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  1. Dear community,

    I have been searching in this forum and on the web to find an editing program for my needs.

    I am recording in OBS to mkv and have around 4-5 different audiotracks to a recording.
    My editor wants to have the recordings in mkv for quality-reasons.
    Recently I want to cut out some parts, before sending them to my editor. They should be able to have access to the new version with all the audiotracks later on.
    Therefore I need a program which can edit in mkv and can convert into mkv again.
    As well as I would need the program to seperate the audiotracks (since I would need to delete some parts there).

    Thanks for taking the time to read,
    and greetings from Germany
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  2. If your source is already mkv, you don't need to re-encode.
    Cutting, extracting, omitting or adding tracks can be done with Avidemux or with clever FFmpeg-GUI.

    Cutting is easier with Avidemux, extracting and muxing tracks is easier with clever FFmpeg-GUI.
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  3. Member Ennio's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by snowneed View Post
    I am recording in OBS to mkv and have around 4-5 different audiotracks to a recording.
    My editor wants to have the recordings in mkv for quality-reasons.
    Maybe I'm misreading but I don't think mkv as such guarantees "quality" since it's a conatiner format. Perception of quality is initially determined by how well the elementary audio- and video-streams inside are.

    I can imagine hard-cutting out parts leaving undesired transitions. First thought here you may need crossfading, perhaps both for audio and video. I can't tell if the suggested tools support this.
    Should your editor be the person who will do this, you may want to deliver extra start- and end footage at the cutting points.
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  4. Hello both, thanks so much for the reply.
    I have been the past couple days sick. So my reply is a bit late.

    I have been checking out Avidemux so far, as it looked at first glance appealing and seems so far promising. I am also going to check out the other one too. Thank you so much for the recommendations.

    To the "quality", I am actually not so sure myself. But asked him right now, and am waiting for a response now.
    This is a good point with the undesired transitions. I have different types of content. I need to look into crossfading. It is the first time to hear about it as a noobie.
    I think it is an excellent idea though with the extra footage, so that problem could be somewhat solved.
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