I am playing most of the content I grab through an external harddrive or usb drive through my stand alone bluray player so I don't have to let my computer run all day and waste it for simple video playback.

I have a problem with all mp4 streams from this show. I can't fast forward them with my Panasonic BDT 220. And that player usually plays almost everything and fast forwards it just fine but not this time. And its not just one file its everything from that sports network. Usually a simple container stream copy with ffmpeg eliminates all compatibility problems but not this time.
The usual "%FFMPEG%" -i %INPUTFILE% -c copy %1%.mkv or even adding -fflags +genpts doesn't enable the fast forwarding. However when I remux with mkv toolnix it fast forwards just fine.

So I am trying to find out the difference between the mkv toolnix container remux and the ffmpeg one. There is a difference in size.

ffmpeg: 40.570.880 Bytes
toolnix: 40.558.592 Bytes

So whatever additional data mkvtoolnix removes which is kept by ffmpeg eliminates all compatibility problems. Maybe somebody of the more tech savey guys would be able to analyse and shed some light on this mystery.


thanks a lot in advance