Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
Yes, the white balance does't look appropriate for that shot.

Originally Posted by wubikens View Post
One last question if that's okay, regarding the ColorYUV(TV->PC) and ColorYUV(PC->TV) settings. I've experimented with both, and while TV->PC makes it a little too vivid, PC->TV by itself actually looks really good
PC->TV would make that shot look really washed out. Don't you think the dark areas should be near black (RGB 0,0,0) and the light areas near full white (RGB 255,255,255)? More like this?

[Attachment 78665 - Click to enlarge]

That was with Levels(50, 1.0, 190, 16, 235, coring=false). But two calls to ColorYUV(levels="TV->PC") comes close.
Ah yeah you're correct, I double checked where I was setting (TV->PC) and saw some other stuff that was modifying the color. By itself, it did look very washed out. Using those other values worked really well for the fishing scene. I tried applying it to the entire video, but later on, there are some night time scenes where it became a bit too dark. I was messing around with settings all day and am starting to go in circles, so I'll go ahead and create another thread with the details on that, I feel bad for derailing this one any more lol. Thank you again for your help on the QTGMC issue!