Please use the code tags [ CODE ] [ /CODE ] when writing a command so it's not broken. How did you obtained that n_m3u8 command? The decryption keys are wrong. This one works for your video:
Ok, as I was finishing this message I just noticed you used the same decryption key as my first comment. This is plain wrong. The point of a decryption key is to decrypt something (think of it like opening a door). If you could use the same key for all videos from a site, what would be the point of encrypting and using DRM?Code:N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 08d6292d8a4a49a889dae86838c731ec:de94583225e08a16b86b99a888024369 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_High_Jump_Women_Final" -M format=mkv --check-segments-count false
It's true that multiple videos can have the same key (I've seen some weird sites that were using 1 identical key for an entire season), but I haven't yet seen a site where ALL the videos had the same key. It's best if you consider that each encrypted video has a unique key, so you can't use it for other videos.
Try StreamFab Downloader and download from Netflix, Amazon, Youtube! Or Try DVDFab and copy Blu-rays!
+ Reply to Thread
Results 31 to 60 of 74
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
Alright. So every video uses a different key. I will go through the forum and learn how to find out the keys.
For the mpd url i used Stream Detector....and then followed it up with your command. I thought it would be the same for all.
Thanks for your reply. -
Glad I made that random remark. Learn something new everyday. So you're saying all of their veeps videos can be decrypted using
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
I used the command with the new keys you provided and downloaded the video. But after the video finished downloading there was some data error (cyclic redundancy check) message:
[Attachment 80016 - Click to enlarge]
And the output was again the same garbage video. -
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
If you want to do it manually, there's the sticky threads.
If you want some automated process for an individual video, there's @foxrefire's addon, or @angela's noob zip pack.
If you want batch downloading for a lot of urls at the same time (useful when you have 100+ videos), you can use widefrog.
Lots of tools and methods you can pick from when it comes to L3.--[----->+<]>.++++++++++++.---.--------.
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
I downloaded @angela's noob zip pack today.
After I enter the cURL, i get some errors. I was doing it for the same video that I downloaded (the high jump one), whose command you gave me above. That way I could check if I got the same result as you did.
I am not sure if I am missing something or entering the cURL incorrectly.
I determined the cURL of the license server request to be the following for the high jump video:
Code:curl '' -X POST -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd' -H 'Referer:' -H 'content-type: application/octet-stream' -H 'nv-authorizations: eyJraWQiOiIyODAwMTQiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ2ZXIiOiIxLjAiLCJleHAiOjE3MTg3ODAxNDIsImNvbnRlbnRSaWdodHMiOlt7ImR1cmF0aW9uIjo4NjQwMCwic2Vzc2lvbkNvbnRyb2wiOnsiZ3JvdXBzIjpbeyJtYXhTZXNzaW9ucyI6MTAwMDAwMDAwMCwiZ3JvdXBJZCI6IjY1YmJhY2I4NDc0OTg5NjNiZDY0MzA0YiJ9XSwic2Vzc2lvbkNvbnRyb2xFbmFibGVkIjpmYWxzZSwibWF4U2Vzc2lvbnMiOjEwMDAwMDAwMDB9LCJzdG9yYWJsZSI6ZmFsc2UsImNvbnRlbnRJZCI6IjIwMjRfRVZTX0FUSExfNl9EQVNIIiwic3RhcnQiOiIyMDI0LTA2LTE5VDA2OjUwOjQyWiIsImVuZCI6IjIwMjQtMDYtMjBUMDY6NTA6NDJaIn1dLCJqdGkiOiI2OWU4OWJjMS0zODIyLTQ4N2UtYmY0OC1jMTI5YWU1MjE4M2YiLCJkZXZpY2UiOnsid2F0ZXJtYXJraW5nIjpmYWxzZSwiYWNjb3VudElkIjoiNjViYmFjYjg0NzQ5ODk2M2JkNjQzMDRiIn0sInR5cCI6IkNvbnRlbnRBdXRoWiJ9.twdYQmn7p8gCi_VR6up7bDHBrsqdReleIy7_SYbWpeA' -H 'Origin:' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' -H 'Priority: u=4' -H 'TE: trailers' --data-raw $'\x08\x04'
Where can i find @foxrefire's addon - i tried to looking but can't find it.
