! The only weird things I noticed are those:
    - hardcoded value: x-rtbf-redbee. Seems kinda out of place and I guess is tied to your account? (I could be wrong)
    - getpssh not finding the pssh. If you have non-DRM content you can download it using the manifest without any encryption keys. If it's encrypted and the pssh still ain't there, you can get the pssh from the init mp4.

    Regardless, it's nice there's a public script for batch series downloading for this site. Was interested in incorporating this into my downloader but I see no point now.

    Originally Posted by aqzs View Post
    (Sorry for french logging )
    At least you aren't coding variables in non-English. That would be horrifying.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  6. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    - hardcoded value: x-rtbf-redbee
    Yes it's linked to my account but the value ain't changing since I used, and it's a trash account don't worry.

    Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    - getpssh not finding the pssh. If you have non-DRM content you can download it using the manifest without any encryption keys
    I implemented this for DRM content (especially for series), I don't though this website would have non DRM content

    Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    Was interested in incorporating this into my downloader but I see no point now.
    You could incorporate it adding non DRM content and regular videos maybe ?
    I didn't implemented login too, since it's not worth it (as I said x-rtbf-redbee's value doesn't change)

    Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    At least you aren't coding variables in non-English. That would be horrifying.
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  7. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by aqzs View Post
    You could incorporate it adding non DRM content and regular videos maybe ?
    Ok. I'll add it with other types of content as well. Shouldn't be that hard. There's a lot of content available through auvio.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  8. Hello, thank you for your help!

    I have successfully completed the steps but I am blocked at the final download:
    C:\RTBFAuvioKit>N_m3u8DL-RE '' --key 7af5140a53334ecf9175774c28fbc6a4:d253c9a9e3f65657b3fcec57e427cc2b -M format=mkv --save-name Broceliande.E01.1080p.WEB-DL
    23:46:21.743 INFO : N_m3u8DL-RE (Beta version) 20230628
    23:46:21.769 INFO : Loading URL: ''
    23:46:21.770 ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    I couldn't find this error code on the forum, do you have any ideas?

    Thank you for your help!
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  9. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bredojoiwere View Post
    I have successfully completed the steps but I am blocked at the final download:
    Always use double quotes. " instead of '
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 7af5140a53334ecf9175774c28fbc6a4:d253c9a9e3f65657b3fcec57e427cc2b -M format=mkv --save-name Broceliande.E01.1080p.WEB-DL
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
    Quote Quote  
  10. Hi all,
    Would it be possible to download the following ?
    or point me to instructions on how to do it myself.
    I tried with the python script but looks like I'm missing something

    SHOWURL = ''

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Data\Scripts\py\", line 52, in <module>
    data = json.loads(requests.get('', headers=headers, params=params).text)

    seems this returns 422 status
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  11. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by MrMojoRisin View Post
    Would it be possible to download the following ?
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 0728a95b63b94bf7acd046219f4640c0:7e6078dc85d10ea3637e0f469340e07b --save-dir "media\auvio_rtbf_be" --save-name "Investigation_Dentiste_une_profession_hors_de_controle_-_Tdah_un_trouble_en_mal_dattention" -M format=mkv
    python ""
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  12. Code:
    N_m3u8DL-RE --key 0728a95b63b94bf7acd046219f4640c0:7e6078dc85d10ea3637e0f469340e07b "" -M format=mp4
    your file
    Quote Quote  
  13. Thank you very much to both of you !
    - for the code sample
    - and for the upload !
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  14. Hi guys,

    crazy scripts and documentation you're doing here, that's awesome.

    Any luck to have the final output to download this video?

    Thanks in advance.
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  15. Member aqzs's Avatar
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    This video ins't encrypted :
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --save-name le-quatuor-a-cornes -M mkv -mt
    Download link :
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  16. Originally Posted by aqzs View Post
    This video ins't encrypted :
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --save-name le-quatuor-a-cornes -M mkv -mt
    Download link :
    You're amazing! Thank you so much.
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  17. Member
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    Hi there!

    Any help for downloading this doc on Which tool should I use, I'm running Ubuntu 22.04.4

    Thanks for any direction I should take.
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  18. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 6975de773ffb461cae13f0cdb916b519:4bd1d6ac55b436190e6536b4b234cc12 --save-dir "media\auvio_rtbf_be" --save-name "Hitler_sur_table_decoute_Une_operation_delicate_menee_par_la_Resistance" -M format=mkv
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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    Thanks a lot for that quick answer.
    However, as being a complete newbie, how should I use the provided code?
    Is there a tool to which I should paste this code?

    Sorry for being such a numb...
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  20. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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    Thank you so much for the file.
    Alternately, I would be glad to learn how to use the code that was provided earlier, and how was it generated.
    Is there any chance that I can learn how to do this myself?

    Thanks again for your help.
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  22. Sure. Follow the links Pepe posted here:
    Or look through the "Decryption" series by Angela in the stickies. It's not rocket science.
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    Thanks for the advice!
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  24. Member
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    Hey, guys! Can someone please help me download the RTBF video. I'm just not good at it at all. Thanks!
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  25. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 632a849e926b490fb3c8c7277642cb80:08f5d6ca516233a909de0963fe41e92a --save-dir "media\auvio_rtbf_be" --save-name "Instinct_" -M format=mkv
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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    Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 632a849e926b490fb3c8c7277642cb80:08f5d6ca516233a909de0963fe41e92a --save-dir "media\auvio_rtbf_be" --save-name "Instinct_" -M format=mkv
    Thanks for the quick reply! But I really don't know what to do about it
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    Thanks for the quick response! But I really don't know what to do about it
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  28. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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    Thahks a lot, 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi !
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  30. Hi everyone,

    Can anyone explain me how to find the keys to use with N_m3u8DL-RE for a particular video on RTBF Auvio ?
    Take any of them to show me. I have found how to find the link to the .mpd, but somehow not the keys.

    Cheers ))
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