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  1. Member
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    Originally Posted by Bencuri View Post

    I know what you mean about stretched looking faces in the screenshot you posted but I think it's just a perspective thing due to the angle. It's hard to tell but at least at 16:9 it doesn't look like they all have eating disorders.
    I experimented with the various codes you and other submitted, and I noticed that for some reason your code results in a clearer image in the end than the one jagabo added, even if the image is more streched, thus the screen size is bigger. Maybe because of Resize8. That is odd because I would have expected that the more you stretch this the more blurred it will be.

    However I decided I would go with a ratio closer to 4:3, because of those parts that I mentioned, where the ratio might have been different and would become too overstretched. But I noticed I cannot stretch the image vertically if I try to enter the target values in Cropresize. The result is zooming in instead of stretching. What I can do is to add Crop(0,70,-4,-70) to the beginning of the code to stretch the image vertically before any resizing and deinterlacing. I am not sure it is the proper way though. Should I acheive it with Cropresize instead, to gain more sharpness? I am not sure, just asking, have no idea how the two crop method differ.
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    Originally Posted by davexnet View Post
    In the early 2000's the UK and perhaps some other places experimented with the 14:9 (1.555) aspect ratio
    as a way to "ease" the transition of 4:3 > 16:9. Perhaps this is what happened here.
    Not sure. Maybe. But it doesn't matter now because the size varies definately along the clip, so better to find a compromise now by trial and error not by looking at the standards.
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  3. Originally Posted by Bencuri View Post
    the size varies definately along the clip, so better to find a compromise now
    Or resize/pad sections to get the right aspect ratio for each.
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    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Originally Posted by Bencuri View Post
    the size varies definately along the clip, so better to find a compromise now
    Or resize/pad sections to get the right aspect ratio for each.
    That is the delicate solution but out of time now, it would take too long to correct the whole DVD like that.
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    Finally I chose 14:9 as a compromise for the latest clip I presented, most other clips on the DVD are 4:3 so it is a good compromise. I went with Resize8 because it seemed to me it does a better job than SplineResize. I skipped Dehalo from the script, because it seems to blur the already blurry image even more, so in the end it is just worse than without it. But there seems to be a little problem. Not the end of the world, but I wonder if it could be improved?:

    If you check the segment I attached, especially the part where the guy in the black dress and hat moves his head, that movement has a quite noticeable judder. I checked it, and you can spot that judder in the original mpg as well, but overally it is less noticeable throughout the whole clip. With dehalo aplha, the upscaled clip has a slight judder as well, but without dehalo alpha, it becomes stronger. I guess it is because that is a usual judder, that is emphasized as the image is sharpened. Is there any way to lessen that judder? If not, no problem. It is still better with juddering than with a blurry image.
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  6. You're talking about the shot from 3 to 5 seconds? I don't see any unusual judder. Just the normal 50 fps video to 60 fps monitor judder (10 little jerks per second, barely noticeable even on smooth panning shots). If you step through frame by frame there is equal motion between frames; no duplicate frames.
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    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    You're talking about the shot from 3 to 5 seconds? I don't see any unusual judder. Just the normal 50 fps video to 60 fps monitor judder (10 little jerks per second, barely noticeable even on smooth panning shots). If you step through frame by frame there is equal motion between frames; no duplicate frames.
    That may well be the issue as my screen is also 60p.

    Here is a better example anyway, maybe it will be more obvious now: the guy in white between 0:05 and 0:07. You can see it very emphasized during his movements.

    If I add the dehalo function and let it blur the image, it is a bit better, not that emphasized, but then the problem is that the image becomes too blurry.

    Not a very serious issue though. I just noticed it sometimes in the past as well and wondered if you can do anything with it. If not, that is still not the end of the world.
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  8. I don't see anything wrong in that section of the video. There is a big bitrate peak at the 5 second mark (an I frame). Maybe you're having decoding problems?
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    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    I don't see anything wrong in that section of the video. There is a big bitrate peak at the 5 second mark (an I frame). Maybe you're having decoding problems?
    What I mean is that kind of flicker that you see in case of low framerate videos. But it is only on the figure not the whole image. But it can be becuase of the 60p monitor indeed. But no problem then. It is not that serious. If you see nothing, it doesn't worth to worry about it.
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  10. Adding some motion blur with QTGMC() might make it look a little smoother. Or using RIFE() to convert the video to 60p -- but that will add distortions to some parts of the video.
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    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Adding some motion blur with QTGMC() might make it look a little smoother. Or using RIFE() to convert the video to 60p -- but that will add distortions to some parts of the video.
    Can you suggest something? I see the parameters there and have some clue about shutter speeds, but I see you need to specify the blur in the source (ShutterAngleSrc), I have no idea how to determine that. I don't have too much experience.
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  12. Motion blur with QTGMC:

