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  1. Some reviewers were saying that KL's silent version of Hitchcock's Blackmail runs too fast. I've attached a sample of my BDRIP below. Is it running too fast? If it is, what FPS would be ideal, and how would I slow down the audio in Audacity to meet it without causing distortion?

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    Originally Posted by ZacharyGeorgeNN View Post
    Some reviewers were saying that KL's silent version of Hitchcock's Blackmail runs too fast. I've attached a sample of my BDRIP below. Is it running too fast? If it is, what FPS would be ideal, and how would I slow down the audio in Audacity to meet it without causing distortion?

    Just looking at your clip and not having anything to compare it too, it looks OK to me.
    Why don't you find a scene and compare the running time to the other versions and see for yourself?
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  3. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Agreed. That clip runs perfectly fine. Maybe those who have commented are comparing it with another, faulty, version.

    And BTW there is no need to use an external host for such a small clip. Simply load as an attachment in your post (and it will last longer than on mega)
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  4. It's possible that it was filmed at a slower rate than 24fps. Hitchcock isn't around to ask. But the opinion of some reviewer isn't more valid than your opinion. What do you think?
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  5. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    The sound portions would have HAD to be 24fps, for sync reasons, but the silent original portions might have been anywhere between 16-25fps. My hunch is that the closer it got to studios converting to sound, they might have hedged their bets by standardizing closer to 24, but I could be wrong.
    Perhaps work backwards - the original silent version was supposed to have a runtime of 75 minutes. Assuming the edits were correct, what fps would create such a runtime?

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