I just want download individual videos, beginning with the women's high jump, long jump, pole vault, and triple jump - of which i have the first 2.
After that I will think about downloading other videos.
But is there a way to download the entire European Athletics Championships 2024 in one go?Last edited by EV Downloads; 19th Jun 2024 at 05:49.
I'm the wrong guy to ask about errors from other people's tools. Maybe someone else can assist you.
Go to first page of the download video forum and Ctrl+F search his name. It's right there.
From this page I can see the first 2 rails:
2024 European Athletics Championships - Rome
EXCLUSIVE | 2024 European Athletics Championships - Rome
I can see 31 videos in total. Do those groups of videos contain all the videos you want? Or you access your videos from other part of the site.
Known issue because of pyinstaller. Nothing I can do. Just use the pure python version if you're interested.--[----->+<]>.++++++++++++.---.--------.
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
From this page I can see the first 2 rails:
2024 European Athletics Championships - Rome
EXCLUSIVE | 2024 European Athletics Championships - Rome
I can see 31 videos in total. Do those groups of videos contain all the videos you want? Or you access your videos from other part of the site.
Yes. Those are the videos I want. -
Ok. Here are your 31 download commands:
Code:N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_1_Day_6_-_Evening_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_2_Day_5_-_Evening_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_3_Day_5_-_Morning_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_4_Day_4_-_Evening_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_5_Day_4_-_Morning_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_6_Day_3_-_Evening_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_7_Day_3_-_Morning_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_8_Day_2_-_Evening_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_9_Day_2_-_Morning_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_10_Day_1_-_Evening_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key cf63455148fe42cd9840366dde5e0ce6:71732d400bafeed0188b053329e3de43 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_1_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_11_Day_1_-_Morning_Session" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 08d6292d8a4a49a889dae86838c731ec:de94583225e08a16b86b99a888024369 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_1_EXCLUSIVE_-_Pole_Vault_Men_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key ff3d1225229a4531bee3275b2af49753:07a984415b1b6f8d7d915af4df51c2fc --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_2_EXCLUSIVE_-_Track_Evening_Session_Day_6" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 2abdaacb56d249839e7650415c5c1423:d93ebeb8c85b889f14aa1a0725e55812 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_3_EXCLUSIVE_-_Long_Jump_Women_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 51ee1231cb654707924b761f61be410b:df3c4048d2d8cc80230d76bae93ffa58 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_4_EXCLUSIVE_-_Javelin_Throw_Men_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key ff3d1225229a4531bee3275b2af49753:07a984415b1b6f8d7d915af4df51c2fc --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_5_EXCLUSIVE_-_Track_Evening_Session_Day_5" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 51ee1231cb654707924b761f61be410b:df3c4048d2d8cc80230d76bae93ffa58 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_6_EXCLUSIVE_-_Javelin_Throw_Women_FInal" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 08d6292d8a4a49a889dae86838c731ec:de94583225e08a16b86b99a888024369 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_7_EXCLUSIVE_-_High_Jump_Men_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 2abdaacb56d249839e7650415c5c1423:d93ebeb8c85b889f14aa1a0725e55812 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_8_EXCLUSIVE_-_Triple_Jump_Men_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 51ee1231cb654707924b761f61be410b:df3c4048d2d8cc80230d76bae93ffa58 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_9_EXCLUSIVE_-_Javelin_Throw_Decathlon" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 08d6292d8a4a49a889dae86838c731ec:de94583225e08a16b86b99a888024369 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_10_EXCLUSIVE_-_Pole_Vault_Decathlon" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 51ee1231cb654707924b761f61be410b:df3c4048d2d8cc80230d76bae93ffa58 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_11_EXCLUSIVE_-_Javelin_Throw_Men_Qualifcations" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key ff3d1225229a4531bee3275b2af49753:07a984415b1b6f8d7d915af4df51c2fc --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_12_EXCLUSIVE_-_Track_Morning_Session_Day_5" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 51ee1231cb654707924b761f61be410b:df3c4048d2d8cc80230d76bae93ffa58 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_13_EXCLUSIVE_-_Discus_Throw_Decathlon" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 2abdaacb56d249839e7650415c5c1423:d93ebeb8c85b889f14aa1a0725e55812 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_14_EXCLUSIVE_-_Long_Jump_Women_Qualifications" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key ff3d1225229a4531bee3275b2af49753:07a984415b1b6f8d7d915af4df51c2fc --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_15_EXCLUSIVE_-_Track_Evening_Session_Day_4" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 51ee1231cb654707924b761f61be410b:df3c4048d2d8cc80230d76bae93ffa58 