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  1. Can someone explain to me why these two audio clips sound different from these two normal ones?
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  2. The main difference between "Clone Return.mp3" and "Evil_Jimmy's_Return_Message.ogg" is the volume. The former may have some blown out peaks. The spectral content looks similar.

    "Shreder.mp3" and "Shredder_Earth.mp3.mpeg" sound similar but the latter has been time stretched (or the former time-compressed), without pitch shift. Spectrums are similar. The former is encoded as 32bit floats, the latter as 16 bit PCM.
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  3. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    The main difference between "Clone Return.mp3" and "Evil_Jimmy's_Return_Message.ogg" is the volume. The former may have some blown out peaks. The spectral content looks similar.

    "Shreder.mp3" and "Shredder_Earth.mp3.mpeg" sound similar but the latter has been time stretched (or the former time-compressed), without pitch shift. Spectrums are similar. The former is encoded as 32bit floats, the latter as 16 bit PCM.
    How do I make the normal ones sound like the different ones?
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  4. Sorry, after another listen, the time stretched audio does have a pitch shift.
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  5. Member glennyk's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Sound Master View Post
    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    The main difference between "Clone Return.mp3" and "Evil_Jimmy's_Return_Message.ogg" is the volume. The former may have some blown out peaks. The spectral content looks similar.

    "Shreder.mp3" and "Shredder_Earth.mp3.mpeg" sound similar but the latter has been time stretched (or the former time-compressed), without pitch shift. Spectrums are similar. The former is encoded as 32bit floats, the latter as 16 bit PCM.
    How do I make the normal ones sound like the different ones?
    Maybe you should use some sound effects?
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  6. Member glennyk's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    Sorry, after another listen, the time stretched audio does have a pitch shift.

    In fact, when working with audio and sound tones, only practice will give good results. I'm an aspiring music producer and now frequently visit the Faqaudio forum to gain valuable information on working with sound effects in music production. I think that this may also be useful to you, especially since on this forum you will find many cool videos with a detailed explanation of working with sound, reviews of various instruments, as well as useful discussions from experienced music producers. In short, the more knowledge you gain in working with audio, the easier the process of working with audio will be.
    Last edited by glennyk; 6th May 2024 at 20:42.
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