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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Montréal, Qc CANADA
    Search Comp PM
    Everytime I try to read and understand how to do this, it's a wall of text with words I've never heard before. Can somebody please go in detail and explain like I'm 5?

    I see MPD and words like this, but I just don't understand. I don't know how to run the YT-DL thingy either, but I have downloaded it.

    Thanks in advance
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  2. For starters: Have you looked at the topic 'VIDEO STREAMING DOWNLOADING'? Maybe you can get some ideas by looking at that. You should ask your downloading questions there.
    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence -Carl Sagan
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  3. Have you tried using Clip Grab?
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  4. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Search Comp PM
    There are GUIs for yt-dlp, try one of those. I use one but it's in Linux and I don't think there's a Linux port for it but there are more for Windows.
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