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_16_EXCLUSIVE_-_Hammer_Throw_Women_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 08d6292d8a4a49a889dae86838c731ec:de94583225e08a16b86b99a888024369 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_17_EXCLUSIVE_-_Pole_Vault_Women_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 2abdaacb56d249839e7650415c5c1423:d93ebeb8c85b889f14aa1a0725e55812 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_18_EXCLUSIVE_-_High_Jump_Decathlon" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key d7d945adb48f4785a9603d8328d87c18:1c871941908ad47cf08d6efc110ad1e8 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_19_EXCLUSIVE_-_Shot_Put_Decathlon" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key ff3d1225229a4531bee3275b2af49753:07a984415b1b6f8d7d915af4df51c2fc --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com\EBU-Home-Athletics\Rail_2_EXCLUSIVE_2024_European_Athletics_Championships_-_Rome" --save-name "Video_20_EXCLUSIVE_-_Track_Morning_Session_Day_4" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv
Code:python "" --query=1::2: --basic
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
I downloaded your widefrog app.
Trying to run the same command as you did :
Code:python "" --query=1::2: --basic
I get the following error:
python "" --query=1::2: --basic
[INFO] Starting the service initialization stage.
[USER_ERROR]/[APP_ERROR] Failed to download: Reason: Failed to initialize the eurovisionsport_com service. Solution: Check the service credentials in the app_files\config.json file. If you are sure everything is right then debug the service.
[INFO] Current progress: [1/1]
[INFO] Starting the collections extraction stage.
[INFO] Starting the media data extraction stage.
[INFO] Finished generating the download commands.
[WARNING] No download commands have been generated.
I edited the config.json file to add my eurovision account credentials. I am not sure what the issue is. -
I would be grateful if anyone could grab me the command for these videos:
Triple Jump Qualifications :
High Jump Heptathlon :
High Jump Qualifications :
Pole Vault Qualifications :
Long Jump Heptathlon :
Triple Jump Final :
Aquatics :
Women's 10m Platform :
Are you sure these are the right links? I can't find any content
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
The videos are definitely there but for some reason all the URL's point to the first video you open in your browser.
E.g. This opens the trip jump qualifications:
[Attachment 80565 - Click to enlarge]
Once I open this in my browser, all the URL's only show this video.
This URL: -- is supposed to take me to the Women's 10m platform.
Instead it loads the triple jump qualifications video.
All URL's start pointing to the very first video i open when I log in.
[Attachment 80566 - Click to enlarge]
What even is this problem? I face the most unique problems whenever i visit this site.
When i play videos from the list, the correct videos open with the same URL's i provided above. -
The site is trash. You can't share direct video URLs since the site redirects you to the last watched one. Instead try to find URLs that are collections and contain ALL of your wanted videos. Example of collection URLs (notice the format):
Edit: apparently they changed some endpoint recently. If you're sure those are your valid URLs then here are the 12 download commands
Code:N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 2abdaacb56d249839e7650415c5c1423:d93ebeb8c85b889f14aa1a0725e55812 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Triple_Jump_Women_Qualifications" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 08d6292d8a4a49a889dae86838c731ec:de94583225e08a16b86b99a888024369 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_High_Jump_Heptathlon" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_High_Jump_Women_Qualifications" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 08d6292d8a4a49a889dae86838c731ec:de94583225e08a16b86b99a888024369 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Pole_Vault_Women_Qualifications" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 2abdaacb56d249839e7650415c5c1423:d93ebeb8c85b889f14aa1a0725e55812 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Long_Jump_Heptathlon" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 2abdaacb56d249839e7650415c5c1423:d93ebeb8c85b889f14aa1a0725e55812 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Triple_Jump_Women_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 99ab42d4a87e40febd3d0152803ffb0e:96f27ba09ce6e974d6867616bdaaba90 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "Womens_10m_Platform" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 99ab42d4a87e40febd3d0152803ffb0e:96f27ba09ce6e974d6867616bdaaba90 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "Womens_1m_Springboard" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 99ab42d4a87e40febd3d0152803ffb0e:96f27ba09ce6e974d6867616bdaaba90 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "Womens_10m_Platform_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 99ab42d4a87e40febd3d0152803ffb0e:96f27ba09ce6e974d6867616bdaaba90 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "Womens_3m_Springboard_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 99ab42d4a87e40febd3d0152803ffb0e:96f27ba09ce6e974d6867616bdaaba90 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "Womens_3m_Synchro_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 99ab42d4a87e40febd3d0152803ffb0e:96f27ba09ce6e974d6867616bdaaba90 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "Womens_10m_Platform_Synchro_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv
Last edited by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi; 10th Jul 2024 at 04:17.
