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Results 61 to 90 of 767
Good afternoon everyone,
Why when I install the plugin, I get the following error.
How should I do so that my version of google chrome is based on version 109 of chromium, apparently that seems to be the reason for the error, any solution please?
[Attachment 78359 - Click to enlarge]
Manifest version 2 is deprecated, and support will be removed in 2024. See https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/develop/migrate/mv2-deprecation-timeline for details. -
intreting not working more for me to have test in firefox and chrome its the publik api still online ?
Kind regarts
ps : all ok now with local server thanks ... -
someone can share compiled WVCore.Server.exe for win ?
i've download from here https://github.com/nilaoda/Blog/discussions/58
file https://github.com/nilaoda/Blog/files/9665063/WVCore.Server.v20220928.zip
but this version, with latest guesser version, run cmd then close instantly ... -
from your link i've downloaded WVCore.Server-win-x64.zip
from publish folder i can see 332 files ... and then ? no problem for cdm, but i don't know how to compile WVCore.Server.exe -
@pabloss and @JazzmanOne
im having the same error
The error is because the extension is done confirming to Manifest version 2 structure. Just Ignore it. The extension works.
Yes, ver 2 is depreciated but it still works and ver 3 is finding hard to gain traction. -
i don't know what you mean. my WVCore.Server.exe is 16.28 MB and i think is exe compiled (see my post#65 for download link)
file WVCore.Server.exe from your link https://github.com/FoxRefire/WVCore.Server/releases (then WVCore.Server-win-x64.zip) is WVCore.Server.exe 152KB only and if i can run this file, open cmd but crash fast. so i think need to be compiled to get working .exe file
and nobody can explain here how to use or compile this file ... -
again ? maybe you don't read the posts or maybe (also) it's the fault of my bad english (i know that, sorry for that)
as already write on my post (read better my post above) from your link LZZA https://github.com/nilaoda/Blog/discussions/58#discussioncomment-9052557
i've already downloaded WVCore.Server.exe (16.28 MB) but with 2 files cdm on same folder, this file open cmd then close
the link provide from Karoolus have over 300 files and i don't know what to do with these -
Is there a CDM in the folder with the exe? it will crash if there's no CDM in the right format in the folder.
Yes, the original exe is much bigger because all the dependencies are inside the exe, this newer version is a lot smaller because all the other files are in the folder next to it instead of embedded in the exe. this is normal.
what extension do the CDM files have?
Also, it appears to be you who is not reading posts. -
1. If you're using non compiled version ( over 300 files) just put these two CDM files device_client_id_blob, device_private_key where WVCore.Server.exe is placed.
2. For Compiled version do the same as above - For reference, I've attached a screenshot
[Attachment 78405 - Click to enlarge]
3. if you don't put your two CDM files there when you double-click on WVCore.Server.exe a cmd window will pop up and get terminated quickly.
4. If You've placed both files correctly double-click on WVCore.Server.exe. You'll see something like this
[Attachment 78403 - Click to enlarge]
5. Don't close this terminal window and go to your browser.
6. Now Play any DRM-protected content and click on the extension. Make sure you've checked the local option there
7. If everything is correct then you'll get your key like this
[Attachment 78404 - Click to enlarge]
I hope I'm able to clear your doubts
Tested on both Compiled and Non-compiled versions of WVCore Server
Working perfectly fine for ME
Cheers to @FoxRefire for his Amazing Work. -
first of all big thanks to Karoolus (post#73) and also LittleSoldier (post#77) for your explanation.
anyway yes, i have put both file device_client_id_blob and device_private_key into guesser folder with WVCore.Server.exe (16MB) and still cmd window will pop up and close quickly
What does 'cmd' say?
nothing. it appears and then closes immediately
anyway, thanks to Karoolus, i've put both cdm files into WVCore.Server folder, then run it, and finally cmd window work fine!
but guesser does not work (for me) from mediaset link posted above (post#2)
here one shot from brave browser, guesser and WVCore.Server folder (with about 300 files). hold Guess! but the window below remains blank ...
[Attachment 78414 - Click to enlarge] -
Problem seems to be on your end, works fine for me:
[Attachment 78415 - Click to enlarge]
Edit: I'm still on the previous version of the extension, but it shouldn't matter. -
Geo-Restricted for ME
[Attachment 78414 - Click to enlarge]
You're still missing something @whs912km...
If you're using WVCore.Server with your own CDM Files then you should check Local checkbox option instead of public or custom checkbox options in Guesser API -
oh yesss thanks to eu8cc and LittleSoldier finally it work for me too!
need to set on Local and work fine
thanks a lot guys, without your post never have seen/thought of this ! SOLVED -
[Attachment 78431 - Click to enlarge]
A screenshot won't do you any good though, the real changes happen underneath.
It no longer uses WVCore.Server but my own downloader app (which also uses WVCore so why not). It has support for json responses from license servers (this has been added to the original code, I think?).
It automatically selects the license request and PSSH and performs the request while the popup form is opening. The newer version also automatically adds it to my download queue without any manual action from me. Now I need to get the metadata part working so the filename is correct. -
A screenshot won't do you any good though, the real changes happen underneath.
Kudos to you
Now I need to get the metadata part working so the filename is correct.
Anyways Thanks for the reply -
A very convenient and easy-to-use extension
but there are failures or maybe I didn't understand something
Does not detect drm video
Code:Widevine content hasn't detected in this page. Open widevine-protected website and try again!
Code:SUCCESS PSSH: AAAANHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAABQIARIQibCavXJA/KCBOsH6+2KMHw== License:https://wv.service.expressplay.com/hms/wv/rights/?ExpressPlayToken=BwAiqQLiKawAJGVhMWI4MzIyLTE0NGYtNGI5My1hYzRmLTE0NDg1YjEzOTE5YQAAAIBDCxqBFIIcLEkCUkCFurMxhV-zSFesM-g-97b7JoFuMgGtiUdPAvhbagIbD7UQpk2sJ6VqNpVYWR6D2bKcWJEwRV1hAmGMS-Mfj_UmxTr_t-F8Xo9pwJhqBPmLMsgSMyxfLedsJ1CT74RmO5xElo3af-cs_Szm3FfWlagb8vVxc94FbgudCEfxdjokkYFnWTxwOd6J Headers:{'accept': '*/*', 'content-length': '316', 'Connection': 'keep-alive'} 89b09abd7240fca0813ac1fafb628c1f:dd4cfd9060c0b9a5b07141327d260068
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