    LWLibavVideoSource("Obligatoire2_0_260_268.mp4", cache=true, prefer_hw=2) 
    QTGMC(Preset="slow", InputType=1, ShutterBlur=1, ShutterAngleSrc=30, ShutterAngleOut=330, FPSDivisor=1 )
    Motion interpolation to 60p with RIFE:

    function SmoothFPS_RIFE(clip source, int num, int den)
        z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="RGBPS", colorspace_op="709:709:709:l=>rgb:709:709:f")
        Rife(gpu_thread=1, model=9, fps_num=num, fps_den=den, sc=true, sc_threshold=0.10)
        z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="YUV420P8", colorspace_op="rgb:709:709:f=>709:709:709:l")
    LWLibavVideoSource("Obligatoire2_0_260_268.mp4", cache=true, prefer_hw=2) 
    SmoothFPS_RIFE(60000, 1000)
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    I have insterted the blurring script to AVSPmod, but strangely it is causing combing. Why is that? If I remove the blurring part, only leave QTGMC(), the combs disappear.

    [Attachment 80330 - Click to enlarge]

    EDIT: Okay I have found if I remove everything from that line only leave the 3 shutter parameters, the combing stops.

    I will need to experiment with it, but one thing I do not understand, why 330 shutter and not 180. What is the logic in selecting so high value right away?
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  14. Originally Posted by Bencuri View Post
    Okay I have found if I remove everything from that line only leave the 3 shutter parameters, the combing stops.
    I was starting with your progressive sample so it didn't need deinterlacing. You are starting with an interlaced video so it needs deinterlacing.

    Originally Posted by Bencuri View Post
    I will need to experiment with it, but one thing I do not understand, why 330 shutter and not 180. What is the logic in selecting so high value right away?
    I exaggerated the effect to make it very visible. Use whatever amount suits you.

    By the way, with motion blur you still have the fundamental problem of 50 fps needing to be displayed on a 60 hz monitor. Ie,4 frames will be displayed for 1/60 second then the 5th will be displayed for 2/60 of a second -- 10 little jerks every second. The motion blur just makes it a little less visible.
    Last edited by jagabo; 30th Jun 2024 at 18:15. Reason: added last paragraph
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    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Originally Posted by Bencuri View Post
    Okay I have found if I remove everything from that line only leave the 3 shutter parameters, the combing stops.

    By the way, with motion blur you still have the fundamental problem of 50 fps needing to be displayed on a 60 hz monitor. Ie,4 frames will be displayed for 1/60 second then the 5th will be displayed for 2/60 of a second -- 10 little jerks every second. The motion blur just makes it a little less visible.
    No problem. I decided not to change this because at my location there is 50hz standard, so better leave it on 50p.

    The motion blur does improve it. Easier for the eye to watch. But need to tweak it seriously, as the story is the same again: bad quality blurry parts just get blurrier. But I am trying to find a good compromise.

    What I do not understand is: do you need to keep the framerate in mind in case of shutter angle? I mean, the standard is 180°, I know it, but what if you want to play with less blur/more blur? I thought you can just decrease and increase it freely and randomly: 180 - 200 - 270 etc. But what I am not sure about: do you still need to consider specific fractions when changing the angle? Similarly to the rule that shutter speed should be a multiple of the framerate or close to it. Or in case of angle you just need to check the blurriness, no math matters?
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  16. Shutter angle in QTGMC is inherently relative to the frame rate. 180 degrees is halfway between frames whatever the frame rate is.
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    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Shutter angle in QTGMC is inherently relative to the frame rate. 180 degrees is halfway between frames whatever the frame rate is.

    I see but when I try different shutter angle, do I need to keep in mind any ratio relative to 180? Just like in case of shutter speed: in case the framerate is 25, as I know the recommended is to select multiple amounts of that (1/25, 1/50, 1/100.). Do I need to follow such a rule for shutter angle? For example need to select: 180 or 90 or 270? Or It doesn't matter even if I select something like 171 or 233, I just need to decide if I want to sharpen or blur, and increase or decrease as much as I want?
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  18. You can select any shutter angles you like. The larger the shutter angle the more motion blur you get.
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    I am continuing this project, now with a different batch of videos. that were originally on VHS, that was converted to DVD. Not a very good source, but it is still the best I could find. What would be your recommendation to these? I am starting with this code, any additions you can suggest?

