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  1. Member
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    i have an old fs 3D disc and need to merge all files so they can be added to Virtualdub
    then a script to turn them into S/s half hight to use on a 3D digital TV set
    how to add the script into virtualdub

    I know these are real old and I was hoping someone might still have the knowledge to perform this task
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  2. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Just do a search on "stereoscopic" and "Avisynth", here in these forums,and you should see a number of threads that have the core skeletons of the kind of conversions you are looking for.

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  3. Member
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    thanks first i need to know how to strip a fs 3D DVD with files to make it one file length
    the program I have puts in more interlace lines
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  4. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by xenon1 View Post
    thanks first i need to know how to strip a fs 3D DVD with files to make it one file length
    the program I have puts in more interlace lines
    Not sure what you mean by "more interlace lines".
    If you are ripping the disc properly, it should be exactly what was on the disc. Many folks use an app that in actuality is ripping + re-encoding. You do NOT want to do that.
    Since FS 3D dvd discs are an older technology, and therefore are likely to be older titles, this is a scenario where it still makes sense to use something like DVD Decrypter, as that can be set to rip a title as only a single file, IIRC. It's been a while now, so you'll have to look up steps, but back in the day, I used to rip & demux to single mpg2 video file, find my intended audio stream and rip & demux to single audio file (usually ac3), and then use a separate app (TMPEGenc, Manzanita, Imago, etc) to mux them together into a single, contiguous, straight MPG file.

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    OK i have made it into one file now I need to convert it to mp4
    the newer converters messes up the FS when they convert
    any suggestions would be appreciated
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  6. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    As mentioned, use avisynth to separate the fields, and apply whatever other transformations you want (side-by-side, top& bottom, squeeze 1 dimension in half, etc). Do that PRIOR to any other processing, and before reencoding.
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  7. Member
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    thank you. then that would bring me to the next question how to write a script to achieve that and how to add the script into avisynth , I simply can't remember the operation of this program. It would be over 30 years ago when I used it last
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  8. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    I'm not going to write the script for you, as there are tons of examples here and elsewhere, and it is much better to write it yourself so you can understand it better.
    The gist of it is like this (not using proper notation here, this is just a functional flow):
    Input video = /file/, using proper input format dll/filter
    Input audio is similar
    Merge audio with video
    Separate fields into even & odd
    Resize each to proper size for their portion of the frame
    Combine even & odd onto single frame in proper layout
    This resultant layout is incorporated within vdub or piped into another app, which will do the (re-) encoding.

    As has been mentioned before, it's a very good idea to build the script using avspmod so you can get a real-time preview, building it line by line and seeing what changes. Note that if it isn't made explicit in variable names, what you are seeing and what it is working on is the LAST (most recent previous) thing done. Also, if you are unsure about what you're doing, you can temporarily drop in a line that shows video info metadata as an onscreen overlay, just don't forget to remove/comment it out by the end.

    Avisynth, once installed, is a latent resident app that goes into action only when called by an app/process that supports Avisynth and recognizes a properly formed script. You never manually run it itself in the foreground. In that way, it is a lot like Python, Basic, or other interpreted programming languages.

    Last edited by Cornucopia; 16th Mar 2024 at 20:01.
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  9. Member
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    realy appreciate that info but its a one only disc to do so a don't really need to know that , all I would need to know
    is how to put a script in to avisynth and run it
    as I said I have this DVD fs disc and silmpy want a side by side half frame version
    I'm not looking to complicate the situation just looking fo someone that can help me
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