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  1. Member
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    Hi Everyone,
    I know already many services like this is exist.

    But i think it's no harm to share mine.

    You can see the API Documentation in here.

    In the documentation web you can upload your own devices or you can use this ID :
    as device_id parameter.

    Thank you

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    Originally Posted by white_snake View Post
    Nice, thanks.
    No worries

    Anyway forgot to mention it on the first post .

    license_type = supported value is same like in PyWidevine, if you confuse just put AUTOMATIC
    key_type = supported value is same like in PyWidevine, if you confuse can use CONTENT as the value.
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    So is this going to evolve into a pay site then?
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    So is this going to evolve into a pay site then?
    Nope , PyWidevine API is not.
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    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post
    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    So is this going to evolve into a pay site then?
    Nope , PyWidevine API is not.

    Good to hear. So why use an API key for something that is going to remain free?
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  6. Search, Learn, Download! Karoolus's Avatar
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    €40 per month to run it locally? When there is 28 Getwvkeys clones out there, free to use? Please correct me when I'm wrong, but isn't this the exact same thing?
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    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post
    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    So is this going to evolve into a pay site then?
    Nope , PyWidevine API is not.

    Good to hear. So why use an API key for something that is going to remain free?
    Eh there is no need to API key on PyWidevine
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    Originally Posted by Karoolus View Post
    €40 per month to run it locally? When there is 28 Getwvkeys clones out there, free to use? Please correct me when I'm wrong, but isn't this the exact same thing?
    Nope , the one that you saw must be paid is not the Pywidevine API, it's another thing
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  9. Member
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    Sample of use ( as can see in sample , there is no need to pass any api key in here ) :

    import requests
    import base64
    import time
    started = time.time()
    api_base_url = ""
    api_cdm_device = "01HRVSRXEGXMDXDAR22AKK7JK3" # device id when you upload it to the server, you can upload it on
    api_headers = {
        'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
        'accept': '*/*',
    session = requests.Session()
    open_session = session.get(api_base_url + api_cdm_device + '/open').json()
    session_id = open_session["data"]["session_id"]
    challenge_api_data = {'session_id': session_id , 'init_data': None}
    license_headers = {
        'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
        'accept': '*/*',
        'origin': '',
        'referer': '',
        'accept-language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8',
        'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    service_certificate =, headers=license_headers, data=base64.b64decode("CAQ=")).content
    service_certificate_b64 = base64.b64encode(service_certificate).decode()
    set_certificate = + api_cdm_device + '/set_service_certificate', json={'session_id': session_id , 'certificate': service_certificate_b64}, headers=api_headers).json()
    challenge_api_data["init_data"] = pssh
    challenge_api_request = + api_cdm_device + '/get_license_challenge/AUTOMATIC', json=challenge_api_data).json() # License request challenge is returned in base64.
    challenge_b64 = challenge_api_request['data']["challenge_b64"]
    challenge_raw = base64.b64decode(challenge_b64)
    license_raw =, headers=license_headers, data=challenge_raw).content # This just an example license request. Change it according to your service.
    license_b64 = base64.b64encode(license_raw).decode()
    parse_license_data = {'session_id': session_id , 'license_message': license_b64}
    license_api_request = + api_cdm_device + '/parse_license', json=parse_license_data, headers=api_headers).json()
    keys_api_data = {'session_id': session_id}
    keys_api_request = + api_cdm_device + '/get_keys/CONTENT', json=keys_api_data, headers=api_headers).json()
    keys = keys_api_request['data']['keys']
    for key in keys:
        print(f"--decryption-key {key['key_id']}:{key['key']}")
    close_session = session.get(api_base_url + api_cdm_device + '/close/' + session_id, headers=api_headers).text
    finished = time.time()
    complete_time = int(finished - started)
    print(f"Time Taken : {complete_time}s")
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  10. Search, Learn, Download! Karoolus's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post
    Originally Posted by Karoolus View Post
    €40 per month to run it locally? When there is 28 Getwvkeys clones out there, free to use? Please correct me when I'm wrong, but isn't this the exact same thing?
    Nope , the one that you saw must be paid is not the Pywidevine API, it's another thing
    So what does that one do then? WVAPI Server sure sounds a lot like the backend for your API running on a local machine.
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    Originally Posted by Karoolus View Post
    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post
    Originally Posted by Karoolus View Post
    €40 per month to run it locally? When there is 28 Getwvkeys clones out there, free to use? Please correct me when I'm wrong, but isn't this the exact same thing?
    Nope , the one that you saw must be paid is not the Pywidevine API, it's another thing
    So what does that one do then? WVAPI Server sure sounds a lot like the backend for your API running on a local machine.
    That's server related to run My Chrome Extension (No Chrome CDM), so it's not related at all with this API that being shared
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  12. Search, Learn, Download! Karoolus's Avatar
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    so what does it do? I'm curious now
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  13. Member
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    Originally Posted by Karoolus View Post
    so what does it do? I'm curious now
    Hi mate, the extension is doing like this this one that you and Angela see as the paid one, so for this Pywidevine API it's not required to paid at all and doesn't need to put any API key for it.