    LWLibavVideoSource("Djo Poster.mpg") 
    SMDegrain(thsad=1000, tr=3, prefilter=4)
    nnedi3_rpow2(2, cshift="Spline36Resize", fwidth=960, fheight=720)
    nnedi3_rpow2(2, cshift="Spline36Resize")
    CropResize(1920,1080,  CropDAR=4.0/3.0, Resizer="Resize8", Borders=true)
    This is the first video I want to process:

    In the first half, you can see many clear shots, when the camera is showing the band members close up. When the view is premier plan the quality is very bad, it is quite obvious that cannot be improved. From the second half of the video the motion gets faster.

    This is the second one, this is the one where I need serious help:

    At some parts there is serious flicker. Maybe it was added on the grabbing. Not sure. Can it be filtered out somehow? Even this way it is one of the best versions of this video that I found. It would be great to have it without the flicker.
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  20. The first clip could stand to have the black level reduced, something like ColorYUV(off_y=-12). The second clip has the field order flagged wrong. It's flagged BFF but should be TFF. Add AssumeTFF() right after importing.
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    Thank you!
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  22. The second clip could also use some brightness and contrast adjustments. Try ColorYUV(gain_y=20, off_y=-21) or SmoothTweak(contrast=1.08, brightness=-20). Either of those makes the first few frames too dark but their a good compromise for the rest of the clip.
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    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    The second clip could also use some brightness and contrast adjustments. Try ColorYUV(gain_y=20, off_y=-21) or SmoothTweak(contrast=1.08, brightness=-20). Either of those makes the first few frames too dark but their a good compromise for the rest of the clip.
    Thanks I will experiment!
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    I have done your suggestions for the second clip, but the problem is, that in the resulting video the whites are too bright. it is irritating my eye. How can you reduce the color of those bright white shirts? I have attached a segment to show what I mean, from the original video, not the rendered one.

    Here is the recent script to make it clear where I am codewise. The underlined part is what you suggested as color setting for this video:

    Dehalo_alpha(rx=1.5, ry=1.0, darkstr=2.0, brightstr=2.0)
    SMDegrain(thsad=600, tr=2, prefilter=4)
    nnedi3_rpow2(2, cshift="Spline36Resize", fwidth=960, fheight=720)
    nnedi3_rpow2(2, cshift="Spline36Resize")
    CropResize(1920,1080,  CropDAR=4.0/3.0, Resizer="Resize8", Borders=true)
    SmoothTweak(contrast=1.08, brightness=-20)
    a3=ImageReader("nlogot7.png", pixel_type="RGB32").ShowAlpha(pixel_type="RGB32")
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  25. Wasn't this
    SmoothTweak(contrast=1.08, brightness=-20)
    meant to boost the contrast?
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    I guess jagabo suggested it because the overall image was kind of hazy. But at the same time the white shirts are blown out. I am trying to find a function similar like Output levels in the Levels panel in Photoshop, to focus on the white parts, but can't figure out where to find it in avisynth.
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  27. Photoshop should have some color grading options,...
    Playing around (
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    The problem is that the whites are still very shiny in your example too. Isn't there a filter to consider only the whites and grey them out a bit in Avisynth?
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  29. There are for example the filters listed at, but you need to adjust them yourself, so they do what you want.
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    That is what I can't do. I am not that big professional. I have no idea how to set those thing with Levels.

    I am trying this meanwhile anyway: Gray_Balance.

    But no matter how I try it leaves the whites untouched. I pick the whites to be considered as gray but they are left white. I open the clip as RGB of course.

    Meanwhile I got these directions at the Sony Vegas forum, it works exactly as I wanted. How to copy this method in Avisynth?

    From one of your previous posts, it seems that you are using Vegas Pro 12. It would be most helpful if you could either include your computer and Vegas Pro information with each post or to add that information to your My Profile on your forum account - see 'Signature' at the bottom of this comment for an example.

    To turn down whites, use the 'Color Corrector (Secondary)' video FX on the video event. In a nutshell, check "Show mask' and use the Low and High sliders under Limit Luminance (making sure that it is enabled) until only the white shirt areas are highlighted in white - use 'smooth' if that helps the make. Then uncheck 'Show mask' and use the controls under Chrominance - particularly 'gain' - to lower the luminance. The Chrominance controls will only affect the area of the image that was masked.
    This is my setting in Vegas that looks acceptable:

    Limit luminance:
    Low: 232,449
    High: 255,000
    Smooth: 93,673

    Gain: 0,953
    Last edited by Bencuri; 25th Oct 2024 at 05:17.
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