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  1. hey all im using mp4decrypt it works fine on the mp4 video but when it comes to the audio its still encrypted

    mp4decrypt --key 001904137db4547185dba6e445a127f8:adf29227248b185ffd1eb23ece28f592 --key ba0897ea5f3356d1aff4dd7e077b6242:58b4a30c58e494040e4391bfc65f80b7 "Episode 101 [JpYJTNs_mz4].f150.m4a" "FTS S01E01.m4a"
    this in theory should work if im thinking correct its the only two keys that are there if someone has experiance with decrypting m4a from yt-dlp please let me know what im doing wrong.

    edit i think there maybe a deeper problem i tried to use this when i grabbed the video as a webm

    PS H:\widevinedecryption\Download Tools\shaka-packager> ./packager-win-x64.exe in=aa_dec2.webm,stream=audio,output=decrypted.m4a --enable_raw_key_decryption --keys key_id=001904137db4547185dba6e445a127f8:key=adf29227248b185ffd1eb23ece28f592
    I0314 12:13:22.651431   27120] Demuxer::Run() on file 'aa_dec2.webm'.
    I0314 12:13:22.653243   27120] Initialize Demuxer for file 'aa_dec2.webm'.
    E0314 12:13:22.660818   27120] Invalid argument, stream=audio not available.
    E0314 12:13:22.662791   34980] Packaging Error: 3 (INVALID_ARGUMENT): Stream not available

    Last edited by heroinpigeon; 14th Mar 2024 at 06:14.
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  2. Hard to help without a link to the video.
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  3. update: it was yt-dlp being bugged i simply reinstalled it and now the key works with the same command, thanks for all who read this.

    basically if you have the same issue i had above you will need to check yt-dlp isnt outdated or bugged.
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