    [Attachment 77665 - Click to enlarge]
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  14. Member
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    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post

    Hi mate, the extension is doing like this this one that you and Angela see as the paid one, so for this Pywidevine API it's not required to paid at all and doesn't need to put any API key for it.
    I don't want to seem churlish but when I first looked to your site there was an API KEY and it had a value of roughly 16 alpha-numerics. When I look now I cannot see it. But I can see a remarkable similarity to another post - that has exactly the same API as yours but currently there is no response from the server. What is going on? Is/was that site part of your 'team' offering?

    I see you are all set up to accept a user's CDM, so they may call their CDM remotely online. I have never understood why anyone would ever need this? Enlighten me, please.

    Also I am confused; you have the start of a shop presence, what are you planning on selling to us? It wouldn't be all those CDMs you expect get from us is it?

    [Attachment 77678 - Click to enlarge]
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  15. Member
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    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post

    Hi mate, the extension is doing like this this one that you and Angela see as the paid one, so for this Pywidevine API it's not required to paid at all and doesn't need to put any API key for it.
    I don't want to seem churlish but when I first looked to your site there was an API KEY and it had a value of roughly 16 alpha-numerics. When I look now I cannot see it. But I can see a remarkable similarity to another post - that has exactly the same API as yours but currently there is no response from the server. What is going on? Is/was that site part of your 'team' offering?

    I see you are all set up to accept a user's CDM, so they may call their CDM remotely online. I have never understood why anyone would ever need this? Enlighten me, please.

    Also I am confused; you have the start of a shop presence, what are you planning on selling to us? It wouldn't be all those CDMs you expect get from us is it?

    [Attachment 77678 - Click to enlarge]

    Finally, there is a mismatch between your logo 'DRMtalk' and your web url 'drmtalks' - that is exactly what spammers do when mimicking a web-site - they add an extra letter or digit to the url. Freudian error?

    And what is it they say? "Beware Geeks bearing Gifs" ; or something like that.
    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 14th Mar 2024 at 03:28.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  16. Member
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    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post

    Hi mate, the extension is doing like this this one that you and Angela see as the paid one, so for this Pywidevine API it's not required to paid at all and doesn't need to put any API key for it.
    I don't want to seem churlish but when I first looked to your site there was an API KEY and it had a value of roughly 16 alpha-numerics. When I look now I cannot see it. But I can see a remarkable similarity to another post - that has exactly the same API as yours but currently there is no response from the server. What is going on? Is/was that site part of your 'team' offering?

    I see you are all set up to accept a user's CDM, so they may call their CDM remotely online. I have never understood why anyone would ever need this? Enlighten me, please.

    Also I am confused; you have the start of a shop presence, what are you planning on selling to us? It wouldn't be all those CDMs you expect get from us is it?

    [Attachment 77678 - Click to enlarge]

    Finally, there is a mismatch between your logo 'DRMtalk' and your web url 'drmtalks' - that is exactly what spammers do when mimicking a web-site. Freudian error?
    For another thread that you mention i doesn't know the OG / Poster at all, and i am not affiliated with them.

    > It wouldn't be all those CDMs you expect get from us is it?
    For this point there is no obligation to upload any CDM, upload function is there because i use it also for upload my own dump cdm, other thing i have been shared also the one that can be use so there is no intention for it

    > Also I am confused; you have the start of a shop presence, what are you planning on selling to us?
    Nope i don't plan to sell anything that related in PyWidevine API that shared in here

    > I have never understood why anyone would ever need this?
    In the first paragraph i have been acknowledge there is many other that have same things, so i just share mine. Why i am sharing it in here ? why we don't have any backup if one other service is down / maintenance people still can use another

    > Finally, there is a mismatch between your logo 'DRMtalk' and your web url 'drmtalks' - that is exactly what spammers do when mimicking a web-site. Freudian error?
    There is no spamming intention at all, logo and web url mismatch it's just my personal preference on the logo . if spam is the intention so i must be doing "massive" posting things to everywhere.

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  17. Member
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    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post

    For another thread that you mention i doesn't know the OG / Poster at all, and i am not affiliated with them.