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
Last edited by Sam2011; 10th Jul 2024 at 07:15.
I would be grateful if someone could grab me the download links for videos:
1. High Jump Qualifications:
2. Triple Jump Qualifications:
3. Triple Jump Final:
4. Pole Vault Qualifications:
5. High Jump Heptathlon:
6. Long Jump Heptathlon:
Just put them all in one single code block. Makes it easier to copy paste all.
Code:N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key ff3d1225229a4531bee3275b2af49753:07a984415b1b6f8d7d915af4df51c2fc --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_High_Jump_Women_Qualifications" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key d7d945adb48f4785a9603d8328d87c18:1c871941908ad47cf08d6efc110ad1e8 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Triple_Jump_Women_Qualifications" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key d7d945adb48f4785a9603d8328d87c18:1c871941908ad47cf08d6efc110ad1e8 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Triple_Jump_Women_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key d7d945adb48f4785a9603d8328d87c18:1c871941908ad47cf08d6efc110ad1e8 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Pole_Vault_Women_Qualifications" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key ff3d1225229a4531bee3275b2af49753:07a984415b1b6f8d7d915af4df51c2fc --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_High_Jump_Heptathlon" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key d7d945adb48f4785a9603d8328d87c18:1c871941908ad47cf08d6efc110ad1e8 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Long_Jump_Heptathlon" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
I usually ignore requests sent through PMs. Just post what you want here. I don't understand why you bother like this though. You could use widefrog which is capable of downloading entire tournaments/competition from that site with just 1 URL. Or use the guesser addon etc. If you're knowledgeable enough to handle N_m3u8DL-RE, you should be capable of handling existing tools.
But if you prefer it like this, then ok.--[----->+<]>.++++++++++++.---.--------.
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
The whole tournament with all videos at once using 1 url? I could try that in the future with other sports but for athletics I would end with a lot of videos I don't want, and I am running out of storage space. I could try that with the World U20 Championships next month after clearing all the old videos. But at the moment I would be happy if you could me these videos.
Thanks for being so helpful.
Long Jump Qualifications
High Jump Final
Long Jump Final
Pole Vault Final
Men Pole Vault Final
N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key d7d945adb48f4785a9603d8328d87c18:1c871941908ad47cf08d6efc110ad1e8 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Long_Jump_Women_Qualifications" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key ff3d1225229a4531bee3275b2af49753:07a984415b1b6f8d7d915af4df51c2fc --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_High_Jump_Women_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key d7d945adb48f4785a9603d8328d87c18:1c871941908ad47cf08d6efc110ad1e8 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Long_Jump_Women_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key ff3d1225229a4531bee3275b2af49753:07a984415b1b6f8d7d915af4df51c2fc --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Pole_Vault_Women_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key 08d6292d8a4a49a889dae86838c731ec:de94583225e08a16b86b99a888024369 --save-dir "media\eurovisionsport_com" --save-name "EXCLUSIVE_-_Pole_Vault_Men_Final" --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
Can widefrog let me download videos from here :
I want to download videos of the Paris Olympics. -
Everything is explained in the downloader post, including what sites are supported. Unfortunately 9now is not one of the 30 sites that are supported but I think ozivine can download from 9now.[Release]-Ozivine-Australian-FTA-Downloader#post2741885--[----->+<]>.++++++++++++.---.--------.
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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