    > It wouldn't be all those CDMs you expect get from us is it?
    For this point there is no obligation to upload any CDM, upload function is there because i use it also for upload my own dump cdm, other thing i have been shared also the one that can be use so there is no intention for it

    > Also I am confused; you have the start of a shop presence, what are you planning on selling to us?
    Nope i don't plan to sell anything that related in PyWidevine API that shared in here

    > I have never understood why anyone would ever need this?
    In the first paragraph i have been acknowledge there is many other that have same things, so i just share mine. Why i am sharing it in here ? why we don't have any backup if one other service is down / maintenance people still can use another

    > Finally, there is a mismatch between your logo 'DRMtalk' and your web url 'drmtalks' - that is exactly what spammers do when mimicking a web-site. Freudian error?
    There is no spamming intention at all, logo and web url mismatch it's just my personal preference on the logo . if spam is the intention so i must be doing "massive" posting things to everywhere.

    And the API key disappearing? With all your responses you come across as quite disingenuous. Sorry I'm out.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post

    For another thread that you mention i doesn't know the OG / Poster at all, and i am not affiliated with them.

    > It wouldn't be all those CDMs you expect get from us is it?
    For this point there is no obligation to upload any CDM, upload function is there because i use it also for upload my own dump cdm, other thing i have been shared also the one that can be use so there is no intention for it

    > Also I am confused; you have the start of a shop presence, what are you planning on selling to us?
    Nope i don't plan to sell anything that related in PyWidevine API that shared in here

    > I have never understood why anyone would ever need this?
    In the first paragraph i have been acknowledge there is many other that have same things, so i just share mine. Why i am sharing it in here ? why we don't have any backup if one other service is down / maintenance people still can use another

    > Finally, there is a mismatch between your logo 'DRMtalk' and your web url 'drmtalks' - that is exactly what spammers do when mimicking a web-site. Freudian error?
    There is no spamming intention at all, logo and web url mismatch it's just my personal preference on the logo . if spam is the intention so i must be doing "massive" posting things to everywhere.

    And the API key disappearing? With all your responses you come across as quite disingenuous. Sorry I'm out.
    Hi mate,
    I have try to answer all your concern with honesty.
    Since the first time i posted there is no API Key at all on it, seems you got confused with url that shared in another thread that you mention, that i have answer that i am not affiliated at all The documentation tools for My Documentation site that i used is so if other thread have same interface that maybe because they use Swagger UI also. Not because affiliated or something.

    Thank you
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  19. Member
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    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post

    Hi mate,
    I have try to answer all your concern with honesty.
    Since the first time i posted there is no API Key at all, seems you got confused with url that shared in another thread that you mention, that i have answer that i am not affiliated at all

    Thank you
    So this has nothing to do with you?
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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    Originally Posted by A_n_g_e_l_a View Post
    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post

    Hi mate,
    I have try to answer all your concern with honesty.
    Since the first time i posted there is no API Key at all, seems you got confused with url that shared in another thread that you mention, that i have answer that i am not affiliated at all

    Thank you
    So this has nothing to do with you?
    Nope , i don't know and not affiliated at all with them.
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  21. Member
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    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post
    I know already many services like this is exist.

    But i think it's no harm to share
    No one comes here and offers up something supposedly for nothing in their first post. There are some spectacularly clever people in this forum and well, if it quacks like a duck, that's exactly what it is.
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    Originally Posted by billybanana View Post
    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post
    I know already many services like this is exist.

    But i think it's no harm to share
    No one comes here and offers up something supposedly for nothing in their first post. There are some spectacularly clever people in this forum and well, if it quacks like a duck, that's exactly what it is.
    Hi Mate,
    I know and acknowledge there are many people that clever in this forum.
    Again i share just for intention for sharing, if one day other services is maintenance or something people still can use it as last option backup or even doesn't want to use it it's ok, because i just sharing it.

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  23. Member
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    additional for alternative for easy snippet/mirroring
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  24. Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post
    Originally Posted by billybanana View Post
    Originally Posted by ninjajiraiya View Post
    I know already many services like this is exist.

    But i think it's no harm to share
    No one comes here and offers up something supposedly for nothing in their first post. There are some spectacularly clever people in this forum and well, if it quacks like a duck, that's exactly what it is.
    Hi Mate,
    I know and acknowledge there are many people that clever in this forum.
    Again i share just for intention for sharing, if one day other services is maintenance or something people still can use it as last option backup or even doesn't want to use it it's ok, because i just sharing it.

    Hello, thanks for sharing the work.

    It may not work with some providers since in some cases, the token to request the license has to be from the same cdm.
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